辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 10 Cleaning my room-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f0fdc).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 10 Cleaning my room_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:f0fdc)
    • chant.mp3
    • unit 10 10-1 听力.mp3
    • 五年下册 Unit 10 cleaning my room.ppt--点击预览
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    • 教案f0fdc.doc--点击预览


In the fields Unit 4 Unit 10 Cleaning my roomUnit 10 Cleaning my room Lets chant I am dancing, dancing on the street. I am singing, singing in the tree. I am eating, eating my bread. I am sleeping, sleeping in my bed. Lets chant I am dancing, dancing on the street. I am singing, singing in the tree. I am eating, eating my bread. I am sleeping, sleeping in my bed. Its sunday afternoon. Some friends are chatting on the wechat. Im . What are you doing, guys? cleaning the room. Im reading a book. Im cooking dinner. Im _. What are you doing, Qinzhen? setting the table. You are so busy.I am free now. What are they doing? Dang xingyu is _. cleaning the room. seatea clean Yang shuo is _. reading a book. read Heshuiyuan is _.cooking dinner book cook look Qin zhen is _. setting the table Listen and say Listen and say put swim run sit 写出下列单词的现在分词形式:写出下列单词的现在分词形式: putting swimming running sitting TeamA,TeamA, what are you doing? I am _ing, _ing _. Lets chant. cooking dinner TeamB,TeamB, what are you doing? I am _ing, _ing _. reading a book TeamA,TeamA, what are you doing? I am _ing, _ing _. setting the table TeamB,TeamB, what are you doing? I am _ing, _ing _. Cleaning the room Listen and say This is my sons bedroom. Its very clean and tidy. Learn to say Back This bedroom is messy.(凌乱的凌乱的) Who are they? Whats the boy doing? Listen and say They are David and his mom. He is cleaning his room. Listen and answer. (听并回答) David never cleans his room. How come? Listen and say Read silently and answer. (默读并画出答案默读并画出答案) His friends are coming this afternoon? Listen and say Davids bedroom is messy. Hes cleaning it. Mom: David: Mom: How come? You never clean your room. David: My friends are coming this afternoon. Mom: Do you need help? David: No, thanks. I can do it myself. Mom: Good boy! David: You see, Mom. My room is clean now. Oops! What are you doing, David? Im cleaning the room. Listen and imitate仿读 Listen and say Davids bedroom is messy. Hes cleaning it. Mom: David: Mom: How come? You never clean your room. David: My friends are coming this afternoon. Mom: Do you need help? David: No, thanks. I can do it myself. Mom: Good boy! David: You see, Mom. My room is clean now. Oops! What are you doing, David? Im cleaning the room. Read emotionally(分组朗读)分组朗读) Listen and say Davids bedroom is messy. Hes cleaning it. Mom: David: Mom: How come? You never clean your room. David: My friends are coming this afternoon. Mom: Do you need help? David: No, thanks. I can do it myself. Mom: Good boy! David: You see, Mom. My room is clean now. Oops! What are you doing, David? Im cleaning the room. Listen and say Davids bedroom is messy. Hes cleaning it. Mom: David: Mom: How come? You never clean your room. David: My friends are coming this afternoon. Mom: Do you need help? David: No, thanks. I can do it myself. Mom: Good boy! David: You see, Mom. My room is clean now. Oops! What are you doing, David? Im cleaning the room. Lets make a phone call! Hello, _! This is _. Hello, _! _ . Sorry, not now. Im _. Can you play with me? What about your sister? Shes _ now. How about tomorrow? OK. See You! See You! What are you doing? doing my homework cleaning her room Helen: Linda: LindaHelen Helen Helen: Linda: Linda: Helen: Helen: Linda: Work with your group and make a phone call with your partner. Change the names into yours, and fill in the blank with any phrases you want. 小组内合作,制作你们自己的电话内容。 把名字改成自己的,用你想用的短语填空。 Attention! (注意!注意!) Lets make a phone call! Hello, _! This is _. Hello, _! _ . Sorry, not now. Im _. Can you play with me? What about your sister? Shes _ now. How about tomorrow? OK. See You! See You! Tips: watching TV, playing sports, cleaning the room, cooking dinner, reading a book, setting the table, playing the guitar, playing football, washing clothes, sweeping the floor 1.Do your own thing. 自己的事情自己做。自己的事情自己做。 2. Use your own hands to create a beautiful tomorrow. 用自己的双手去创造美好的明天。用自己的双手去创造美好的明天。 Call your friends and ask them What are you doing?. Unit 10 Cleaning my room 教学目标与要求: 1. 能听,说,读,写,并运用 cleaning the room,cooking dinner,reading a book, setting the table。 2. 能听懂,会说 Listen and say 中的内容,并能与同学合作表演出 对话内容。 3. 能够听懂,会说,并在实际情景中运用句型 What are you doing? Im cleaning my room。要求语调自然,发音准确。 4. 能与同伴合作完成 Look and say 的游戏。 5. 能听懂,并完成 Listen ,match and write 中的学习任务。 6. 欣赏图片,提高学生的审美能力。 教学重点: 1. 能听,说,读,写,并运用本单元短语。 2. 能够听懂,会说,并在实际情景中会运用核心句型。 教学难点: 1. cleaning the room,cooking dinner,reading a book, setting the table 中现在分词的写法。 2. 掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句 What are you doing? 课前准备: 英语书,幻灯片 教学过程: 一 热身复习 1. 师生热情问候 2. 师生齐说上个单元学习的歌谣,也可以进行说歌谣比赛。 3. PPT 出示课前准备好的学生生活照片,让学生用现在进行时形式 说说自己都在做什么? 二 任务呈现与导入 1. PPT 展示,师说:This is my sons bedroom. Its very clean and tidy.clean it means 清洁的,干净的。 2. PPT 展示,师说:Davids bedroom is messy. Hes cleaning the room. 顺势讲解 messy 的意思,凌乱的。 由此导入课题 Unit 10 Cleaning my room 板书并齐读。 3. 导入本单元的新短语 cleaning the room,cooking dinner,reading a book, setting the table 4. set the table 让学生猜猜是什么意思。当学生理解有困难时,教师 可以给出答案。其他几个短语,学生基本都能猜出大概意思,但 这个短语需要老师帮助。 5. 教师强调 set 现在分词的变化,并举例需要双写的动词,如 put,run,swim 等,并引导学生适当进行操练,让学生真正理解 “双写” 变化的现在分词,对这几个词的现在分词有所了解。 6. 让学生拿出练习本,书写本单元短语 7. 教师引导学生做 Look and say 中的打电话游戏,活动可在小组内 或同桌间进行,教师随机检测学习效果并指导,注意提醒学生 now 这个词的意义。也可以找一名同学到前面做动作,其他同学 猜猜。 8. 教师出示 Listen and say 部分的图片。学生之间进行问答操练, 巩固本单元的重点句型,单词,在上节课是基础上学会如何对图 片进行提问。学生跟读课文,并自读课文,两人试着朗读并表演。 9. 教师放录音,请学生根据录音内容把 Listen,match and write 中 的图片内容连线,然后在写出句子。小组合作完成,派代表发言。 师归纳总结。 10.师生一起看视频边唱边跳 What are you doing? 三 趣味操练 活动一:教师做动作,学生猜 此种方式能让学生在轻松愉悦的环境中进行语言的学习,激发 学生的学习积极性和热情 活动二:打电话 全班同时都在做事情,教师叫一名同学来给另一名同学打电话, 进行电话交流,并应用本单元的重点句型 四 巩固与拓展 1. 看书,跟录音朗读 Listen and say 部分,并以小组的形式进行课本 剧表演 2. 看图,能用打电话的形式应用本单元的重点句型进行交流 3. 欣赏图片,让学生感受图片的美,并告诉学生用自己的双手去创 造美好的明天,相信明天会更好! 五小结 你学会了什么? 六作业 1.用现在进行时句型,练习打电话 2.朗读课文 3.主动帮助父母做些家务 板书设计: Unit 10 Cleaning my room What are you doing? Im cleaning the room. cooking dinner reading a book setting the table
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