人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:a0172).zip

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Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section B (2a-2e)学案学案 Fast Reading Task1: Read and find the best title of the passage quickly. A. Help lovely but endangered Animals B. A cute and lovely animal-pandas C. A lovely but endangered animal-pandas Careful reading Part 1 Task2 Know about Lin Wei and her pandas 1. Scan Para.1 and Para.2 and answer the questions. Q1: What do the baby pandas have for breakfast? Q2:What is Lin Weis job? Part 2 Task3 Find the answer. 2. Scan Para.3 and judge T or F. there are now more than 2,000 pandas in the forests. ( ) 300 or so pandas live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. ( ) Adult pandas spend less than 12 hours a day eating. ( ) Adult pandas may eat about 10 kilos of bamboo every day. ( ) B. They eat about 10 kilos of bamboo a day. C. They have eough food to eat. 3. Why are pandas fewer and fewer? A. People cut down trees. B. Pandas are fewer babies. C. Both A and B 3. Complete the sentences using words from para.3. Pandas do not have _ babies and some of the babies often die from_. 2 People_ bamboo forests. So the forests gets _. Consolidation Task 5 2d. Complete the passage using the words below. babies keepers cut down endangered fewer pandas save symbol understand bamboo A lovely but endangered animal-pandas Pandas look very cute and lovely. They like eating _. Panda _ take care of them like their own babies. In fact, pandas have become a _of China. However, pandas are _now. On the one hand, pandas dont have many_. At the same time, baby pandas always die from illnesses. On the other hand, people _forests. So pandas cant find enough food and they are having _babies. Then, what can we do to protect them. First, we can have more education programs about _. Second, the Chinese government is trying hard to _ the pandas. Third, scientists also want to better _ the habits about them. Part 3 Task4 Help and save pandas Read Para.4 and fill in the chart. WhatHow An education program Teaching children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. The Chinese government Scientists Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section B (2a-2e) 2a.What do you know about him? What does he look like?What does he like eating? bamboo n. 竹子 Who is he? Kungfu Panda black and white cute and lovely Do you like him? Invitation 邀请函 Come with me! A trip to Chengdu Research Base 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地之旅 A. Help lovely but endangered animals B. A cute and lovely animal-pandas C. A lovely but endangered animal-pandas Read and choose the best title of the passage quickly. 快速阅读文章并选出文章的最佳标题。快速阅读文章并选出文章的最佳标题。 Task 1 endangered adj.濒危的 A. Help lovely but endangered animals B. A cute and lovely animal-pandas C. A lovely but endangered animal-pandas Read and find the best title of the passage. 阅读文章选出文章的最佳标题。阅读文章选出文章的最佳标题。 Task 1 Part 1 Know about Lin Wei and her pandas Task 2 Q2:What is Lin Weis job? Q1:What do the baby pandas have for breakfast? 1. Scan Para.1 and Para.2 and answer the questions.扫读第一段,回答问题。扫读第一段,回答问题。 She is a panda keeper. Milk. Guess the meaning of keeper? A. 保管员 B. 饲养员 Reading strategy(阅读策略)-Scanning(扫读) Move your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.快速移动你的眼睛读完文章以获取特殊信息。 It is 8:30 a.m. at the Chengdu Research Base. Panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas breakfast. At 9:00 a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. When the babies see the keepers, they run over to them with excitement and some of the young pandas even walk into their friends and fall over! 1. Read and discuss which sentence tells us pandas are like little kids in Para.1? 阅读并讨论第一段中哪个句子告诉了我们熊猫像孩子一样可爱。阅读并讨论第一段中哪个句子告诉了我们熊猫像孩子一样可爱。 run over to 飞奔向 with excitement 激动地 walk into 撞到 fall over 绊倒 happiness Look for the answer. Part 2 Task 3 Why are pandas crying? 1. Scan Para.3 and judge T or F. 读第三段判段正误。 There are now more than 2,000 pandas in the forests. ( ) 300 or so pandas live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. ( ) Adult pandas spend less than 12 hours a day eating. ( ) Adult pandas may eat about 10 kilos of bamboo every day. ( ) T F F T fewer than 2000 more than 12 2000/30012/10 Enough food A few pandas 2.Complete the sentences using words from para.3.用来自第三段的单词完成句子。用来自第三段的单词完成句子。 People_ bamboo forests. So the forests gets_. Pandas do not have _ babies and some of the babies often die from _. many illnesses cut down smaller Why are pandas fewer and fewer? Pandas cant find enough food and they are having fewer babies. Die from illnesses 死于各种疾病 Why are they crying? endangered Crying Animals are our friends. To protect them is to protect ourselves. Help and save pandas ! Part 3 Task 4 Scan Para.4 and fill in the chart.扫读第三段填写表格。扫读第三段填写表格。 An educatinon program The Chinese government Scentists WhatHow An education program Teaching children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. The Chinese governmentTrying hard to save pandas. Scientists Doing research to understand the habits of pandas 2e. As a child ,what other ways we can do to help and save pandas? Happy again The Trip to Chengdu Research Base 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地之旅 A lovely but endangered animal-pandas Pandas look very cute and lovely . They like eating _. Panda _take care of them like their own babies. In fact, pandas have become a _of China. However, pandas are _now. On the one hand, pandas dont have many_. At the same time, baby pandas always die from illnesses . On the other hand , people _forests. So pandas cant find enough food and they are having _babies. Then, what can we do to protect them. First, we can have more education programs about _. Second, the Chinese government is trying hard to _ the pandas. Third, scientists also want to better _ the habits about them. Task 5 keepers symbol bamboo endangered cut down fewer understand 2d.Complete the passage using the words below. 用所给词补全文章。 save babies pandas babies keepers cut down bamboo endangered fewer pandas save symbol understand Summary : cut down trees education program cute and lovely panda keeper run over to A lovely but endangered animal-pandas endangered help and save fewer babies walk into fall down The Chinese government scientists 1.Read the passage A lovely but endangered animal- -pandas more times after class. Homework: 2.Finish 3a and think about how to write the passage An interesting but endangered animal-whales. 教学内容教学内容 八年级下 Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?Section B (2a2e) 课型课型 Reading Course 教材分析教材分析 本单元是新目标八年级下册的第七单元(本单元是新目标八年级下册的第七单元(Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?)?) ,主题是了解中国以及世界地理知识,主题是了解中国以及世界地理知识,Section B 在在 Section A 的的 基础上,通过自然和文化的比较过渡到了动物之一话题。而基础上,通过自然和文化的比较过渡到了动物之一话题。而 2a-2e 是一个阅读板是一个阅读板 块。阅读材料是关于大熊猫的一篇报道,主要通过大量的小组活动,理解文章大块。阅读材料是关于大熊猫的一篇报道,主要通过大量的小组活动,理解文章大 意。通过归纳总结和练习的方式,进一步提高学生听说读写综合素质能力。意。通过归纳总结和练习的方式,进一步提高学生听说读写综合素质能力。 学情分析学情分析 八年级的学生英语水平参差不齐,部分学生具备较强的阅读理解能力,而部八年级的学生英语水平参差不齐,部分学生具备较强的阅读理解能力,而部 分学生基础较差,所以针对这种不同的学习需求,教师在设计课堂教学任务时必分学生基础较差,所以针对这种不同的学习需求,教师在设计课堂教学任务时必 须注意基本核心语言材料并适当拓展。须注意基本核心语言材料并适当拓展。 教学目标教学目标 1 1、知识目标:学习掌握词汇知识目标:学习掌握词汇 bamboobamboo,endangeredendangered, researchresearch,keeperkeeper, 2 2、awakeawake,excitementexcitement,illnessillness, wildwild,governmentgovernment,runrun overover to,to, walkwalk intointo,fallfall overover 2 2、能力目标:在语言输入的同时完成语言输出,提高综合运用语言的能力。着能力目标:在语言输入的同时完成语言输出,提高综合运用语言的能力。着 重培养学生读的能力:速读,浏览,跳读,精读和任务型阅读能力,还包括分析概重培养学生读的能力:速读,浏览,跳读,精读和任务型阅读能力,还包括分析概 括能力,语言表达能力,书写能力,合作能力,沟通能力。括能力,语言表达能力,书写能力,合作能力,沟通能力。 3 3、情感目标:通过了解大熊猫的生存状态,唤起学生的爱心,进而意识到保护、情感目标:通过了解大熊猫的生存状态,唤起学生的爱心,进而意识到保护 野生动物和保护生态环境是每个人的责任。野生动物和保护生态环境是每个人的责任。 教学手段教学手段 本课采用任务型教学法,同时辅助多媒体教学,用音乐,视频,图片将抽象的本课采用任务型教学法,同时辅助多媒体教学,用音乐,视频,图片将抽象的 语言变得直观。语言变得直观。 教学重点教学重点 1、掌握词汇、掌握词汇 bamboo,endangered, research,keeper,awake,excitement,illness,wild,government,run over to, walk into,fall over; 2、阅读了解熊猫现状;、阅读了解熊猫现状; 3、学习并运用阅读技巧:、学习并运用阅读技巧:Scanning 教学难点教学难点 充分了解熊猫的现状和如何运用充分了解熊猫的现状和如何运用 Scanning 阅读课文。阅读课文。 教学方法教学方法 视听教学法、任务教学法、情景教学法视听教学法、任务教学法、情景教学法 教学过程教学过程 Teaching ProcedurePurpose . Pre-reading Task 1. Play a video about Kungfu Panda 2. Talk with Kungfu Panda. 3. Show an invitation from Kungfu Panda about a trip to the Chengdu Research Base. 预热和导入新课堂; 设置教学情景: 参观访问成都熊猫研究基地。 . While-reading Task Task1 Fast Reading. Know about the topic of the trip. Read and choose the best title of the passage quickly 了解文章大意 Careful Reading Task 2 Know about Lin Wei and her pandas 1. Scan Para.1 and Para.2 and answer the questions. Q1: What do the baby pandas have for breakfast? Q2: What is Lin Weis job? 2. Read and discuss which sentence tells us pandas are like little kids in Para.1? 介绍并运用扫读技巧,认识快乐的、 可爱的熊猫。 Careful Reading Task 3 Look for the answer:Why are pandas crying? 1. Scan Para.3 and judge T or F. there are now more than 2,000 pandas in the forests. 300 or so pandas live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. Adult pandas spend less than 12 hours a day eating. Adult pandas may eat about 10 kilos of bamboo every day. 2. Complete the sentences using words from para.3. Pandas do not have _ babies and some of the babies often die from _. People_ bamboo forests. So the forests gets_. 了解熊猫濒危的原因;从快乐的熊猫 过渡到悲伤的熊猫,再过渡到悲伤 的濒危野生动物,进行情感教育。 Careful Reading Task 3 Help and save pandas ! 1. Scan Para.4 and fill in the chart. 2. Discussion and Report: 2e. As a child , what other ways we can do to help and save pandas? 拯救熊猫行动;小组合作探究作为孩 子,怎样帮助和拯救熊猫;结束成都 熊猫基地之行。 .Post-reading Task Task5 Consolidation Complete the passage using the words below. 语篇填空,复习课本内容;为写作 课 An interesting but endangered animal-whales 作准备。 .Summary Summary the passage by a mind map.引导学生总结、复习教学内容。 .Homework 1. Read the passage A lovely but endangered animal-pandas more times . 2. Finish 3a and think about how to write the passage An interesting but endangered animal-whales. 复习教学内容,为写作课作铺垫。 板书设计板书设计 Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?Section B (2a2e) Key words: Reading Strategy: 小组合作竞争记录小组合作竞争记录 教学反思教学反思
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