人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:43734).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet _Section B 2a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:43734)
    • Country road, take me home.mp4
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TaylorSwift Never grow up Countrymusicoriginated(起源起源)inthesouthern UnitedStatesinthe1920s.Thecharacteristics(特(特 点)点)arethatthetune(曲调曲调)issimple,therhythm (节奏)(节奏)issteady(平稳平稳),anditisnarrative(叙事(叙事 性)性).Therearemanyfamoussingers,suchas GarthBrooksandJohnDenver. Discussinpairs.(1) Doyouhaveyourfavoritekindof music,favoritesingerorfavorite song?Ifyoudo,whatsyourfeeling whenyoulistentoit? titlen.标题标题 what: Who: Countrymusic Her(agirl) How: Changedher lifeforever Predicting IntroducesSarahsdream? IntroducesSarah? Introducescountrymusic? Read the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas. Paragraph1 Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Skimming totellsbsomeinformation Countryisatraditionalkindofmusicfromthe southernstatesofAmerica. Itremindsusthatthebestthingsinlifearefree- laughter,friends,family,andthebeautyofnature andthecountryside. SarahhasntbeentoNashvilleyet,butitisher dreamtogothereoneday. Hessoldmorethan120millionrecords.Ihopetosee himsingliveoneday. WhenSarahwasateenager,sheusedtofightover almosteverythingwithherfamily. Eversincethen,shehasbeenafanofAmericancountry music. Para 2 Para 1 Para 3 IntroducesSarahsdream? IntroducesSarah? Introducescountrymusic? Read the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas. Paragraph1 Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Skimming totellsbsomeinformation WhenSarahwasateenager,sheusedto fightoveralmosteverythingwithherfamily. Butfiveyearsago,whileshewasstudying abroadinEngland,sheheardasongfullof feelingsaboutreturninghomeontheradio. ItmadeSarahthinkaboutherfamilyand friendsbackintheUS.Shecametorealize howmuchsheactuallymissedallofthem. Eversincethen,shehasbeenafanof Americancountrymusic. Whowherekindofmusic Carefulreading Underlinethemainideas Readpara1,answerthesequestions. Carefulreading 1.Who is Sarah? A. a little girl B. a Chinese student C. a teenager 2.Where is Sarah from? A.England B. America C. French 3.What does she like? A.pop music B. classical music C. country music Countryisatraditionalkindofmusicfromthe southernstatesofAmerica.Nashville,Tennessee isthehomeofcountrymusic.Manysongsthese daysarejustaboutmodernlifeintheUS,suchas theimportanceofmoneyandsuccess,butnot aboutbelongingtoagroup.However,country musicbringsusbacktothe“goodolddays”when peoplewerekindtoeachotherandtrustedone another.Itremindsusthatthebestthingsinlife arefree-laughter,friends,family,andthebeauty ofnatureandthecountryside. kind Carefulreading Underlinethemainideas Aboutreminds Nashvilleisthecapitalandlargest cityoftheU.S.stateofTennessee. Nickname:MusicCity,U.S.A. Carefulreading Readpara2,writeTfortrueandFforfalse. 1.Country music is a traditional kind of music.( ) 2.Country music is from the states of America.( ) F T NorthernSouthern Differentsongsindifferenttimes. Songs thesedays Countrymusic songs _ intheUS _agroup thebestthingsinlifeare free- . theimportance ofand . money success laughter,friends, family,thebeautyofnature andthecountryside. Readpara2,fillinthechart. modernlifebelongingto Carefulreading k ind What arethey about? What dothey remind us? SarahhasntbeentoNashvilleyet,butitisher dreamtogothereoneday.Shehasalreadyreada lotabouttheplaceanddonesomeresearchonit. SheknowsthatthereisaCountryMusicHallof FameMuseuminNashville.Therearealsoalwaysa lotofgreatcountrymusicconcertswithfamous musiciansandsingers,likeGarthBrooks.Sarahhas alreadylistenedtomostofhissongs.“Garthisone ofthemostsuccessfulmusiciansinAmerican history.Hessoldmorethan120millionrecords. Ihopetoseehimsingliveoneday. WhoisGarth? Carefulreading Underlinethemainideas drea m hope FameMuseum Establish ed 1961 Location222 5th Ave S Nashville Tennessee37203 TypeHall of fame Visitors1.1 million in 2015 DirectorKyle Young Websitewww.countrymusichalloffame.or g GarthBrooksisa veryimportant countrymusicsinger ofAmericain1990s. Hewasregardedas oneofthemost famoussingersand wassecondto BeatlesandElvis Presley. When you come back to me again CountryMusicFactSheet(乡村音乐简报)乡村音乐简报)1 Whereitisfrom: Whatkindofmusicitis: AfamouscountrymusicplaceinNashville: Afamouscountrymusicsinger: Thenumberofrecordshehassold: ThesouthernstatesofAmerica Atraditionalkindof musicfromthesouthernstatesofAmerica. CountryMusicHallofFameMuseum GarthBrooks Morethan120million Scanning Ingroups,discussandfinishthemind mapsofeachparagraph. Then,retellthestoryaccordingtothemind maps.(3) When you come back to me again Garth Brooks MindMapofPara1: a from afanof Sarahis teenagerwhousedtofightoveralmost everythingwithherfamily. America Americancountrymusic Country music isfulloffeelingsabout madeSarahthinkabout returninghome herfamilyandfriendsbackintheUS MindMapofPara2: Countrymusic belongstoagroup NashvilleTennessee isthehome. kindto eachother trust oneanother and laughter,friends,family, andthebeautyofnatureandthecountryside atraditionalkindofmusicfrom southernstatesofAmerica. Sarahsdreams Garth Brooks goto hopetosee Nashville singlive who oneof inAmericanhistory. succes s hassoldmorethan musicians MindMapofPara3: 120million records oneday. oneday. GarthBrooks themostsuccessful Sarah_almosteverythingwith herparents.Latersheheardasongwhenshe studied_.Thesong_herlife forever.Thesongis_acountrymusicsinger _GarthBrooks,the_ musicianinAmericanhistory.Sarah_ _thesingeryet,butshehaslistenedtomany ofhissongs.She_toseehim_oneday. usedtofightover abroadchanged from calledmostsuccessful hasnt seen hopes live Lovemusic,enjoyourlife. Nothingisworthlivingforwithoutmusic. 没有音乐没有音乐,生命是没有价值的生命是没有价值的. Nietzsche尼采尼采 Homework SurftheInternettofindmore informationaboutcountrymusic. Writeaboutyourfavoritesinger.(no morethan100words) Unit 8 Have you ever read Treasure Island yet? Section B 2a-2e 【教材分析教材分析】 本节课时是 2013 版 Go for it 八年级下册 Unit8 Section B 的第二课时,课型为阅读课。本课时主 要围绕 music 这一话题来组织和开展各项教学活动。在 A 部分的学习中,学生通过听说活动学习了如何 谈论自己喜欢的歌手和音乐家及理由。在此基础上,本课时要求学生借助活动 2b 和 2c,通过阅读文章获 取文章信息和把握文章各段落核心,从而培养自己归纳段落大意的能力。2d 则要求学生在前两个活动的 基础上对整篇文章的大意进行总结,从而掌握 summarizing 该阅读技能。 【学情与教法分析学情与教法分析】 八年级的同学在第八单元 A 部分就已接触了和音乐种类相关的词汇,以及现在完成时的句子,因此 在理解 B 部分的阅读时是有一定基础的。在本课时的教学中,教师一方面要引导学生运用不同的阅读策 略获取文章信息,形成归纳概括文章的能力,另一方面要补充西方文化背景知识,对文中出现的著名人 物、地点以及乡村音乐都要有所介绍,开拓视野,培养学生的跨文化意识。我在本课时的前、中、后以 不同方式呈现三位不同时期的乡村音乐代表人物的歌曲,用音乐来激发学生对本课内容的兴趣,让学生 在轻松,愉快,合作,竞争的环境中学习。 【教学目标教学目标】 1、知识与技能 (1)掌握重点单词和短语: fan, fight over, come to realize ,ever since, belong to, bring back, sing live,million, record 等。 (2)理解现在完成时在文中的意思和应用。 (3)能够正确运用 summarizing 的阅读技能。 2、过程与方法 (1)通过相互交流来表达和评论自己喜欢的音乐和歌手,并在欣赏歌曲的同时感受音乐带来的快乐。 (2)通过运用不同的阅读策略,帮助学生获取文章信息。 3、情感、态度与价值观 (1)引导学生喜爱音乐,热爱生活,从而爱上阅读。 (2)帮助学生理解文中主人翁与乡村音乐之间的联系和产生的思想感情。 (3)培养小组合作和竞争意识。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 (1)运用各种阅读策略来获取文章的信息。 (2)对文章的复述和归纳总结。 (3)对文章内涵和人物的深层理解。 【教学过程教学过程】 Step 1: Warming-up 1、Watch a music album about my growing up. 教师通过向学生介绍自己来引出,fan 这个新词,巩固 remind sb of 的理解。然后让学生观看教师自 制的童年音乐相册来建立起音乐与自身童年的情感联系。 2、Guess the singer. 观看完之后再请学生猜背景音乐的歌手来引出 country music 这一话题。借机正好 介绍有关乡村音乐的背景知识,为正式进入阅读课文的学习做好铺垫。 (设计意图:通过童年音乐相册的形式能更贴合实际生活,建立音乐和情感的联系。背景音乐选用的是 当红美国乡村歌手 Taylor Swift 的歌曲 Never grow up,没有太大的时代差距,学生们能很快猜到答案,可 以更好地引出 country music 这一主题。) Step 2: Leading-in Discussion in pairs Do you have your favorite kind of music, favorite singer or favorite song? If you do, whats your feeling when you listen to it? (设计意图:给学生讨论交流自己喜欢的歌手,歌曲,类型,感受的机会,留给学生发表观点和展示才艺 的空间。) Step 3: Post-reading Predicting:Predict from the title and the picture to guess what the article is about. 教师提供 Who, What, How 三个特殊疑问词来起提示帮助作用。 (设计意图:在阅读之前,可以通过对文章的标题和图片猜测来预知本文的内容,培养学生读前预测的能 力。) Step 4: While-reading 1. Skimming Read the passage quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1 Introduces Sarahs dream? Para 2 Introduces Sarah? Para 3 Introduces country music? 在完成任务前,教师先引导学生理解新词 introduce 后,再问学生段落中什么句子最重要,来提示学生 着重阅读首尾句来快速获取段落中心思想的目的。 (设计意图:通过匹配段落中心思想,指导学生着重阅读首尾句来快速获取段落中心思想,从而培养学 生快速阅读的能力。) 2. Careful reading. (1)Read Para 1 and underline the main idea with the help of wordsWho, Where, Kind of music. 边划重 点句,边跟磁带默读段落。请一位同学念出所划句子后,教师带读新词,并帮助学生理解新词。然后再 回答以下选择题,此时采用谁站起来最快,谁回答的形式抢答。 Use the main idea to answer the questions. Who is Sarah? A. a little girl B. a Chinese student C. a teenager Where is she from? A. England B. America C. French What does she like? A. pop music B. classical music C. country music (2)Read Para 2 and underline the main idea with the help of wordskind, about, reminds. 边划重点句, 边跟磁带默读段落。请一位同学念出所划句子后,教师带读新词,并帮助学生理解新词。然后简单介绍 有关 Nashville, Tennessee 的背景知识。然后再回答以下对错题,此时采用抢答和举手回答的形式。 Use the main idea to choose T or F. 1. Country music is a traditional kind of music. ( ) 2. Country music is from the states of America. ( ) Fill in the chart kind Songs these daysCountry Music Songs About Remind (3)Read Para 3 and underline the main idea with the help of words dream, hope, Whos Garth?. 边划重 点句,边跟磁带默读段落。请一位同学念出所划句子后,教师带读新词,并帮助学生理解新词。然后简 单介绍有关 Country Music Hall of Fame Museum 和 Garth Brooks 的背景知识。然后再完成书上 63 的 Country Music Fact Sheet。在做任务前,教师引导学生寻找句子中的关键词,帮助学生更好更快地完成任 务,之后再请一位同学 make a report。 Where it is from: What kind of music it is: A famous country music place in Nashville: A famous country music singer: The number of records he has sold: (设计意图:精读这部分,分三个自然段,边默读,边划重点句,采用四种不同的问题形式来帮助学生 理解各个段落的意思,培养捕抓关键信息的能力;新词的带读和适当的讲解能让学生更好地掌握词汇; 文化背景知识地补充更能帮助学生了解西方文化,更深入理解文章内涵;关键词的引导能更好地帮助学 生培养找关键词的意识;抢答和举手回答形式的适当运用能更好地活跃课堂气氛。) Step 5: Post-reading 1.Mind Map Filling:In groups, discuss and finish the mind maps of each paragraph. Then, retell the story according to the mind maps. Mind-map of Para 1. a teenager who used to fight over almost everything with her family. Sarah is from America. a fan of American country music. Country music is full of feelings about returning home. made Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US. Mind-map of Para 2. a traditional kind of music Nashville Tennessee from southern states of America. is the home. Country music kind to each other and belong to a group laughter, friends, family trust one another the beauty of nature and the countryside Mind-map of Para 3. go to Nashville.(Country Music Hall of Fame Museum) Sarah dreams to see Garth Brooks sing live one day. is one of the most successful musicians. Garth Brooks has sold more than 120 million records. 根据当前各组表现情况,教师给各小组分难易不同的任务,让学生合作补全思维导图,并结合思维 导图尝试复述段落。最后请各小组代表上台复述并在黑板上展示思维导图。在完成任务过程中,把 Garth Brooks 的 When you come back to me again 作为背景音乐,让学生欣赏。 (设计意图:思维导图能很快地帮助学生梳理段落中的重要信息,能很好地帮助学生复述段落, 更好地理 解语篇。上台展示复述是给予学生展示口语的机会,鼓励他们多说英语,同时也为后面的任务做好铺垫。 背景音乐能使学生在完成任务过程中欣赏到本文著名歌手 Garth Brooks 的音乐作品,使人在轻松,愉快 的氛围中学习。) 2. Summary Sarah _almost everything with her parents. Later she heard a song when she studied _. The song _ her life forever. The song is _ a country music singer _ Garth Brooks, the _ musician in American history. Sarah _ the singer yet, but she has listened to many of his songs. She _ to see him _ one day. (设计意图:总结是对文章整体的理解,是对关键信息的筛选,是本课时的重难点,也是必须要掌握的阅 读技能。在经过复述的环节后,全班一起思考一起完成概括总结,这一环节就会容易很多了。) 3. A Saying: Nothing is worth living for without music. Nietzsche 尼采 Love music, enjoy our life. (设计意图:用一句尼采的名言来呼吁学生喜爱音乐,热爱生活,热爱阅读,以达到情感,态度,价值观 的教育目的。) Step 6: Homework Surf the Internet to find more information about country music. Write about your favorite singer. (no more than 100 words) (设计意图:让学生自我探究,课后继续查找乡村音乐的有关信息可以更好地延伸课堂内的知识。同时, 阅读与写作紧密相连,经过课上的讨论,学生能更好地就自己喜爱的歌手话题进行描述,书写自己的感 受和情感态度。) Step 7: Sing together 师生一起学唱 MV 中著名乡村歌手 John Denver 的歌曲 Take Me Home, Country Roads。然后,师生一 起总结本课时得分最高的小组并给予表扬。最后,以愉快地心情结束本课时的学习。 (设计意图:本环节是最后一首著名乡村歌曲的展现,以师生共唱的形式来体验音乐带来的愉快感,体会 歌词也是文中主人翁所想表达的思乡之情。) Step 8: Blackboard Design Unit 8 A country music song changed her life forever New words Mind Maps Score Bar
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