- 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 1 Whats the matter _Section B 1a—1d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_市级优课_(编号:c0018)
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- whats the matter section1a-1d.mp3
- whats the matter section1a-1d.ppt
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1 一、教学目标 知识目标: 1、新词组:have a nosebleed, cut ones knee, press sides of nose, put a bandage on it, feel sick . 2、新句型:Whats the matter?/ What happened?/ What should I do? First, you should. Then you should; Finally, you should. 3、语法:情态动词 should/shouldnt 表示建议。 技能目标: 1、掌握疾病与意外的名称及其治疗方法。 2、学会用 should/shouldnt 给出医疗建议。 3、学会在日常生活使用急救知识。 情感目标: 1、学会在课堂上互相合作、互相帮助。 2、意识到急救知识在日常生活中的重要性。 二、学情分析 教学内容分析: (1) 本课时教学内容 本单元的话题是谈论健康和急救。教学内容来自 人教版 Go For It! 2011 版八年级上册 Unit 1 Whats the matter? Section B 1a1d。 (2) 教材内容 学习顺序 1a-1d 听力活动。教材的听力活动 1 是听录音,勾选听到的健康问题;活动 2 是听录音,将 问题与建议配对。 (3) 本课时在本单元的教学定位 这是本单元的第四个课时,是一节以听力、口语相结合的综合课,需要完成两个听力活动 (1b,1c)以及听力后的口语训练(1d) 。通过本课时的听力、口语训练,学生将掌握询问 病情、描述病情、给出医学建议的句型,这将为本单元的写作奠定基础。在学习内容方面, 学生在 Section A 已经完成了对身体部位、疾病问题(health problems) 及治疗建议 (treatments)的学习。 因此,第一个任务主要是复习 Section A 的内容。 第二个任务则 涉及到急救(first-aid),是本课的新知识。但由于新单词只有 5 个,因此对学生不会构成太 大的学习障碍。 学生情况分析: 学生性格特征和英语基础水平 八年级的学生大多 13、14 岁,他们求知欲强,接受能力较强,对新知识(校园意外的 急救)有浓厚的兴趣。本班学生一部分性格外向,能使用英语用语表达自己。能较好地完 成课堂各类学习活动;另有一小部分学生听力、口语较差;还有个别学生属于学困生,需 教师或同伴在课堂上额外帮助才可完成相关任务。 三、重点难点 教学重点: (1)如何描述意外受伤状况。 (2)根据急救知识,对意外受伤给出医疗建议。 教学难点: (1)关于疾病、治疗方法的短语。 (2)编一段教师或校医与受伤学生之间的对话。 2 四、教学过程 4.1 第一学时教学活动 活动 1 【导入】Leadin 导入新课,通过创设真实情景导入新课。 活动 2【活动】Review 1.Show the pictures and lead the students to say the names of the health problems such as:have a cold. 2.Show the example sentences: He has a cold .She has a sore throat. 4.Ask answer: Show the picture and the conversation pattern. A:Whats the matter with her? B:She has a sore throat and a cough. A: What should she do? B:She should drink hot tea with honey. 5.Pair-work:Students practice the conversations like the above and act the mout after wards. 设计意图:1、根据图片说疾病名称,直观、形象,学生乐于接受;2、根据词组、例句描 述病情,降低难度;3、句型集体操练,确保大部分学生掌握重点句型;4、二人对话需在 练习后再进行表演,让学生能更完美地展现自己,增加语言自信;5、上述六个活动,由字、 词、句到对话,由易到难,既有机械操练,也有小组合作,形式多样。 活动 3【讲授】Learnabouttheaccidents 1. Show the pictures and lead the students to complete the conversations. 2. Teach new words and phrases: cut his knee, have a nosebleed, press sides of her nose, put a bandage on it, feel sick. 3. Explain how to do 1a. 4. Show an example of giving advice: First Then Finally 设计意图: 1、通过描述教材图片,高效利用教材资源,增加第四幅图片是为了表达 feel sick 的情境;2、学生在对话情境中学习新词组,为下一步的听力活动扫清障碍。 活动 4【活动】Listening1b1c 活动 5【活动】Speaking1d 1. Teacher shows four examples of the conversations like the following. Nurse : What happened to you? Boy: I had P.E. class just now. Then I felt sick and fell down. As you can see, I cut my knee too. Nurse: Well, let me have a look at your cut. Hmm, its not serious. Boy: What should I do? Nurse: First, you should wash the cut. Then you should put some medicine on it. Finally, you should put a bandage on it. Let me help you to do these. Boy: Thank you. Nurse : No problem. 2. Students practice one of them in pairs according to the conversation pattern. Nurse: Whats the matter with you? / What happened to you? Student: I . Nurse: That doesnt sound good. Student: What should I do? 3 Nurse: First, you should . Then you should . Finally, you should . Let me help you to do these. Student: Thank you. Nurse: No problem. 3. Sevral pairs of students act out the conversations. 设计意图:1、机械操练让所有学生有机会开口;2、二人小组练习让有需要的学生获得老 师或同伴的关注和帮助;3、角色扮演让学生有机会展示自己。 活动 6【练习】do the schools nurse report Today was a really _ day in my office. One boy _ himself in P.E. class. He felt_and _down because of the hot sun. He cut his_. I _the cut and put some_ on it. Then I put a _ on it. I also _ his temperature. Luckily he didnt have a _. One girl had a _. I told her to put her head_ and _ the sides of her nose to stop the blood(血). Another boy got _ on the head _a baseball bat. He was taken to the hospital to_ an X-ray. I hope that everyone can be careful and take good_ of their body . 活动 7【总结】Summary 1. Students translate the Chinese sentences into English. Tim 发高烧了。 Tim has a high fever. Mary 牙疼。 Mary has a toothache. 我的嗓子疼。 I have a sore throat. (The above is health problems and the following is accidents) 我被足球打到头了。 I got hit on the head with a football. 他体育课上背部受伤了。 He hurt his back in P.E. class. 她刚才割伤了膝盖。 She cut her knee just now. 2. Teacher leads the students to tell the difference between health problems and accidents. 3. Teacher shows the first-aid in Chinese and students say them in English. 用水冲洗 run sth under water 上药 put some medicine on it 用绷带包扎 put a bandage on it 低头 put ones head down 捏住鼻子 press sides of ones nose 洗脸 clean ones face 去医院 go to the hospital 照 X 片 get an X-ray 设计意图:1、学会分辨疾病与意外是一个难点,通过举例,学生直观地理解两者的区别; 2、 通过总结急救方法,学生将意识到急救在日常生活中的重要作用。 活动 8【作业】Homework 1. Copy and review the new words: bandagenosebleed. 2. Write the conversation on exercise book. 3. Finish the exercises in workbook. 设计意图:1、学生需复习当天所学词汇;2、教师可通过批改学生写作了解学生出现的水 平;3、必要的语言练习,让学生能够巩固课堂所学。