人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:e0375).docx

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1、1 Share What Weve Read and Meet What We Want to Read 【单元主题的生成】【单元主题的生成】 课标分析 英语学科核心素养是学生在接受相应学段英语课程教 育的过程中,逐步形成和提升的适应个人终身发展和社会 发展需要的必备品格和关键能力,综合表现为四大素养, 由语言能力、文化品格、思维品质和学习能力组成。其中, 文化品格是指对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同,是 学生在全球化背景下表现出的文化意识、人文修养和行为 取向。文化品格体现英语学科核心素养的价值取向。文化 品格的培养有助于学生树立世界眼光,增强国家认同感和家国情怀,学会做人做事,成长为有文

2、化 修养和社会责任感的人。本单元教材中主要涉及到几部经典英美文学作品,但在本单元主题教学设 计中,将此话题拓宽为学生自己喜欢的任一小说,向同学们推荐,经典的、流行的、国外的、传统 的缤纷呈现,通过对小说主题的挖掘,在一定程度上加深了对中外文化的理解和对中国优秀文化的 认同。 学情分析 小说阅读 从初一到初二下,学生有了一定小说类文本阅读量的积累,初一上进行了校本自编教材 Fiction Reading 的推进,从加州教材 Treasures 中收录了若干童话、神话、传说等短篇阅读篇章,初一下和 初二上,利用寒暑假的时间阅读了英文原版小说 Charlie and the Chocolate Fa

3、ctory 和 The BFG。语 文学科也有一些必读书目,从而学生有一些共同的小说阅读经历,比如鲁滨逊漂流记汤姆. 索亚海底两万里三体小王子骆驼祥子水浒狼图腾,也有一些个性化的 阅读,比如 Harry Potter,My Sisters Keeper,Lord of the Flies,The Great Blue Yonder,Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice 小说分析 关于分析小说,学生也积累了一些经验,每学期开学伊始的两周会集中分析假期读过的小说, 小说的分析主要从四个角度展开,人物分析、情节分析、主题分析、语言分析。 1)人物分析,主要通过分析看得到的人物

4、外貌、语言、动作,挖掘看不见的人物心情、人物思想、 人物品质、人物变化和人物关系; 2)情节分析,主要抓住小说的几个要素,主要人物在特定环境下发生的事,但是因为小说相对于 短篇故事来说人物和情节更为复杂, 所以我们可以将小说的情节发展分为几个阶段, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution,然后按照小说发展的阶段逐一分析此阶段的时间、 地点、人物和主要事件,最后小说的情节脉络就比较清晰了; 2 3)主题分析,通过一些可视化的思维路径挖掘小说主题,比如 Cause & Effect Chain,不断挖掘结 果背后的

5、原因,层层接近小说的核心主题。还可以设计一些基本问题,通过对基本问题的探讨, 不断挖掘小说主题。同时,用 “Find the perfect quote to float your boat.”或者 “What do you read that makes you say that?”去追问学生,从而进行有理有据的表达; 4)语言分析,对于初中阶段的学生,metaphors 和 similes 对于他们理解小说,或者在日常写作中 进行形象表达都有非常大的帮助,这些修辞之前进行过专题学习。 有了以上的积淀,本单元聚焦小说的交流也就水到渠成,而交流的目的是为了分享,分享是为 了遇见下一本自己想读的

6、好书。所以本单元的主题定为:Share What Weve Read & Meet What We Want to Read. 教材分析 本单元是人教版教材八年级下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 本单元话题是文学, 文学可以分为诗歌、散文和小说等,本单元主要聚焦小说,教材中主要呈现了爱丽丝梦游仙境 小妇人鲁滨逊漂流记金银岛汤姆索亚历险记雾都孤儿等六本经典小说的场景 片段,其目的不仅仅在于让学生了解这些文学作品的名称、内容及相关的语言知识,同时还希望通 过与文学作品相关的听说读写活动,激发学生对英语语言文化的兴趣,学会如何与人探讨和交流文

7、学作品,发表自己的观点和看法,从而提高学生的文学素养和人文素养。 向别人推荐一本小说,自然要介绍书的主要内容,关于这一点,教材中有若干范例,比如 The Little Women is about four sisters growing up. Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United States. Treasure Island is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. 通过观察这几个示例,学生可以在一定程度上总结出归纳概括小

8、说主要内容的方法,但由于 过于简短,满足不了不同水平学生的需求,所以在这方面做了一定的拓展: Tom Sawyer is about a young orphan boy living on the banks of the Mississippi River. Robinson Crusoe is about a man who is shipwrecked on a desert island, lives off the land for 35 years. Oliver Twist is about an orphan who runs away from the workhouse,

9、 is taken in by a group of thieves and is finally adopted by a gentleman. Alice in Wonderland is about a young girl who falls through a rabbit hole and gets transported to another land where she meets characters like the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter. 除了介绍小说的主要内容之外, 向别人推荐时, 更主要的是加上自己的评论, 但是如何写书评, 相比较

10、归纳概括小说主要内容,对学生来说是一个更大的挑战。Goodreads 这个应用,其创建的主 要目的就是为了满足读书爱好者总在寻找下一本好书的需求, 其宗旨是 Meet your next favorite book. 上面有大量的书评,而且评论来自大众读者,评论的质量介于专业书评和寥寥几句泛泛评论之间, 正好符合初中生的阅读水平。 3 小王子是当下语文学科共同阅读的一本小说,所以关于书评,锁定 The Little Prince,从海 量评论中,梳理出书评的几个角度,比如 Feelings while reading,Ideas the writer wants to convey, Infl

11、uence the book has made on me,并且整理出结构相对良好的阅读材料,供学生阅读发现书评的角 度和可迁移的语言(详见课时教学设计) : Apr 08, 2009 K.D. Absolutely I taste different feeling while reading this book. . May 23, 2016 Ritu R This is a book of just about 80 pages, but the idea in it is far, far greater. Dec 30, 2016 the Cat Lady The Little Pr

12、ince is life changing for me. 【单元目标的确定】【单元目标的确定】 结合以上分析,制定了如下的教学目标: 1. 能够概括小说主要内容,并从不同角度对文学作品进行简单的评论。 2. 能够运用本单元与话题相关的语言结构结合自己的观点进行读书推荐。 3. 初步了解英美经典文学作品,能够对中国优秀的文学作品进行推介。 【单元活动的设计】【单元活动的设计】 目标活动 学习活动设计学习活动设计 4 【评估】【评估】 评估项目评估项目评估标准评估标准达成情况达成情况 活动活动 3: 4. 读书交流会: 好书推荐和精彩片段分享。 活动活动 2: 2.Robinson Crusoe

13、 精彩片段阅读。 3.以 Goodreads App 上真实的个人读 书评论为材料,发现进行好书推荐 的角度和相关语言支撑。 活动活动 1: 1.围绕六部经典的英美文学作品,简 单谈论是否读过,作品是关于什么 的和怎么样。 目标目标 3: 1.学生能够结构清晰, 有理有据, 生动形象 地推荐自己所喜欢的一本小说并分享精 彩片段。 目标目标 2: 1.学生能够从语言、人物和主题等角度进 行文本分析。 2.学生能够从感受、主题和与自身建立联 系等角度进一步推荐自己喜欢的小说。 目标目标 1: 1.学生能够用现在完成时, be about, I think its简单进行读书交流。 5 Writin

14、g Do I introduce the novel from following aspects: book title, characters, events, setting?4321 Do I show my strong feeling while reading the novel? Do I show the ideas the writer wants to express? Speech Do I pronounce correctly? Do I speak loudly? Do I express fluently? Do I use the key words and

15、images in my poster (book review)? Do I attract the readers attention? Language Do I use the correct tenses, present perfect tense, future tense, past tense and present tense? Structure Do I organize my article logically? Do I have beginning, body and ending parts? Voice Do I strongly express the lo

16、ve for my great book? Convention Do I use the correct capitalization and punctuation? Do I spell all my words correctly? Part 2 Reading & Speaking:Recommend a great novel 目标: 1. 学生通过阅读相关的小说梗概,能够梳理出如何用凝练的语言概述小说主要内容。 2. 学生通过阅读国外网站真实的有关 The little prince 的个人评论, 发现好书推荐的角度和相关语言。 3. 学生能够对自己所喜欢的小说进行初步的口头推荐

17、。 6 Step 1 Lead in 导入话题 点破单元主题 明确单元任务 Our school is having a reading festival. There are many book lovers in our class. Who are they? What are book lovers always doing? They are always reading books. There is another thing. They are always looking for the next great book. That is why this app was bu

18、ilt. There are millions of book recommendations on it. In this class, we will polish our book recommendations. Share what weve read and meet what we want to read. Step 2 Presentation 7 I have looked through all of your book recommendations and chosen this one at first sight. I can feel her true love

19、 for the book. Marilyn will give us a model to show where we are going in this class. Of course, you can go beyond it. Step 3 How to give a book description How to give a book description? Big strong said it was impossible to summarize a novel of one hundred thousand words with only three to five se

20、ntences. After this class maybe we will make it. Read the following book descriptions. Match them with the book title. Circle the clues. 8 Discuss what should be included in a book description and what makes it more and more complicated. Play a game named: Guess the Book Title. One gives a book desc

21、ription. The other group members guess the book title. Give a model first: The story is set in the Song Dynasty. It is the adventure of a band of 108 heroes (105 men and 3 women). They gather at Mount Liang, form an army and fight against the government in the name of the Emperor. Ask the question:

22、What do you read that makes you say its Shuihu? Circle the characters, time, place, cause and process in it. Show the different English versions of the book title. Tom Sawyer Its about a man who is shipwrecked on a desert island, lives off the land for 35 years. Robin Crusoe It is about a young orph

23、an boy living on the banks of the Mississippi River. Oliver Twist It is about a young girl who falls through a rabbit hole and gets transported to another land where she meets characters like the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter. Alice in Wonderland It is about an orphan who runs away from the workhouse

24、, is taken in by a group of thieves and is finally adopted by a gentleman. Cause Process Effect 9 Polish their own book description according to the following rules. And play the game in the group. Main characters, main events, less details Present tense (do/does) 3-5 sentences Step 4 How to give a

25、book review. You have finished reading The Little Prince. What do you think of The Little Prince? (Ask an average student. Expect the answer like this “Its very interesting and exciting.”) Read the three pieces of comments from the app “Goodreads”. Answer the following question: Do you think the Lit

26、tle Prince is a great book according to the following comments? Circle the clues. Walk around the classroom. Find out who has circled the key words in the topic sentence. Ask him or her and write down the aspects on the blackboard: Feelings Ideas Changes Read for the second time and underline the fe

27、elings, ideas, changes in the comments. Share them with group members. Analyze the feeling, ideas and changes in the comments and write down some sentence patterns on the blackboard. 10 Step 4 Presentation Share the book recommendation in the group and choose one to recommend in the whole class. Col

28、lect students recommendations before the class. Show them and ask students to choose which one they want to hear the most. The first one gives his or her book recommendations including book description and comment. The second one needs to give a feedback whether she or he wants to read it and why or

29、 why not. Apr 08, 2009 K.D. Absolutely I taste different feeling while reading this book. I was sad for the little prince and his proud rose, and worried whether the goat would eat it. I was sorry when the fox and prince had to separate. And I broke down and cried at the end. I havent read anything

30、like this before. May 23, 2016 Ritu R This is a book of just about 80 pages, but the idea in it is far, far greater. The Little Prince character is just great. He questions everything he sees or hears. This book is also a perfect message for grown-ups who spend too much of their lives focusing on th

31、e wrong things. It lets us, who have read it, understand that life is more than just that. One should love living his life. And one should care for others. Dec 30, 2016 the Cat Lady The Little Prince is life changing for me. It also reminds me of being myself. Everything really changes as I go into a world of debate between me and myself. It reminds me to stop, look up into the sky to see the stars and I can see myself more clearly and make sure that the Little Me still remains. Q: Do you think the Little Prince is a great book according to the following comments? 11


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