人教版八下-Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.-Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:0504d).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains._Section B 1a—1d_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:0504d)
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Unit 6 Section B(1a-1d)导学案导学案 一、1a 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1、The girls dress is_(金色的). 2、The _(皇帝)is wearing a beautiful coat. 3、This dress is made of_(丝绸). 4、The little baby is only wearing his_(内裤). 4、I made a _(愚蠢的)mistake. 5、Young children shouldnt lie or _(欺骗). 二、1c Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1、This story is about an emperor who loved _. 2、Two _ came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor. 3、The emperor had to _ them silk and gold, but they _ everything for themselves. They were trying to cheat the emperor. 4、When the emperor _ at himself, he only _ his underwear. 5、Nobody wanted to sound stupid. But suddenly, a young boy _, “Look! The emperor isnt _ any clothes. ” 3、Write down your drama. Scene ( ) 人物: 皇帝 Emperor 侍从 waiter 老大臣 minister 官员 official 骗子甲 cheater a 骗子乙 cheater b 观众 audience a 观众 audience b 小孩 child Whatwesternfairystoriesdoyouknow? Whichstorydoyoulikebest? Cinderella LittleRedRiding Hood SleepingBeauty SnowWhite TheFrogPrince Doyouknowthisstory? Whatsthenameofthisstory? The Emperors New Clothes. Canyoutellthestorybriefly? Onceuponatime,anemperorlovednewclothes verymuch.Twobrotherscametothecityand madeaspecialclothesfortheemperor.Theysaid ifsomebodywasstupidhecouldntseethe clothes.Infact,theywerecheats.Theyaskedfor muchgoldandsilk,buttheykeptthemfor themselves.Thenatlast,thespecialclotheswere OK,butnobodycouldseethem.However,noone saidituntiloneyoungboyshoutedthatthe emperorworenothing. Whoishe? anemperor Whatisit? gold Whatisthedressmadeof? silk Whatarethey? underwear 1、Thegirlsdressis_(金色的). 2、The_(皇帝)iswearinga beautifulcoat. 3、Thisdressismadeof_(丝绸). 4、Thelittlebabyisonlywearing his_(内裤). 5、Imadea_(愚蠢的)mistake. 6、Youngchildrenshouldntlieor _(欺骗). gold emperor silk underwear stupid cheat 1a Matchthewordswiththelettersinthepicturesin1c. _gold_emperor _silk_underwear bd ca Listenandnumberthepictures1-5 in1c. 1 23 4 5 1b Listenagainandfillintheblanks. Thisstoryisaboutanemperorwholoved_. clothes Two_cametothecitytomakespecialclothesfor theemperor. brothers 1c Theemperorhadto_themsilkandgold,butthey_ everythingforthemselves.Theyweretryingtocheattheemperor. give kept Nobodywantedtosoundstupid.Butsuddenly,ayoungboy_, “Look!Theemperorisnt_anyclothes.” Whentheemperor_athimself,heonly_his underwear. looked saw shouted wearing 1d Usethepicturesin1ctotellthestory. 1 2 3 4 5 bighat,nocattle是源自美国得克萨斯州 的俚语,字面意思是大大的帽子,却没 有牛,实际上是讥讽那些打肿脸充胖子、 死要面子活受罪的人。 Textbook Drama The Emperors New Clothes. 人物:皇帝Emperor侍从waiter 老大臣minister官员official 骗子甲cheatera骗子乙cheaterb 观众audiencea观众audienceb 小孩child Textbook Drama Scene 1: Scene 2: Scene 3 Scene 4 Scene 5 1. Copythenewwords. 2. Readthestoryoftheemperor. 3. Retellthestoryoftheemperor. Unit 6 Section B-1 Class Type Listening , speaking and acting. Objectives 1. To introduce Ss to the target language for another famous story, this time in a Western context. 2. To give Ss practice in listening for events in a sequence. 3. To give Ss practice in listening to the target language in context. 4. To give Ss practice summarizing and retelling a story. 5. To give Ss practice acting out the textbook drama. Key structure 1. Nobody wanted to sound stupid. 2. Once upon a time, there was an emperor Difficulties 1. How to tell a story using as soon as, unless, so that 2. How to act out a textbook drama gold, emperor, silk, nobody, stupid, cheat Vocabular y keep everything for oneself, once upon a time Periods1 Procedure Lead-in Show Ss some pictures to learn some new words about the story. Step 1 Free talk. Look at the picture. Do you know this story? Whats the name of this story? Step 2 Tell the story briefly. Step 3 Activity 1a Match the words with the letters in the pictures in 1c. Step 4 Listen and ask the questions. Step 5 Activity 1b Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in 1c. Step 6 Activity 1c Listen again and fill in the blanks. Step 7 Explain some useful words. Step 8 Free talk What do you think about this emperor? Discuss it with your partner and give your reasons. Step 9 Activity 1d Use the pictures in 1c to tell the story. Step 10 Let students act out this story in groups. Step 11Homework
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