辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 6 They are artists-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:009e8).zip

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They are artists Unit 6 Listen and say Back parents Listen and answer 1. Where are Helens parents? They are in France. 2. What are they doing? They are working. 3. What are their jobs? They are artists. artartist Leonardo da Vinci Listen and say What is his job? He is an artist. Theyre working. What are they doing? Look at my parents. They are in France now. What are their jobs? They are artists. Great! I want to be an artist , too. Listen and say Back Game time What are their jobs? Back I can guess They are famers. Game time What are their jobs? Back I can guess They are policemen. policemanpolicewomanpolicemanpolicewoman policemenpolicewomen police Listen and say Back Game time What are their jobs? Back I can guess They are workers. Game time What are their jobs? Back I can guess They are soldiers. Back driver What can you find? teacher worker runner learner doctor actor collector instructor artist dentist scientist eror ist Game time Back policeman worker pupil doctor soldier artistnurseteacher driver waiter cook pilotsinger dancer writercleaner Lets say I want to be What do you want to be? Back 我是赵伊航妈妈, 是一名职业经理人, 赵伊航你是妈妈的骄傲 妈妈因为有你而自豪, 愿你学习进步,友爱同学, 做个顶天立地的男子汉. 希望王艺儒每天都能开开心心,健康成长 。 爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶会一直爱你的。 儿子, 妈妈爱你! 你是一个很懂事的 孩子,为了能有更 好学习的环境, 我要努力工作, 你也一样啊, 为了自己的梦想 加油! 我是王蓬宸的妈妈, 我是一名幼儿教师, 我想告诉我的儿子, 你是妈妈唯一的宝贝! 妈妈希望你 改变自己的缺点, 雀跃也好沮丧也好, 让它成为你生活的一部分, 只要你努力了 就快乐的生活吧! 妈妈永远最爱是你! 希望你健康快乐 的成长, 做一个自信、 自尊、 自立、 自强的好孩子, 爸爸爱你! 孩子们,大家好! 我是刘加棋的妈妈, 我是一名中学的音乐教师 !我的工作就是和这群初 中学生们一起学习音乐和 歌曲。让他们在音乐的海 洋中自由遨游,以提高他 们对音乐的鉴赏能力! 爸爸妈妈希望加棋能在 心中确立自己的职业梦想 ,为着梦想努力前行!爸 爸妈妈也会一直爱你如初 ,陪伴你的成长、包容你 的一切、尊重你的选择! 爱你的爸爸妈妈 宝贝,你现在正是一切都新开始的阶段, 要知道有梦想是人生最大的拼搏进取目标, 只有坚信不移、努力认真学习, 才能今后会实现自己的理想生活! 加油吧,宝贝!一定要赢在起跑线上!妈妈看好你!你是最棒的! 我希望我孩子在他的 成长过程中快乐、 健康、积极、乐观! 也希望他的成绩优秀, 品行俱佳! 宝贝,我的宝贝!每天在妈妈的心里无数次的这样呼唤你, 可是唤你千遍也不厌倦!你是那样的善良宽厚,在你面前,妈妈 自觉好渺小;你是那么聪明博学,妈妈相信你的小宇宙已经开始 爆发了;你又是那么阳光单纯,相信这世间一切的美好! 宝贝,我的宝贝,妈妈的愿望其实很简单, 妈妈每时每刻都在祈祷:愿我的宝贝平安,健康!快乐每一天! 妈妈永远爱你! 在此希望孩子们 健康成长, 开心快乐成长 Dear parents: You give me life, You give me home, You bring me up, You look after me, Thank you for all you gave me. Father, mother, I love you! I am who I was born to be. 天生我材必有用 教学内容Unit 6 They are artists. 第一课时 教材分析本单元继续学习有关职业的话题。上一单元学习的是单数形式 whats his job? Hes a teacher. 这一单元学习的是复数形式 What are their jobs? They are artists. 本单元要掌握 artist , worker, farmer, policeman 和 soldier 这五个新的职业名 词的复数形式,同时能够熟练掌握对话,并在实际中应用。 学情分析小学四年级的学生和低年级学生相比具有比较强的自行探究的 能力,学生在观察能力、思维能力、语言表达能力方面都有了 较好的提高。另外,本单元继续有关职业的话题,而本单元由 上一单元的单数形式上升为复数形式。学生对名词的单复数情 况掌握较好,因此应该能够顺利过渡,完成本课教学目标。 知识目标1、能听、说、认读单词: artist, worker, farmer, policeman, soldier。 2、听懂、会说、会写本单元核心语言 What are their jobs? They are atists. 3.英语中职业单词的拼读规律。 能力目标1.能够利用本单元核心语言相互交流有关职业的简单对话。 2.能够听懂、会说、表演 Listen and say 中的内容。 3.能够正确书写四线格中的句子。 4.能够跟同学合作做 Game time 的游戏。 运用目标运用功能句询问他人职业及回答。 学习策略 对所学内容能有所链接,主动复习与归纳;积极运用所学英语 进行表达和交流。 情感态度调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性,鼓励学生敢于用英语开口表 达,积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。 教学过程: Step I Warm up. 1. Free talk. 2.Do you have a good friend? Who is your good friend in our classroom? Step II Presentation. Xiaohui has a good friend. Whats her name? Can you say something about Helen? Who are they ? They are Helens father and mother. In English, we also say father and mother are parents. Lets spell together. p-a-r-e-n-t-s. Lets write down. Then read this word two by two. Do you know what are their jobs? Lets listen together. Step III Teaching text. 1. Listen then try to answer the main stence. What are their jobs? Father and mother=they -their(形容词性物主代词) 2. listen once more then answer three questions. (a)Where are Helen s father and mother? 1. flage They are in France. 2. map 3. famous place 4. president Write down France then introduce it. (b) What are they doing? They are working. (C) What are their jobs? They are artists. Give them two pictures then teach This pictrue is an art. The painter is an artist. 3.Listen and repeat. 4.Read in groups and help each other in your team. 5. Try to fill in the blanks Look at my _. They are _ _now. What are they doing? They are _. What are _ jobs? THey are _. Great! I_ an artist, too. 6. Lets recite it in teams. 7. I have some good friends. They have different jobs.Lets guess what are their jobs?Look at the picture then guess. (a) They works on a farm. They plant vegetables for us. They also feed ducks,pigs and cows. What are their jobs? They are famers. Write and say the word: farmer (b) They work in a factory. They make things. They work hard. What are their jobs? They are workers. Write and say the word: worker (c) They work in the office or on the street. THey save people in danger. Sometimes they catch the thief. What are their jobs? They are policemen. Write and say the word: policemen Policeman + policewoman= policemen (d) They are young and strong. They protect our country.What are their jobs? They are soldier. Write and say the word: soldier. StepIV Consolidation. 1.Lets play a game.Watch TV carefull then guess what are their jobs? 2. You can find. driver doctor teacher director artist worker er collector or scientist ist learner actor dentist runner They are the words about jobs ending with er.or orist. 3. Lets sing a song. The ask and answer what do you want to be ? 4. Here are some pictures abou pupils parents. Can you say something about your parents? THis is my _. (who) HeShe is in _. ( where) He|She is a _. (what) 5.Your parents are great. They have different jobs. Some jobs are very hard; some jobs are very dangerous; some jobs are very tired. They all hope you are happy, safeness and healthy. Lets say thank you for them. Step V Homewor. 1. retice the words and the dialogue. 2. Write a short composition to introduce your parents like Helen.
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