人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:40012).zip

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教学设计教学设计 课文标题3a3c Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man(公交车司机和乘客救 了一位老人) 单元名称Whats the matter? 教材版本Go for it. 授课年级八下 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本课是一篇报纸新闻体裁的阅读课。阅读内容是公交司机和乘客见义勇为送因心脏病突 发而倒地的老人去医院及时救治的故事,从而对学生进行情感教育:当人们需要帮助时, 我们应该毫不犹豫的伸出援助之手。同时通过本文的阅读,学生能知道报纸新闻的特点。 学生能运用本节所学的阅读技巧来阅读其它的报纸新闻。 教学目标教学目标: At the end of this class, students will be able to: 1.Know the following new words and phrases: passengers, get off, hit, right away, thanks to , to ones surprise, get into trouble; 2.Understand the content of the passage and complete the tasks; 3.Know how to read a newspaper passage; 4.Realize the necessity of helping the people in trouble. 5.The students can read other newspaper passages with the reading skills learned in this class. 教学重点教学重点1.the understanding of the passage. 2.how to read a newspaper passage; 教学用具教学用具Multimedia , blackboard 教学过程:教学过程: 环节活动设计意图 Step 1 Before Reading 1.Greetings 2.Ask the teacher some questions with the given answer; 读前的活动是为了激发学生的阅读 兴趣,老师要学生提问既拉近了和 学生的距离,又能巧妙的导出几个 特殊疑问词. Step 2 While- reading 1.Predict the passage by looking at the picture and asking questions. 2.Fast reading to get the answer : Is it from a book or a newspaper ? How do you know? 3.Match the main idea of each paragraph; 4.Read for details. Para.1( general information): read and finish the chart;( 5ws + 1 how); Para. 2. ( details ) : read and answer: Why was the man lying on the side of the road? 阅读主体部分由快速阅读和细节阅 读组成。 快速阅读获取文章来源和各段大意, 使学生从整体上把握课文,并发现 报纸新闻的特点; 细读第 1 段完成信息表格,总结新 闻体裁的文章 6 要素在文本中的体 现;细读第 2 段分析人们是怎样救 老人的 小组合作学习解决难词,难句。并 通过几个挑战来验收孩子自主学习 情况; 小组分工采访公交车司机,升华情 How did they save the old man ? Para. 3 ( comments) : What do people think of the bus driver? Whats your opinion ? 5.Listen and repeat ; 6.Work in groups to solve the difficult words, phrases and sentences . 7.Finish the challenges given by the teacher. 8. Work in pairs to interview the bus driver. 感。既可以是基于文本的提问,又 可以是学生的随机生成; Step 3. After - reading Group work Report a piece of news. 利用今天所学新闻体裁来写并播报 新闻,既检测学习效果又能提高学 生的兴趣。 Step 4. Homework 1.Tell parents the news you have learned today; 2.Read English newspapers like China Daily. 运用阅读所学得到更多的信息。 Unit1 Section A 3a-3c Reading * Love can be passed. Step 1 聊新闻聊新闻 travel GG middle school 宋仲基宋仲基 June,15th Because I love children. what where who when why Question time Know more about Miss Zhang Step 2 读读新闻新闻 title Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man Is it from a newspaper or a book? Why ? Activity 1 .Read the title and the passage, and answer: At 9:00 a.m yesterday, 1.1.报纸新闻标题一般采用报纸新闻标题一般采用一般现在时一般现在时; ; 2.2.报纸新闻一般是报纸新闻一般是最新的消息最新的消息。 Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Activity 2: Skimming(略读略读) Match the main idea of each paragraph. B . the general information. (基本信息基本信息) A . the comments. (评论评论) C . the details. (细节细节) wh en wh ere wh o wh at Activity 3 Careful reading(细细读读) Read Para. 1 and fill in the chart. at 9:00 a.m. yesterday on Zhonghua Road the bus driver , the woman , the old man A man was lying on the side of the road. Read Para. 2 and fill in the chart: w hy The old man _. h ow First, the bus driver _ without thinking twice; Then, he _ and _ what happened; Next, he _he must take the man to the hospital; Finally, the passengers and the bus driver _ onto the bus. had heart problems stopped the bus got offasked told the passengers moved the man Read Para.3 and answer the questions. What do people think of the bus driver ? passengers He didnt think about himself . He only thought about saving a life. Activity 4 Read after the tape and solve problems in groups ( 小组合小组合作解作解决决难词难词,难难句句) ( 2 points ) 1) 看见看见某人正某人正在在做某事做某事 2) 思思考考,考虑考虑 see sb. doing sth. think about Translation:( 3 points ) 令他惊奇令他惊奇的的是,乘客们都同意和他是,乘客们都同意和他一起一起去。去。 To his surprise, the passengers all agreed to go with him. Fill in the blanks: ( 3 points) He _ most or all of the passengers _ and wait for the next bus. 他他期待期待大部分大部分的的或所或所有的有的乘客乘客下车下车等下等下一一 趟车。趟车。 expected to get off 用用文中学文中学过的词过的词或短语替代句中或短语替代句中红红 色字色字体体的的内容。内容。( 4 points) the bus driver, the woman and the old man was saved With the help ofThanks to the people who took the bus, in time. passengers, Activity 5 Interview the bus driver. ( 3 points) Mr. Wang will come to our school to give a speech(演讲演讲). Practice in pairs ,Imagine(设想设想) one is Mr. Wang, and the other is a reporter, please interview him! You are a reporter Read, think & report 阅读思考采访 Interview now! 1. What was the matter with the old man? 2. When and Where did it happen? 3.Who saved the man with you? 4. How did you feel when you saved the man? (.you can add more questions) Step 3 播新闻播新闻 Be a volunteer today! Show time.(小组讨论新闻小组讨论新闻,并播报新闻并播报新闻).(4 points) comments 5ws details When: On March, 7th, 2017 Where: the old peoples home What: visited the old people Who: the students of Class 8 Why: old people are lonely sang/ danced/told stories / talked with them/ helped to clean the room/ made them happy We should care for them,were all going to be old one day Care For the Old People Show your live report! (展示你们组的现场报道吧!) This class we have learnedsummary 1.新闻新闻体体裁裁的结的结构构:由基本信息,细节和评由基本信息,细节和评 论三段构论三段构成成。 2.利利用用所学新闻所学新闻体体裁裁来来播报新闻。播报新闻。 Helping others is virtue. 帮助帮助他他人人是是一一种美德。种美德。 A loving heart is like a circle, it has no beginning and no ending, but it will be always around us. Homework 1.Tell your friends all the news you have learned today 2. Read some English newspapers. Thanks for listening 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本课是一篇报纸新闻体裁的阅读课。阅读内容是公交司机和乘客见义勇为送因心脏病突 发而倒地的老人去医院及时救治的故事,从而对学生进行情感教育:当人们需要帮助时, 我们应该毫不犹豫的伸出援助之手。同时通过本文的阅读,学生能知道报纸新闻的特点。 学生能运用本节所学的阅读技巧来阅读其它的报纸新闻。 教学目标教学目标: At the end of this class, students will be able to: 1.Know the following new words and phrases: passengers, get off, hit, right away, thanks to , to ones surprise, get into trouble; 2.Understand the content of the passage and complete the tasks; 3.Know how to read a newspaper passage; 4.Realize the necessity of helping the people in trouble. 5.The students can read other newspaper passages with the reading skills learned in this class. 教学重点教学重点1.the understanding of the passage. 2.how to read a newspaper passage; 教学用具教学用具Multimedia , blackboard 教学过程:教学过程: 环节活动设计意图 Step 1 Before Reading 1.Greetings 2.Ask the teacher some questions with the given answer; 读前的活动是为了激发学生的阅读 兴趣,老师要学生提问既拉近了和 学生的距离,又能巧妙的导出几个 特殊疑问词. Step 2 While- reading 1.Predict the passage by looking at the picture and asking questions. 2.Fast reading to get the answer : Is it from a book or a newspaper ? How do you know? 3.Match the main idea of each paragraph; 4.Read for details. Para.1( general information): read and finish the chart;( 5ws + 1 how); Para. 2. ( details ) : read and answer: Why was the man lying on the side of the road? How did they save the old man ? Para. 3 ( comments) : What do people think of the bus driver? Whats your opinion ? 5.Listen and repeat ; 6.Work in groups to solve the 阅读主体部分由快速阅读和细节阅 读组成。 快速阅读获取文章来源和各段大意, 使学生从整体上把握课文,并发现 报纸新闻的特点; 细读第 1 段完成信息表格,总结新 闻体裁的文章 6 要素在文本中的体 现;细读第 2 段分析人们是怎样救 老人的 小组合作学习解决难词,难句。并 通过几个挑战来验收孩子自主学习 情况; 小组分工采访公交车司机,升华情 感。既可以是基于文本的提问,又 可以是学生的随机生成; difficult words, phrases and sentences . 7.Finish the challenges given by the teacher. 8. Work in pairs to interview the bus driver. Step 3. After - reading Group work Report a piece of news. 利用今天所学新闻体裁来写并播报 新闻,既检测学习效果又能提高学 生的兴趣。 Step 4. Homework 1.Tell parents the news you have learned today; 2.Read English newspapers like China Daily. 运用阅读所学得到更多的信息。
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