辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 4 What do you see -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:c0024).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 What do you see _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:c0024)
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Unit 4 What do you see? 3. Game time 5. Try to do 1. Listen and say 2. Listen, read and write 4. Lets act 6. Read and say 7. Lets chant CONTENTSCONTENTS How many? Whats in my hand? Listen and say Back Listen and say Good job! Lets sing a song. Back Listen and say On the farm what do you see? Back What do you see? pig (pigs) I see one pig. Listen and say Back chicken (five chickens) I see five chickens. What do you see? Listen and say Back fish (four fish) I see four fish. What do you see? Listen and say Back bird (two birds) I see two birds. What do you see? Listen and say Back sheep (two sheep) I see two sheep. What do you see? Listen and say Back Listen and say chicken bird pig fish sheep Back Look and match Listen and say birds pigs chickens fish sheep Back Look and match Listen and say I see _.three chickens Back Try to say Listen and say T : What do you see? S1: I see . What do you see? S2: Back Try to say What do you see? I see three birds. Ha! Ha! _ Game time Back Listen and say What do you see, Henry? I see a horse and three cows. What do you see? I see a pig and many chickens. Back Listen and say , Henry? I see . What do you see? . Back Try to say Listen and say S1: What do you see? S2: I see . Back Try to say Try to do sheepcowspigsducksbirdshorses 9 What do you see? I see nine sheep. 634102 Back Look, write and say Lets act in the sky in the tree in the river Back Look and say S1: What do you see? S2: I see _. Lets act in the sky in the tree in the river What do you see What do you see What do you see ? ? ? Back Look and say Lets act in the sky in the tree in the river What do you see What do you see What do you see ? ? ? Come and look. Back Look and say Lets act Ms Flower: Come and look. What do you see in the tree? Annie: I see some birds. Ms Flower: What do you see in the river? Liu Gang: I see some ducks. Ms Flower: What do you want to see in the sky? Li Ming: Um Cows and pigs! Ha! Ha! Back Try to answer Ms Flower: Come and look. What do you see in the tree? Annie: I see some birds. Ms Flower: What do you see in the river? Liu Gang: I see some ducks. Ms Flower: What do you want to see in the sky? Li Ming: Um Cows and pigs! Ha! Ha! Lets act . . ! Back Try to answer G g Listen, read and write Back goat Listen, read and write pig leg big bag Back hH Listen, read and write Back horse Listen, read and write hand Back Listen, read and write Back Listen, read and write Back Whats missing? What do you see? I see three ducks. Read and say Back What do you see? I see four birds. Read and say Back What do you see? I see two horses. Read and say Back What do you see? Read and say Back Read and say _ ? _. Back Look and say Read and say _ ? _. Back Look and say Read and say _ ? _. Back Look and say Read and say _ ? _. Back Look and say Lets chant What do you see? What do you see? I see some pigs in the tree. Why do they stand in the tree? They want to fly like a bee. Back Lets chant What do you see? What do you see? I see some in the tree. Why do they stand in the tree? They want to fly like . Back 1教学目标 Knowledge Aims 1. Learn and use the sentence:What do you see?I see 2. Learn and say the new words:pig、 bird、 chichen 、fish、 sheep Ability Aims: According the pictures and situation to say the words and the sentences. Emotion Aims: Ask students to know: animals are our good friends,so well protect them. 2学情分析 小学三年级学生,好动、好玩 ,天生就喜欢模仿,并且已具备了一定的英语会话的能力。所 以,我创设更多的机会让学生主动去说,进而激发学生学习的英语的兴趣,培养他们主动用英 语说的能力和良好的语音语调基础,为进一步学习打下基础。 3重点难点 1.Learn and use the sentence:What do you see?I see 2.Learn and say the new words:pig、 bird 、chichen、 fish 、sheep 3 、sheep is singular and plural forms are identical . 4教学过程 4.1.1教学活动 活动 1【导入】Unit4whatdoyousee Step1 Warm_ up and revision(3) 1. Greeting . 2. Sing “old Macdonald had a farm”and do the actions. 3. Review the numbers. (设计意图:通过互相问候及演、唱英语歌,使学生在明快优美的旋律中,对英语产生浓厚的 兴趣,为下一步的英语学习做好铺垫。) 活动 2【讲授】Presentatioan Step2 Presentatioan (20) 1.We had many animals friends,today well go on making new friends with animal s.Then paste” unit4” (设计意图:承上启下,自然过渡,并用小鸟图片的板书吸引学生兴趣。) 2.Learn new word”pig” , listen ,guess ,what is it? Look at the slide. “Pig” , read and spell,exercise more.Then ask:who can imitate pig?(give stichers for good students),then ,please stand up,who get pig stickers? Look,how many pigs? Together count:one pig ,two pigs,three pigs, export to new sentences: what d o you see? I see. (设计意图:通过创设情境,用逼真动听的动物声音及模仿,吸引学生学习英语的兴趣,同时学 习新词的过程中自然过渡到新句型的学习,做到词不离句。) 3.The same methord to learn :bird chichen. (设计意图:激发兴趣,积极探索新知。) 4. Learn new word”sheep” , the same methord,thenFollow the teacher to count:o ne sheep ,two sheep, tell Ss : sheep is singular and plural . (设计意图:培养学生英语兴趣的同时,并加强知识整合能力。) 5. I have a riddle:It lives in the water ,it can swim,and no leg ,no arm.What i s it?(Guess a animal) Ask Ss to guess.then the same methord to learn fish. (设计意图:通过猜谜语吸引学生学习新知的兴趣。) 6.Practise the words and the sentence. (设计意图:主要是学生对单词及句型掌握熟练程度的一次验收,并培养学生的小组合作意识,以 适应现代社会的需要。) 5.Learn the dialouge. a.Listen. b.Listen it again.then answer. c.Follow the teacher to read again. d.Read it by themselves. e.Act out. (设计意图:学生反复听音,读文并表演,可以把知识点掌握的更牢固,并为下一步的拓展创新 打下基础。) 活动 3【活动】playgame Step3 Practice Play games.(7) Ask some students come the front to imitate animals,then ask and answer.Using w hat do you see?I see (设计意图:利用学生的好动、好玩,好模仿来巩固新句型,并激发他们强烈的英语学习兴趣 。) 活动 4【练习】Consolidationandextention Step4 Consolidation and extention(7) Look at the slide(a farm) ,find ,write in the groups.then report. (设计意图:再次掀起一次学习的小高潮,发挥学生的挑战性,培养学生的集体荣誉感,使学生 在玩中学,学中乐。) 活动 5【测试】SumupandprizeHomework Step5 Sum up and prize(2) Animal protection,begin from me. (设计意图:培养学生的德育。) Step6Homework (1) Talk about the text with your parents. (设计意图:培养学生的口语运用能力。)
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