冀教版(三起)四下Unit 3 All about Me-Lesson 14 Are You Short or Tall -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:42bad).zip

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tall short Lesson 14 Are You Short or Tall? How tall are you? Listen and choose(选择): Dont look at your book. Who is tall? Danny Kim Listen and follow to read, thinking about the questions(听、跟读并思考以下问题): Read silently and underline the answers(默读对 话并勾画答案) How tall is Kim? Is Danny 3.1 metres tall? How tall is Danny? She is 1.4 metres tall. No. He is 1.3 metres tall. But Danny says : “Im 3.1 metres tall.” Whats wrong?他错在哪呢? How should he stand ? 他应该怎样站立? He stand on his tail(尾巴). Stand on your feet, please. foot -feet Lets get to work, class! I dont know. Kim, youre the first! How tall are you? Youre 1.4 metres tall. Follow picture 1-4, then fulfill the dialogue.(跟读1-4图,补全对话。) How tall are you? Danny, youre the second. How tall are you? Im 1.4 metres tall. Im 3.1 metres tall. No, Danny. Stand on your feet, please. Follow picture 5-9, then fulfill the dialogue.(跟读5-9图,补全对话。) Oh. Okay, Mr.Wood. Follow picture 10-11, then fulfill the dialogue.(跟读10-11图,补全对话。) Youre 1.3 meteres tall. Shes tall and hes short. How tall am I? Task 以小组为单位,测量每个人的身高并记录下 来。 How tall are you? Homework 1.Listen and follow to read the text three times. 2. Do exercise on 17zuoye. 3. Make a survey. Ask about your friends family members: How tall are you? How tall is your mother? How tall is your father? 运用今日所学的句子调查朋友的家 庭成员的身高,并记录在表格中。(你要先给自己的爸爸妈妈测量身高,之后才能与 朋友交流哦。) Name Height(身高 ) Lily Lilys mother Lilys father 教学设计教学设计 名称Lesson 14 Are You Short or Tall? 执教者课时1 课时基本信息基本信息 所属教材目录冀教版小学英语四年级下册第 14 课 教材分析教材分析 本节课是冀教版小学英语四年级下册第三单元第 14 课的内容,在第三 单元,学生开始使用能够帮助他们谈论关于他们自己的一些单词和句子, 学生学习了如何谈论年龄,其中,单词 tall 学生在三年级已接触过, 本课将学习谈论身高的表达。 学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生有了一定的认知能力,而且已经掌握了一定量的词汇和句 型,对于课堂用语以及一些日常对话比较熟悉,有极强的模仿能力和求 知欲望。学生喜欢表达,乐于交流。 知识与技能 目标 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:tall 2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: -How tall are you? - I am _ metres tall. 3.学生将能够测量彼此的身高,并能说出某人多高。 情感态度 目标 1.学生能够体会到英语学习的乐趣; 2.学生能够积极参与各种课堂学习活动,敢于开口、表达中 不怕出错误; 3 学生能够在小组活动中与其他同学积极配合和合作,完成 身高测量任务。 教学目标教学目标 学习策略 目标 1 在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考; 2.在学习中集中注意力; 3.积极运用本课所学英语表达和交流彼此的身高。 文化意识 目标 重点 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:-How tall are you? - I am _ metres tall. 教学教学 重难点重难点 难点 1.学生能够理解以下表达: Stand on your feet, please. 2.学生正确读出小数点及一位小数。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节 (注明每个环节(注明每个环节 预设的时间)预设的时间) 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1:Warm Up and review 2 minutes Step 2: New concepts: 15 minutes Greetings and leading- in : T: Hello! Boys and girls. Look here, this is me , and he?(ppt 展示一高一矮两人对比。 ) Yao Ming is tall. I am short. 用 2 组图片对比 tall/short 。 1. 情景导入 We have a task today, It is to Hello, Ms Zhang. Students: He is Yao Ming. 用 tall/short 描述图片 内容。 通过自由交 谈,拉近师 生的距离。 导入活跃课 堂气氛,温 习旧知,引 入四会单词 tall,激活学 生思维。 创设真实的 情景,实际 measure your height(身高). T: How tall am I? (教师用尺子量 自己身高。) I need a helper. Any volunteer? T: I am about 1.6 metres tall. T: How tall are you?(measure two volunteers) She is 1.5 metres tall. He is 1.4 metres tall. She is tall. He is short. 2. Listen and choose(选择): ppt T: Dont look at your book. Who is tall? 3. Listen, follow and think about the questions(听、跟读并思考以 下问题): How tall is Kim? Is Danny 3.1 metres tall? How tall is Danny? A volunteer reads the number. Two volunteers come to measure their height. Listen to the text and choose. Answer: Kim is tall. Listen, follow and think about the questions. 德测量学生 身高,让学 生更好的理 解目标语言, 为后面应用 做好铺垫。 盲听,培养 从听中获取 所需信息的 能力。 预设:如果学 生回答错, 暂不出示答案, 再播放一次录 音。 让学生带着 问题听,既 培养了学生 良好的语音 语调,又培 养听的能力。 Step 3: Practice 20 minutes 4.Read silently and underline the answers(默读对话并勾画答案) Check She is 1.4 metres tall. No. He is 1.3 metres tall. 5难点理解 T: But Danny says he is 3.1 metres tall. Why? Whats wrong? How should he stand? 1.Follow to read 2.Fulfill the dialogue. 3.Role play Group-work. Show time. 4.Task Read silently and underline the answers 借助图片理解难点内 容 stand on your feet. Follow to read. Fulfill the dialogue. a.Read in groups. b .Act out the dialogue. 巩固练习。 拓展运用, 提高学生英 语语言综合 运用能力。 Group-work A-How tall are you? B-I dont know. How tall am I ? A-You are _ metres tall. Measure the height for each other in groups. 课堂小结 2 分钟 What have you learned in this lesson? Review new words and sentences. 布置作业 1 分钟 1.Listen and follow to read the text three times. 2. Do exercise on 17zuoye. 3. Make a survey. Ask about your friends family members: How tall are you? How tall is your mother? How tall is your father? 运用今日所学 的句子调查朋友的家庭成员的身高,并记录在表格中。(你要先给自己的 爸爸妈妈测量身高,之后才能与朋友交流哦。) 板书设计板书设计Lesson 14 Are You Short or Tall? How tall are you? I am _ metres tall. tall short
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