人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:e01d5).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:e01d5).docx_第1页
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人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:e01d5).docx_第2页
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人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:e01d5).docx_第3页
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人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:e01d5).docx_第4页
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1、 教学设计教学设计 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island? SectionA3a-3c Reading 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课例选自人教版新目标英语八下的 Unit8 Section A 3a,围绕“鲁宾逊 漂流记”展开。 本单元的功能项目是理解、信息查找、释义和建议。在阅读活动中,学生要 根据关键词进行文章大意的理解;精读活动中,通过信息查找,学生除了理解故 事情节的顺序,还要根据图片和英文替换词对文章中的重点词进行释义;读后的 拓展活动中,学生思考应该怎样在保护自我的基础上帮助在路上摔倒的行人。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 八年级的学生, 通过七年

2、级一年和八年级上学期的学习形成了一定的学习策 略,如预测阅读内容,根据上下文猜测生词,找到细节信息并加以处理排序。但 还需要在不同的知识内容、不同的情境中提升运用学习策略的水平。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、 Language objectives 1. Learn some new words and expressions 2. Students can get reading information by reading the passage.Then they can understand the whole passage. 3. Learn and practice prese

3、nt perfect tense. 2、Ability objectives 1. Develop students reading skills. 2. Students can retell the passage after learning the passage. 3、 Affective objectives 1. Learn more about the famous novel Robinson Crusoe. 2. Learn the spirit of Robinson. 3. Learn some ways to overcome the difficulties. 4.

4、 Learn how to give a book report. 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1. Develop students reading skills. 2. Students can understand the whole passage and retell the story 五、五、 教学方法教学方法 教法:根据文章内容,设计相应的阅读任务来开展阅读活动。同时在最后进 行语言输出,把通过阅读输入的语言材料以说和写的方式来输出。实现本课的语 言知识技能目标。同时在课堂活动中注重对学生的学习策略指导,以培养强化他 们的自主学习能力。 学法:通过自主学习、合作探究、以读为本

5、来达到学生自主提出学习目标, 自主尝试运用学过的方法解决问题的目的,把时间和空间还给学生、还给课堂。 六、教学准备六、教学准备 1、课件。 2、相关资料(文字、图片、视频、音频) 教学时间:一课时 七:教学过程七:教学过程(Teaching procedure) Step 1 Greetings each group should choose a book to introduce. I will give Ss a writing frame, and let them write a book report by answering the questions: What other b

6、ooks have you read? Which book do you like best? Why do you like it? What can you learn from it? I have read these years. Of all the books, I likebest. It was written by. (In this book,/ This book is about) This book makes me feel/ From this book, Ive learnt that 【This step is to cultivate Sscompreh

7、ensive ability of using present perfect tense and improve their ability of working with others.】 Step 6. Summary This step, Ill show Ss two sentences: Books can open our minds. A good book is a light to the soul. 【This step is to encourage Ss to read more good books which is the emotion aim of this lesson.】 八、八、板书设计板书设计 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? SectionA3a-3c toolhave found gunhave brought back knifehave cut down islandhave built shipgo out markkill for cannibalrun towards


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