人教版(新起点)一年级下册Unit 3 Toys-lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:80a06).zip

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Distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. To begin with, Id like to give a brief introduction of myself. My name is Hu Min, an English teacher from a primary school in Gansu Province. It is really a great honour for me to have the valuable opportunity to meet you and share my ideas on low-grade vocabulary teaching. The lesson Im going to talk about is the first lesson of the third unit from the Volume 2 of Grade 1 published by People Education Publishing House. The topic of this unit is toys which is close to childrens life and obviously is the thing that my 6-year-old students are the most interested in. So Im going to make the best use of this advantage to attract and motivate them to take part in the class activities with the greatest imterest so that they can learn the target language more efficiently. Based on the teaching material and the requirement of the curriculum standard, here comes my teaching objectives. For the knowledge objects, students should be able to know the listening and speaking of the 6 toys: car, train, plane, doll, ball and bear. Also, Id like to enable them to recognize these words. In addition, students can say toy words in the sentence pattern “Can I have a?” and give simple affirmative and negative answers: “Sure. Here you are.” “Sorry, no.”For the ability objects, students are required to use the toy words outside the classroom in daily life. At the same time, students can use the sentence pattern Can I have a? to ask for something they need or want. For the affection, attitude and value goal, students should know that they need to tidy up their toys by themselves. Also, Id like to let students realize the necessity and importance to be polite and well-behaved to ask for parents or somebody elses permissions to do certain things by using Can I ? instead of just giving demands or orders. It may be noticed that I set recognizing the target words as one of the teaching objectives. Because I have seen a lot of English beginners at young age such as in Grade 1 or 2, for example, they can immediately say car at the image of a car, but, when the letters c-a-r appears in front of them, they cant recognize it as car. Actually, its a very common phenomenon. Since English is an alphabetic language which has something in common with Chinese Pinyin, I find that as long as you lead students and give them guidance to focus on the formations of the words, they can easily establish the contact and find the regulation between letters and their pronunciations which we call it phonics. I believe that the childrens language learning should be accompanied by phonics at the very beginning just as the native speakers do. That is why I set recognizing as one of the aims. Now the teaching procedures. Step one: greeting. This part can not be ignored or cancelled. Because its a good chance to draw students concentration back to class after the break. Step two: revision and warm-up. Revision is a routine job in my class because children seem to have a strong memory as well as a trend to forget easily. I design a treasure hunt” game to review the nouns and the position prepositions learnt before. Here is the situation I set for this part: Students are told to be given a gift which they have to find out by themselves with the help of my tips. For example, tip 1: on teachers desk. And tip 2 is waiting for students on teachers desk on which it writes: in somebodys schoolbag. Tip 3: under somebodys chair. Tip 4: behind the door. Tip 5: on the blackboard. Tip 6: near the light. Tip 7: in the box. Ta-da! Finally, a student finds the gift, a 奇趣蛋. This process is a comprehensive revision of what learnt before. Meanwhile, It can increase students concentration, arouse their curiosity and get them totally warmed up. Also, Ill use this to lead into the new class like this: There is chocolate as well as a toy in 奇 趣蛋. Today we are going to learn toys. Step three: presentation. At first, I create a context that we are going to a toy store with Bill and Joy. Then I play the conversation video on page 18 with the questions given to students “What toy does Bill want?” “What toy does Joy want?”to remind students to focus on the toy words. Then I teach the six words one by one. Here, I want to talk about the main guiding principles and teaching concepts I use to teach this lesson. That is: Teach words in sentences. Teach sentence patterns in contexts. Always teach English in real situations. During the word-teaching process, I create situations under which students can understand and experience the communicative function and pragmatic function of English. Only in this way can students become users of language, not just learners of language. For example, if I teach car, I set up a certain situation to lead students to say like:“I ts a car.” “I have a car.” “I like the car.” “Can I have a car?”instead of reading words again and again in isolation. Usually, especially after the students have learned English for several months, I dont read the new words directly and ask them to just follow me. I usually give them 2 questions. One: Do you know any word which is familiar to this one? Two: Can you try pronouncing it? Take this lesson as an example: students would probably find car is similar to cat, and then it will come up to their mind that c can be pronounced as /k/. Also, the new word bear is very similar to pear. Apart from the /p/ /b/ pronunciation, students can even read out the the new one correctly by themselves. In fact, the thing I most eager to see is not the accuracy of their pronunciations, but the attitude, the positive and active attitude tow ards learning. During this process, students can not only master the right method to learn English, but also, they can obtain a great sense of accomplishment and a great deal of confidence. Another teaching method I use is TPR- total physical response. We act out every toy when we study it. For exam ple, car, train, plane, bear, ball, doll, yes, like cradling a baby in our arms. We all know the way of childrens thinking is intuitive and concrete. If we associate each word with an action, students can learn much faster. In addition, from my experience, keeping children busy with something can prevent them from getting tired, bored or distracted. So I love TPR. I always use this te aching method in my class. Step four: practice. Since children are active and competitive, I design several games and competitions from the easiest to the hardest to practice the target language. 1. A group of students come to the front, standing in a line, facing the whole class. Other students give them tests by saying words and let them do the right actions. 2. I read the first sound of the words to make students complete. For example: If I say /k/, they are supposed to say car; I say/tr/, they say train, etc. 3.Group work. I show one of the cards to the first student in each line, and this student has to whisper this word to the student behind him or her. Then they pass on the word to the next student one by one. At last, Ill check if the last student can tell me exactly the same word as I told them at the very beginning. 4. I disarrange the order of the pictures and the vocabulary cards on the blackboard. And then ask students to rematch and rearrange them. Step five: Display time I set up a toy stall with toys I prepared in advance. Let students take turns to act parents and their children who want toys. The teaching methods I use in this part are situational teaching method and communicative teaching method. Now let me talk about my design of the blackboard. One blackboard is used for title and the main sentence pattern while the other one is decorated as shelves of a toy store to further enhance the situational context. The last thing I want to talk about is the classroom evaluation I used to pr aise and encourage good behaviors in my class. Every time when students answer questions correctly or they try very hard and get close to the right answers, I give them stickers. Once students have ten stickers, they can exchange them into a Huacaibi which is a special reward in our school. When students have sufficient numbers of Huacaibi issued by teachers of different subjects, parents committee, or other school staffs, they get gifts or opportunities to take part in School Tours organized by our school. So, I believe the classroom evaluation should be continuous and systematic. Only in this way can students be more stimulated and inspired. In the end, Id like to summarize my class in one sentence: I hope students learn from contexts, gain in happiness. Thank you! 人教版新起点一年级下册人教版新起点一年级下册 Unit 3 Toys Lesson 1 Unit 3 Lesson 1 一、 Main guiding principles and teaching concepts Create a situation under which students can understand and experience the communicative function and pragmatic function of English. Only in this way can students become users of language, not just learners of language. Learn words in sentences. Learn sentence patterns in contexts. Learn English in real situations. 二、Teaching aims 1. Aims on knowledge a. Students should be able to know the listening and speaking of the 6 toys: car, train, plane, doll, ball and bear. b. Enable students to recognize these toy words. c. Students can say toy words in the sentence pattern “Can I have a?” and give simple affirmative and negative answers: “Sure. Here you are.” “Sorry, no.” 2. Aims on ability a. Students are required to use the toy words outside the classroom in daily life. b. Students can use the sentence pattern Can I have a? to ask for something they need or want. 3. Aims on affection: a. Let students to realize they need to tidy up their toys by themselves. b. Let students realize the necessity and importance to be polite and well-behaved to ask for parents or somebody elses permissions to do certain things by using Can I ? instead of just giving demands or orders.三 、Teaching key point The listening and speaking of target vocabulary: car, train, plane, doll, ball and bear and their use in the objective sentence pattern: Can I have a? 四、Teaching difficult points The pronunciation of train and plane, the rising tone of the target sentence pattern. 五、Teaching aids: teaching CD/ toys/ toy box/ toy shelves 六、Teaching methods: situational teaching method, gaming teaching method, total physical response method. 七、Teaching procedures: Step 1: Greeting (Greetingis a good chance to draw students concentration back to class after the break.) Step 2: Revision and warm up Design a treasure hunt” game to review the nouns and the position prepositions learnt before. Here is the situation I set for this part: Students are told to be given a gift which they have to find out by themselves with the help of my tips. tip 1: on teachers desk. And tip 2 is waiting for students on teachers desk on which it writes: in somebodys schoolbag. Tip 3: under somebodys chair. Tip 4:b ehind the door. Tip 5: on the blackboard. Tip 6:in the box. Finally, a student finds the gift, a Qiqudan. (This process is a comprehensive revision of what learnt before. Meanwhile, it can increase students concentration, arouse their curiosity and get them totally warmed up.) Step 3: Lead-in There is chocolate as well as a toy in Qiqudan. Today we are going to learn toys. Step 4: Presentation: 1. situation creation T: Lets go to a toy store with Bill and Joy. (Play the video on page 18 with the questions given to students: What toy does Bill want? What toy does Joy want?) 2. Teaching car T: Wow! So many toys! What toy does Bill want? Yes, a car. Lets put it on the shelf. Cat, car, c c c k k k (draw a cat next to car). Car, car, its a car. (do the TPR) Car, car, I have a car. (Take out a toy car to pass to a student while saying the sentence, give students demonstration to pass the toy saying the sentence) 3. Teaching bear T: Do you remember what toy Joy wants? Yes. Lets put it here. (compare bear with pear. Teach bear the same way as teaching car).Now Lets watch the video again to see what they say to ask for the toys. When you want a toy, can you just say: Mum, a bear! (Play the video the second time and make up a chant) Bear, bear, can I have a bear? Sure, sure, here you are. Sorry, sorry, sorry, no. (give a toy bear to a student and ask it back using the sentence pattern. Show students to do the same thing for several rounds) 4. Teaching train, plane, doll, ball the same way. (The basic principle is to draw students attention to phonics and to create the context and practice words in sentences.) Step 4: Practice: 1. A group of students come to the front, standing in a line, facing the whole class. Other students give them tests by saying words and let them do the right actions. 2. I read the first sound of the words to make students complete. 3.Students take turns to come to the front to extract words and perform them to let other students guess. 4. Disarrange the order of the cards on the blackboard. Ask students to rearrange toys (pictures) and labels (word cards) on the shelves. (blackboard) 5. Display time I set up a toy stall with toys I prepared in advance. Let students take turns to act parents and their children who want toys. (The teaching methods I use in this part are situational teaching method and communicative teaching method.) 八、Blackboard design: One blackboard is used for title and the main sentence pattern while the other one is decorated as shelves of a toy store to further enhance the situational context. 九、Homework: 1. Listen to the tape and repeat the words and conversation after class. 2. Make up chants.
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