人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:90326).docx

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1、1 一、一、 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 人教版八年级下册第三单元是以“chores”为主题,核心语言项 目是”Make polite requests”以及”Ask for permissions”.学生学习谈论 平时在家做些什么样的家务、对做家务的看法和喜好,以及如何请求 许可去做某事。 本课时是 Unit 3 Section B 中的第一课时,为听说课,通过设计 小女孩 Sandy 举办聚会的情境,引出在准备聚会时孩子向父母提出 请求允许及父母向孩子提出相关要求的对话,接着完成 1c 和 1d 的 听力任务,并跟读模仿。之后引导学生想象聚会后孩子和她的父母会 做什么及卫生打扫完成后该女

2、孩又将做什么去编造对话, 再次实现目 标语言的训练。最后引导学生讨论 Sandy 的聚会会是怎样的,于是 导入了成功来自于哪些因素的情感提升教育。 二、学情分析:二、学情分析: 学生在八年级上册已经学习了用“You could ”委婉地提建议, 能简单表达自己的请求和意愿。本单元 SectionA 通过学习如何礼貌 地提出请求,进一步使用情态动词 could。本课时是在本单元前面课 时的基础上, 通过谈论父母和孩子的日常活动自然地引出一些新的短 语,并进一步强化目标语言的训练。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1. 学生能够回忆和使用 preparation 和 communication 等词

3、汇, 并掌 握 snack, cooperation, confidence, persistence 等; 2. 学生能根据不同情境运用目标语言进行对话训练; 2 3. 学生能根据本课聚会的话题学习一些良好的品质,如合作、坚持 等等。 四、教学重点:四、教学重点: 1. 重点词汇: snack, preparation, communication, cooperation 2. 重点句型: (1)用 could 来表达礼貌的请求并作出回答,如: Could you please + do sth? (2)用 could 委婉地请求许可并作出回答,如:Could I + do sth? (3

4、)委婉地拒绝别人并适当地给出理由, 如:Im sorry, but 五、教学难点:五、教学难点: 1. 使用情态动词来表达请求与请求许可之间的区别; 2. 关于家务劳动与学生日常活动的一些短语。 六、教学步骤:六、教学步骤: Step 1. Revision: T: Yesterday we talked about Requests and Permissions. When we talk about requests, what can we ask? And how about permissions? Ss: Could you please ? and Could I ? T: H

5、ere are six sentences. What are requests and what are permissions? Have them prepare for half a minute. S1: No.1: Could you please do your homework? No.3: Could you take out the rubbish first? 3 No.6: Could you come back before nine? S2: No.2: Could I watch TV? No.4: Could I use your computer? No.5:

6、 Could I leave now? 设计说明设计说明: 通过复习 Could you please ?和 Could I ?的句型,帮助学生 区分提出请求和请求允许,并为接下来的学习做好准备。 Step 2. Presentation: Part 1: T: Today well meet a new friend, Sandy. Look and answer: What is Sandy going to do on Saturday? S1: She is going to have a tea party at home on Saturday. T: What may Sandy

7、 do before the party? Some individuals give their opinions like “She may buy some drinks and snacks.” T: So all in all, Sandy is going to prepare for the party. Then what kind of things may Sandy do? Seven students answer this question one by one by using some verb-phrases according to the verbs in

8、the circles. After this, show the verb-phrases and have Ss read together first. T: Now make requests and permissions by using these phrases and the patterns “Sandy, could you please?” and “Mom, could I ?” 4 Have Ss prepare for one minute, and then eight students speak out the proper sentences indivi

9、dually. Part 2: Show the pictures of Sandy and her mother, and also four verb-phrases. T: What is Sandy doing according to the picture? Ss: She is asking her mother for permissions. T: Now make conversations between Sandy and her mother. Two minutes, please! Several pairs act out their conversations

10、 in class. 设计说明设计说明: 通过谈论聚会前的准备工作和 Sandy 向妈妈提出请求允许的话题, 自然地一些新的短语,并强化训练了目标语言,更为重要的是为学生 设置了一个聚会的真实情境。另外,让学生猜测聚会前的准备这一设 计培养了学生的发散性思维。 Step 3. Listening: T: Here a conversation for you. Please listen and check the things in 1a that you hear. (A tip: Pay more attention to the verb-phrases here while list

11、ening.) Ask one student to tell his answers in class and check them. T: Listen again and fill in the chart in 1d. T: Have a look first. What is the chart about? 5 Ss: Its about what they are going to do? T: Here “they” refers to _? Ss: Sandys mom, Sandy, Sandy and Dave. Ss listen to the conversation

12、 twice and write down their answers. (A tip: Write down some keys words or even some ley letters first.) Ask one student to give a report by using: Sandys mom is going to At last, ask the whole class to imitate after the tape. 设计说明设计说明: 通过听的任务设计及两个听力策略的运用, 学生进一步锻炼和提高了 听力能力,并同时使话题内容更为完整。 Step 4. Post

13、-listening: T: Just now we talked about the preparations for the party. Now lets imagine what Sandy and her mom will do after the party? And why? S1: They will clean the living room because it will be in a mess. S2: Sandy will take out the rubbish and do the dishes. T: Then what will Sandy and her m

14、om talk about? Make a conversation with one student as an example, and ask the class to prepare for a conversation for one one minute. Ask several pairs to act out in class. T: After they make the rooms tidy, Sandy may want to go out to drink something. Make a conversation between Sandy and her mom.

15、 Another one minute, please! 6 Encourage more pairs of students to act out their conversations. 设计说明:设计说明: 该步骤设计主要有两个目的:一是培养学生的发散思维,让他们想象 Sandy 聚会后会做什么;二是对学生进行良好习惯和品质的培养。 Step 5. Discussion: T: Today we talk about Sandys party, the preparations before the party and some activities after the party. T

16、hen what do you think Sandys party will be? And why? Ss discuss in groups of four for three minutes. Ask some students share their opinions in class. T: I agree with you. Sandys party will be fun, interesting, enjoyable and successful. So in a word, the party will be a great success. And why do we t

17、hink so? Ss: Because they have a good preparation before the party and they also have a good communication. T: Yes, and they have a good cooperation. Cooperation means working together. Read after me, please. T: So what can we learn today? Help Ss to answer: Success comes from _. At the same time, s

18、how the mind map on the Bb. 设计说明:设计说明: 首先,小组活动激发了学生的思维及培养了学生之间的合作精神,其 7 次, 这样的活动在培养学生发散思维的同时也对学生进行了思想道德 的教育。 Step 6. Homework: Write down two of the following conversations. Mom: Sandy, Could you please _? Sandy: Sure, Mom. But Could I _ first? Mom:_. . Sandy: Mom, Could I go out with Dave? Mom: Sure. But you must _. Sandy: Of course. Could I _? . 设计说明:设计说明: 课外作业是课堂学习的深化、补充和延伸。让学生把对话从课堂上的 说落实到课后的写,有助于学生更好地落实本堂课所学知识。 板书设计:板书设计: Success communication hard work preparation 8


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