人教版八下-Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:f0042).zip

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s. NO.22 Period2 Section A (3a-3c) Pre-reading Fill in the chart _is the main character from a traditional book _. He was born in _. He has no parents, because he was born from a magic stone. He looks like a _. But he isnt a normal monkey. He can _. He has a _ and he can make it so _ that he can use it to fight bad people. At other times, he can make it so _ that he can keep it in his ear. He is very popular. He is popular in many countries. Children _ him because _. While-reading Read for information Match the paragraphs with the main ideas. Para.1 A. Why does it excite so many children? Para.2 B. Which book is talked about? Para.3 C. What is the main character like? Read for details Read Para.1 and tell TURE or FALSE. 1. Students in England could watch a new movie called Monkey in November 1979. 2. Journey to the West is a new story to Chinese children. Q: Why isnt the story new to Chinese children? Read Para.2 and complete the chart about the Monkey King. What can he do? He can _ to his body. He is able to _ different animals and objects. He uses the _ to _. Q: I think the Monkey King is _, because _. Read Para.3 and finish the following tasks. Both _and _ are interested in the story. Why does the Monkey King excite so many children? The Monkey King Book Birthplace Parents Appearance Ability Weapon 武器 Popularity Do you like the Monkey King? Why? Read for discussion 1. The best title for the passage is _. A. Journey to the West B. Monkey King C. A TV Program 2.What spirit does the Monkey King have? After-reading 1. Finish 3a on page 43. 2. Lets retell 3.Make an interview One of you is the host of the Talk Show in England. The other one is the interviewee from China. The topic in today is about the Monkey King. H: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Talk Show in England. Lets welcome _ from China. He/ She is a _ in China. I: Hello, everyone. . Possible questions: Which book is the Monkey King from? Where is birthplace of the Monkey King? What can the Monkey do? Whats his weapon? Why do people like him? What can we learn from him? Homework 1. Tell the story of the Monkey King to your friends. 2. Read more stories about Journey to the West and make an English play in your _is the main character from the famous Chinese story _ He is able to However, he cant Many children _ the story because_. group. Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A 3a-3c Monkey King Journey to the West Monkey King He is able to turn himself into different animals and _. objects turn himself into. magic stick It can become so _ that he can keep it in his _. small ear He can also make it so _ that he uses it to _ bad people. big and long fight Monkey King (Sun Wukong) book Birthplace Parents Appearance(外貌) Ability Weapon(武器) Popularity _is the main character from a traditional book _. He was born in _. He has no parents, because he was born from a magic stone. He looks like a _. But he isnt a normal monkey. He can _. He has a _ and he can make it so _ that he can use it to fight bad people. At other times, he can make it so _ that he can keep it in his ear. He is very popular. He is popular in many countries. Children _ him because _. Mountain of Flower and Fruit monkey unknown Journey to the West make 72 changes magic stick popular in China and Western countries The Monkey King long and big small like/love are interested in he always helps others InNovember1979,pupilsinEnglandwereabletowatchanewTVprogramcalled Monkey.Mostofthemwerehearingthisstoryforthefirsttime.However,thisstoryisnotnew toChinesechildren.TheMonkeyKingorSunWukongisthemaincharacterinthetraditional ChinesebookJourney to the West. 1 2 3TheMonkeyKinghasexcitedthechildrenofChinaformanyyears.Andassoonas theTVprogramcameoutmorethan30yearsago.Westernchildrenbecameinterestedin readingthisstorybecausethecleverMonkeyKingkeepsfightingtohelptheweakand nevergivesup. TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.Infact,hesometimesdoesnotevenlook likeamonkey!Thisisbecausehecanmake72changestohisshapeandsize,turninghimself intodifferentanimalsandobjects.Butunlesshecanhidehistail,hecannotturnhimselfintoa person.Tofightbadpeople,theMonkeyKingusesamagicstick.Sometimeshecanmakethe sticksosmallthathecankeepitinhisear.Atothertimes,heisabletomakeitbigandlong. A. Why does it excite so many children? C. What is the main character like? B. Which book is talked about? 快速扫描-略读 (skimming) 1.InNovember1979,pupilsinEnglandwereabletowatchanewTVprogram calledMonkey.Mostofthemwerehearingthisstoryforthefirsttime.However,this storyisnotnewtoChinesechildren.TheMonkeyKingorSunWukongisthemain characterinthetraditionalChinesebookJourney to the West. 2. TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.Infact,hesometimesdoes notevenlooklikeamonkey!Thisisbecausehecanmake72changestohisshapeand size,turninghimselfintodifferentanimalsandobjects.Butunlesshecanhidehistail, hecannotturnhimselfintoaperson.Tofightbadpeople,theMonkeyKingusesa magicstick.Sometimeshecanmakethesticksosmallthathecankeepitinhisear.At othertimes,heisabletomakeitbigandlong. 3.TheMonkeyKinghasexcitedthechildrenofChinaformanyyears.Andas soonastheTVprogramcameoutmorethan30yearsago.Westernchildrenbecame interestedinreadingthisstorybecausethecleverMonkeyKingkeepsfightingtohelp theweakandnevergivesup. Read para.1 and tell TURE or False. 1. Students in England could watch a new movie called Monkey in November 1979. 2. Journey to the West is a new story to Chinese children. Why isnt the story new to Chinese children? 具体搜寻 scanning F a TV program not new Because the Monkey King is from the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West. F 1.InNovember1979,pupilsinEnglandwereabletowatchanewTVprogramcalled Monkey.Mostofthemwerehearingthisstoryforthefirsttime.However,thisstoryisnotnew toChinesechildren.TheMonkeyKingorSunWukongisthemaincharacterinthetraditional ChinesebookJourney to the West. 2. TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.Infact,hesometimesdoesnoteven looklikeamonkey!Thisisbecausehecanmake72changestohisshapeandsize,turning himselfintodifferentanimalsandobjects.Butunlesshecanhidehistail,hecannotturn himselfintoaperson.Tofightbadpeople,theMonkeyKingusesamagicstick.Sometimeshe canmakethesticksosmallthathecankeepitinhisear.Atothertimes,heisabletomakeit bigandlong. Hecan_tohisbody.Heisableto_differentanimalsand objects. Heusesthe_to_. What can he do? I think the Monkey King is _, because _. make 72 changesturn himself into magic stick fight bad people a. He cant turn himself into a person because he cant hide his tail. b. When he hides his tail, he becomes a person. 1.InNovember1979,pupilsinEnglandwereabletowatchanewTVprogram calledMonkey.Mostofthemwerehearingthisstoryforthefirsttime.However,this storyisnotnewtoChinesechildren.TheMonkeyKingorSunWukongisthemain characterinthetraditionalChinesebookJourney to the West. 2. TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.Infact,hesometimesdoes notevenlooklikeamonkey!Thisisbecausehecanmake72changestohisshapeand size,turninghimselfintodifferentanimalsandobjects.Butunlesshecanhidehistail, hecannotturnhimselfintoaperson.Tofightbadpeople,theMonkeyKingusesa magicstick.Sometimeshecanmakethesticksosmallthathecankeepitinhisear.At othertimes,heisabletomakeitbigandlong. 3.TheMonkeyKinghasexcitedthechildrenofChinaformanyyears.Andas soonastheTVprogramcameoutmorethan30yearsago.Westernchildrenbecame interestedinreadingthisstorybecausethecleverMonkeyKingkeepsfightingtohelp theweakandnevergivesup. Both _and _ are interested in the story. Chinese children Western children Why does the Monkey King excite so many children? Because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up. Do you like the Monkey King? Why? InNovember1979,pupilsinEnglandwereabletowatchanewTVprogramcalledMonkey. Mostofthemwerehearingthisstoryforthefirsttime.However,thisstoryisnotnewtoChinese children.TheMonkeyKingorSunWukongisthemaincharacterinthetraditionalChinesebook Journey to the West. TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.Infact,hesometimesdoesnotevenlooklike amonkey!Thisisbecausehecanmake72changestohisshapeandsize,turninghimselfinto differentanimalsandobjects.Butunlesshecanhidehistail,hecannotturnhimselfintoaperson. Tofightbadpeople,theMonkeyKingusesamagicstick.Sometimeshecanmakethestickso smallthathecankeepitinhisear.Atothertimes,heisabletomakeitbigandlong. TheMonkeyKinghasexcitedthechildrenofChinaformanyyears.AndassoonastheTV programcameoutmorethan30yearsago.Westernchildrenbecameinterestedinreadingthis storybecausethecleverMonkeyKingkeepsfightingtohelptheweakandnevergivesup. Thebesttitleforthepassageis_. A. Jouney to the West B.MonkeyKing C.ATVProgram What spirit does the Monkey King have? Be kind and helpful and never give up. 1. Journey to the West is a _ Chinese book. It tells one of the most popular stories in China. 2. When the English TV program Monkey _ out in 1979, Western children became_ in this wonderful story. 3. The Monkey King can make 72 _ to his body. He is able to _ himself _ different animals and objects. 4. The Monkey King _ make his magic stick small or large. 3c Complete the sentences below with phrases from the passage. traditional came interested changes turn into is able to/ can _is the main character from the famous Chinese story _ He is able to However, he cant Many children _ the story because_. Retell One of you is the host of the Talk Show in England. The other one is the interviewee from China. The topic in today is about the Monkey King. H: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Talk Show in England. Lets welcome _ from China. He / She is a _ in China. I: Hello, everyone. . Possible questions: Which book is the Monkey King from? Where is birthplace of the Monkey King? What can the Monkey do? Whats his weapon? Why do people like him? What can we learn from him? Make an interview We should be proud of Chinese culture. Homework 1.Tell the story of the Monkey King to your friends. 2. Read more stories about Journey to the West and make an English play in your group. Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains 3a-3c 教学目标教学目标 1.语言能力目标 学生在图片及语境中能够学习掌握下列单词及表达:turninto, object, magic stick, hide, excite 等。 2.学习能力目标 学生能够运用 Skim, Scan 以及上下文猜词等阅读策略来获取文章信息。 3.思维品质目标 学生通过阅读,能整合分析文章的主要内容,为文章选出最佳标题,并且能够发表自己对 于 Monkey King 的评判性的观点。 4.文化品格目标: 通过完成阅读,学生能够感受到 Monkey King 的正直善良,嫉恶如仇,并以他为傲。 学情分析学情分析 本班的学生的口语表达能力及概括归纳讲述能力有待提高,但是思维较活跃,上课课堂氛 围应该会不错。 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点: 1. 能够掌握并运用以下单词及表达:turninto, magic stick, hide, excite 等。 2. 能够掌握 Skim, Scan 以及上下文猜词等阅读技巧。 教学难点: 1. 通过阅读,能够对文章信息进行获取并能够完成相应的一些任务。 2. 通过阅读,能够发表自己对 Monkey King 的一些评判性的观点。 教学过程教学过程 Step I: Lead in He can make 72 changes; He has a magic stick Step III: Read for information In this part, T will ask Ss to get the main idea of each Para. T: How many paragraphs are there in the passage? Ss: Three The Monkey King Book Birthplace Parents Appearance Ability Weapon 武器 Popularity T: Please read each Para. quickly and choose the main idea for each. Here is a tip for you to do that. You can get the main idea by skimming, which means you can go through the Paras to get the main idea. Who like to show your result? Ss: Para.1B Para.2C Para.3A T: How do you know? Ss: Step IV: Read for details In this part, Ss will read each Para and get some details. T: Lets read Para.1 and tell the following sentences T/F. If its F, please find the mistake and correct it. Ss: F/ F ( a new movie-a new TV program, a new story- not a new story) T: Why isnt the story new to Chinese children? Ss: Because the Monkey King is from the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West. T: What did you learn in this Para.? Ss: T: Now that it is not a new story, have you ever read the book? Ss: Yes, Ive read it. T: So what can this Monkey do? Lets get to the Para.2. Find the topic sentence of the Para. Ss: The Monkey King is not just any normal monkey. T: Great. Why does the writer say its not a normal monkey? Ss: This is because he can make 72 changes T: What can he do? What can he do? He can _ to his body. He is able to _ different animals and objects. He uses the _ to _. Ss: (make 72 changes, turn himself into, magic stick, fight bad people) T: Great! But from the Para. we know the Monkey King has a weakness. Whats it? Ss: Unless he can hide his tail, he cant become a person. T: Whats the meaning of this sentence? A or B? Ss: T: The Monkey King can do a lot of things. What do you think of the monkey? Please use some adjectives to describe him and give the reason. Ss: I think the Monkey King is _, because _. T: What did you learn in this Para.? Ss: T: It seems that all (most) of you think highly of the monkey. But do the Western children like him or not? Lets read the last para. and fill in the blanks: Both _and _ are interested in the story. Why does the Monkey King excite so many children? Do you like the Monkey King? Why? Ss: T: What did you learn in this Para.? Ss: Step V: Read for discussion T: Please read the whole passage, and choose the best title for the passage. Ss: B T: Why do you choose that? Ss: T: What spirit does the Monkey King have? You can discuss in your group. Gs: Conclusion: Just like you said, we can learn a lot of important spirit from him, such as be kind to the weak, never give up, help others, etc. He gives us a lot of positive power. We should be proud of him. Step IV: Lets practice T: Lets finish the exercise 3a on page 43. (check the answers) Step V: Lets retell Step VI: 3. Interview One of you is the host of the Talk Show in England. The other one is the interviewee from China. The topic in today is about the Monkey King. H: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Talk Show in England. Lets welcome _ from China. He/ She is a _. I: Hello, everyone. . Possible questions: Which book is the Monkey King from? Where is birthplace of the Monkey King? What can the Monkey do? _is the main character from the famous Chinese story _ He is able to However, he cant Many children _ the story because_. Whats his weapon? Why do people like him? What can we learn from him? Conclusion: Journey to the West is one of the four classics in China. The Monkey King is a symbol of China. Our great China has a long history and deep culture. We all should be proud of China. 课堂活动课堂活动 Activity1: Report _is the main character from a traditional book _. He is born in _. He has no parents, because he is born from a magic stone. He looks like a _. But he isnt a normal monkey. He can _. He has a _ and he can make it so _ that he can use it to fight bad people. At other times, he can make it so _ that he can keep it in his ear. He is very popular. He is popular in many countries. Children _ him because _. Activity 2: Group discussion 1. The best title for the passage is _. A. Journey to the West B. Monkey King C. A TV Program 2. What spirit does the Monkey King have? Activity 3: Interview One of you is the host of the Talk Show in England. The other one is the interviewee from China. The topic in today is about the Monkey King. H: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Talk Show in England. Lets welcome _ from China. He/ She is a _ in China. I: Hello, eve
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