人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:70033).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 1 Whats the matter _Section B 1a—1d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:70033)
    • Unit 1 Section B 1a--1d 教学课件.ppt--点击预览
    • Unit 1 Section B 1a--1d作业课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案70033.doc--点击预览
    • 询问对方怎么了,并提出建议。.mp4


SectionSection B B (1a(1a- -1d)1d) UnitUnit 1 1 WhatsWhats thethe matter?matter? 岢岚三中岢岚三中吕彦卿吕彦卿 Askandanswer Review A:Youdontlookwell./AreyouOK? Whatsthematterwithyou?/Whatswrong withyou? B:Ihaveastomachache/toothache/coughand sorethroat. Talkabouthealthproblems Giveadvice YoushouldseeadentistandgetanX-ray. Youshouldliedownandrest. Youshoulddrinksomehotteawithhoney. Newlesson Lead-in Todaywellcontinuelearning howtodealwiththeproblems. Didtheseaccidentshappentoyou? Whentheyhappen,whatshouldyoudo? NewlessonLearninggoals 1.knowledgeobjectives: (1)expressions:bandagesickkneenosebleed feelsickfalldownputabandage onitcutoneskneeputsomemedcineonitget hitontheheadhurtonesback (2)structure:Whatsthematter?WhatshouldIdo ? (3)grammar:Modalverbverbshould/shouldntfor suggestions. 2.abilityobjectives: (1)learnhowtogiveabvice (2)theabilityoflisteningandspeaking bandage n. 绷带绷带 v. 用绷带包扎用绷带包扎 PresentationLearnsomenewwords putabandageonit在它上面绑上绷带在它上面绑上绷带 Hermotherisverysick.(做表语)(做表语) 她母亲病得很厉害。她母亲病得很厉害。 sickadj. 生病的;有病的生病的;有病的 Shehastolookafterhersickmother.(做 定语) 她必须照顾她生病的妈妈。她必须照顾她生病的妈妈。 kneen. 膝盖膝盖 nosebleedn. 鼻出血鼻出血 cuthisknee划伤他的膝盖划伤他的膝盖 haveanosebleed流鼻血流鼻血 Whentheseaccidentshappen,whatshould youdo?Puttheactionsinorder. _Gotothehospital. _GetanX-ray. _Restforafewdays. _Putabandageonit. _Runitunderwater. _Putsomemedicineonit. _Cleanyourface. _Putyourheadback. _PutonacleanT-shirt. 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 1aPairwork Whatshouldhedo? First,theboyshould_. Next,_. Then,_. _Gotothehospital. _GetanX-ray. _Restforafewdays. 1 2 3 gotothehospital heshouldgetanX-ray heshouldrestforafewdays PresentationSpeaking _Cleanyourface. _Putyourheadback. _PutonacleanT-shirt. 2 1 3 _Putabandageonit. _Runitunderwater. _Putsomemedicineonit. 3 1 2 First,. Next,. Then,. Whatshouldtheydo? PresentationPairwork Jennyworksatschool.Nowsheistalkingwitha teacheraboutherbusyday.Nowletslistentowhat theyaretalking. Whocametoyour officetoday? First,aboycamin.Hehurt himselfinP.E.class. Whathappened? Hehadanosebleed. ListeningLead-in Listentotheschoolnurse.Check()the problemsyouhear. ProblemsTreat- ments ProblemsTreat- ments Someone feltsick. b,c Someonehada nosebleed. Someone cuthis knee. Someonehurt hisback. Someone hadafever. Someonegot hitonthe head. 1b Listentotherecordthefirsttime Listenagain.Writetheletterofeach treatmentnexttotheproblemsyoucheckin thechartabove. a.putabandageonit b.tookhistempetature c.toldhimtorest d.putsomemedicineonit e.tookhimtothehospitaltogetanX-ray f.toldhertoputherheadback 1c Listentotherecordthesecondtime ProblemsTreat ments ProblemsTreat ments Someone feltsick. b,c Someonehada nosebleed. Someone cuthis knee. Someonehurt hisback. Someone hadafever. Someonegot hitonthe head. d, a f e 1c Checkyouranswers ListeningListentotheaecordthethirdtime 1.WhatdoesJennydo?() A.AteacherB.AnurseC.Abankclerk 2.Howwastheweathertoday?() A.VeryhotB.VerycoldC.Rainy 3.Whatwaswrongwiththegirl?() A.Shecutherknee.B.Shehurtherhead. C.Shehadanosebleed. 4.Whatdidtheboyhithisheadwith?() A.AbasketballB.AvolleyballC.Abaseball bat 5.Wherewastheboytakenthen?() A.ThehospitalB.HishomeC.Theteachers office B A C C A Readtheconversationbetweenthe nurseandtheteacher.Usethe informationin1band1c. Whocametoyour officetoday? First,aboycamin.Hehurt himselfinP.E.class. Whathappened? Hehadanosebleed. 1d Writing Groupwork Makeaconversationwithyourpartnersusing theinformationin1b1c. What happened ? Whats wrong with you ? I cut my knee . I have nosebld . I got hit on the head with a baseball bat . 用绷带包扎一下用绷带包扎一下 putabandageonit 用水冲洗用水冲洗 runit/sthunderwater 上药上药 putsomemedicineonit 把头后仰把头后仰 putonesheadback 穿一件干净的穿一件干净的T恤恤 putonacleanT-shirt 常见的伤口处理方法常见的伤口处理方法 洗脸洗脸 cleanonesface 去医院去医院 gotothehospital 照照X片片 getanX-ray 休息几天休息几天 restforafewdays 1.-杰克在体育课上割伤了他的膝盖。杰克在体育课上割伤了他的膝盖。 -他应该用绷带包扎一下。他应该用绷带包扎一下。 2.莉莉头上受伤了。莉莉头上受伤了。 -你应该带他去医院照个你应该带他去医院照个X光。光。 翻译下列句子翻译下列句子 。 -JackcuthiskneeinP.E.class. -Heshouldputabandageonit. -Lilygothitonherhead. -Youshouldtakehertothehospital togetanX-ray. feelsick cutonesknee haveafever haveanosebleed hurtonesback gethitonthehead putsomemedicineon takeonestemperature putonesheaddown 1.Reviewthenewwordsandexpressions. 2.Writeashortpassageabouttheaccidents happenedinyourP.E.class. 3.PreviewthearticleHe Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbinginpart2b. 4.Previewthenewwordsandexpressions. 5.BringyourEnglishdictionarynextclass. Homework Emotiongoals Review Anounceansofpreventionprvnn isworthapoundofcure. 一份预防胜过十分治疗。一份预防胜过十分治疗。 Healthiswealth.健康就是财富健康就是财富 Thanks End A:Whatsthematterwith? B:He/She Askandanswer Review Sheshoulddrinkalotofwater. Makesentences:giveadvice Sheshouldseeadentist. Heshouldliedownandrest. Heshouldseeadoctor. Whatsthematter? Whatshouldtheboy do? Theboygothitonhisheadwith afootball. Heshouldgotothehospitaland takeanX-ray. Listening Lead-in 岢岚三中岢岚三中 吕彦卿吕彦卿 Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section B 第三课时(第三课时(1a1d)教学设计)教学设计 【教学目标教学目标】 1. knowledge objectives: (1) expressions: bandage sick knee nosebleed feel sick fall down put a bandage on it cut ones knee put some medicine on it get hit on the head hurt ones back (2) structure: Whats the matter ? What should I do ? (3) grammar: Modal verb should / shouldnt for suggestions . 2. ability objectives: (1) learn how to give advice (2) the ability of listening and speaking 3.Emotion goals Health is wealth . 健康就是财富 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure . 一份预防胜过十分治疗。 【教学过程教学过程】 一、新课导入一、新课导入 Teacher: There are many accidents happening every day. But do you know how to deal with these problems? If you dont know the answers to the questions, please dont worry. Today we will learn how to deal with the problems. 1.What should you do when you have a nosebleed? 2.What should you do when you cut yourself? 二、新课展示二、新课展示 【完成教材 1a 的任务】 1.让学生仔细观察 1a 中的三幅图片,然后根据图片信息回答问题:What happened to them? 2.小组讨论出现 1a 中的意外情况时,我们应该怎么办?然后将 1a 中所给出的句 子按正确的顺序排序,集体核对答案。 3.两人一组利用 1a 中的信息编练对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。 典例参考 A:Whats the matter with you? B:I fell down and hurt my back. A:You should go to hospital to get an X-ray and rest for a few days. 【完成教材 1b1d 的任务】 1.学生齐读 1b 中的句子,为听力练习做好准备。 2.认真听录音,将对话中护士所提到的问题标注出来,集体核对答案。 3.再认真听一遍录音,将相应问题治疗方案的字母写在问题后面,完成 1b,集 体核对答案。 4.第三遍听录音,并跟读,整体感知对话,完成下列问题。 1. What does Jenny do ? ( ) A. A teacher B. A nurse C. A bank clerk 2. How was the weather today ? ( ) A . Very hot B. Very cold C. Rainy 3. What was wrong with the girl ? ( ) A. She cut her knee. B. She hurt her head . C. She had a nosebleed. 4. What did the boy hit his head with ? ( ) A. A basketball B. A volleyball C. A baseball bat 5. Where was the boy taken then ? ( ) A. The hospital B. His home C. The teachers office 5.利用 1b、1c 中的信息,仿照 1d 的形式两人一组来练习对话,并邀请几组学生 表演对话。 三、拓展延伸三、拓展延伸 【小组合作】 阅读护士和老师的对话内容,使用对话中的信息编对话-“护士与病人之间的对 话” 。 Read the conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c. 4、问题探究问题探究 常见的伤口处理方法: 用绷带包扎一下 put a bandage on it 用水冲洗 run it/ sth. under water 上药 put some medicine on it 把头后仰 put ones head back 穿一件干净的 T 恤 put on a clean T-shirt 洗脸 clean ones face 去医院 go to the hospital 照 X 片 get an X-ray 休息几天 rest for a few days 翻译下列句子。 1.-杰克在体育课上割伤了他的膝盖。 - 他应该用绷带包扎一下。 2. 莉莉头上受伤了。 - 你应该带他去医院照个 X 光。 5、课堂小结课堂小结 6、布置作业布置作业 1. Review the new words and expressions. 2. Write a short passage about the accidents happened in your P.E. class. 3. Preview the article He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing in part 2b. 4. Preview the new words and expressions. 5. Bring your English dictionary next class. 【教学反思】 本课时情景导入贴近实际生活,教师通过设置问题,让学生有目的地阅读, 并通过问答和小组讨论的形式增强学生课堂参与性和趣味性,起到了较好的教 学效果。由生活中经常出现的意外为话题引出本节课所要学的内容,贴近生活, 引起学生的学习兴趣。通过本环节的学习让学生知道出现这些意外后的应急措 施,同时,对话练习又提高了学生的口语表达能力。
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