人教版(新起点)一年级下册Unit 4 Food-Review & Rewards-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:c73d1).zip

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1.Lets talk about food! 2.Lets make a book! 3.Lets act the story! 任务任务 What food do you like? I like . What do you have for breakfast? I have . 1.Lets talk about food! 2.Lets make a book! 3.Lets act the story! Guess! Its small. Its strong. It lives under the ground. It has six legs. 一种昆虫 居住在地下。居住在地下。 ants title author illustrator 题目题目 美工美工 作者作者 What will Dad do? A.Swim. B.Look for food. 找食物找食物 。 Do they like cakes? How do you know? 你是怎么知道的?你是怎么知道的? 猜一猜猜一猜 Do they like chocolates? How do you know? 猜一猜猜一猜 Do they like apples? How do you know? What is Dad doing,now? Dad is sleeping. Because he is tired. 1.Lets talk about food! 2.Lets make a book! 3.Lets act the story! Lets make a book! 1.Read the story! Lets make a book! 1.Read the story! 2.Work in groups, order the pictures! 1.Lets talk about food! 2.Lets make a book! 3.Lets act the story! Show Time 1.Work in groups. 2.Its show time. 1.Act the story. 2.Act more. 表表 演演 要要 求求 1.Lets talk about food! 2.Lets make a book! 3.Lets act the story! If you are babies, What will you do? Father and mother love us. We should love them more. What can you do for father? 6.19 Homework 1.Make a cover for the story. 2.Share the story with your parents. 外语教学与研究出版社大猫英语分级阅读外语教学与研究出版社大猫英语分级阅读 二级二级 3 3 Whats for Breakfast? 一、教材分析:一、教材分析: 在小学低段的英语课堂中,趣味是第一位的。而绘本用简练生动的语言和精致优美的绘画给学生提供 语言、情感方面的教育,学生在趣味中习得语言,并促使其相关领域的发展。本课选用的是大猫分级阅读 二级 3(适合小学二,三年级)。话题主要是由蚂蚁宝宝的早餐引出。 二、学情分析:二、学情分析: 本课的教学对象是二年级的学生,通过一年半的英语学习,初步积累了一定的听、说、读、能力,对 故事及多彩的图片充满好奇。低段的学生乐于想象,对英语的学习充满兴趣,乐于用英语表达自己的思维, 喜欢表演。因此课程设计需要具有层次性,多样性,巧妙利用图片设置悬念激发学生“我要学”的想法, 并乐于用英语表达自己对故事的看法,帮助其建立自信。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1 1、知识目标:、知识目标: (1 1)能使用句子:Whats for breakfast? 询问他人早餐吃什么,并能回答自己的早餐。 (2 2)能熟练使用句子表达对事物的喜好。 2 2、技能目标、技能目标: : (1 1)能结合本课所学把散乱的图片合成这个小故事; (2 2)能听懂故事内容,并就故事中的场景,进行表演,并能根据自己的能力可适当增加语言; (3)(3) 通过学习故事得出的感悟,能谈论在即将到来的父亲节,你能为父亲做些什么? 3 3、情感目标:、情感目标: (1 1)通过学习故事,鼓励学生在日常生活中主动关心,孝顺父母。 四、教学重、难点:四、教学重、难点: 重点:重点:能较完整正确地朗读故事,在小组内能把散乱的图片拼成今天所学的故事。 难点:难点:能生动地表演故事。 五、教具准备:五、教具准备: 多媒体课件 与六、教学过程与六、教学过程 Teachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesIntentions Step 1: Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. Chant and do the actions with the students. 1. Greeting. 2. Chant and do the actions. 问候营造英语氛围。 通过 chant 复习核 心词句,活跃气氛。 Step 2 Lead-in 1. Have students talk about what food do you like? How about your breakfast? 2.Have students guess an insect: Its small. Its strong. It has six legs. Today, we will talk about ants and their breakfast. 3.Have students look and talk about the cover of the book. 1.谈论自己喜欢的食物及自己 的早餐。 2.猜测今天故事的主角。 3.了解故事封面的内容。 由熟悉的话题展开, 激发学生表达的兴 趣。再引入到今天 故事的主角及本课 的话题。 Step 3: Story 1.Have them look at page1. Look, what time is it? Guess,what will babies say? What will Dad do? 2.Talk about page2: Guess :look, father find out a food, whats this? Do you like cakes? Guess: Do they like cakes? How do you know? 3.Talk about page3: Guess:what will babies say? Then, have them watch and repeat. 4.Talk about page4: Look: what time is it? Lead them talk about what will babies say? 5.Talk about page5: Look, father find food again. Guess: what will find out? Whats this? Do you like chocolate? Do they like it? How do you know? 6.Talk about page6: Guess: What will babies say? Then, have them listen and repeat. 7.Talk about page7: Look: what time is it? Babies are hungry, so ,what will they say? 8.Talk about page8: Guess: father find Do you like apples? Do they like apples? 9.Talk about page9: Babies like apples.So, what will they say? 1. 观察第 1 页,猜测蚂蚁宝宝 会给爸爸说什么? 听,模仿,读。 2.观察第 2 页,猜测蚂蚁爸爸 带回的食物,宝宝会喜欢吗? 从哪里观察到的? 3.观察第 3 页,猜测蚂蚁宝宝 不喜欢蛋糕,他们会怎么给爸 爸表达? 听,模仿,跟读。 4.观察第 4 页,猜测蚂蚁宝宝 会给爸爸说什么? 5.观察第 5 页,猜测第二次爸 爸会带回什么?蚂蚁宝宝喜欢 吗?你是怎么观察到的? 6.观察第 6 页,蚂蚁宝宝不喜 欢巧克力,他们会怎么表达呢? 听,模仿,跟读。 7.观察第 7 页,蚂蚁宝宝会给 爸爸说什么呢?爸爸会再去找 食物吗? 8.观察第 8 页,猜测这次劳累 的爸爸找到什么食物了?宝宝 会喜欢吗?你是怎么观察到的? 9.观察第 9 页,想一想,宝宝 引导学生观察 图片中人物的表情 及时钟,推测蚂蚁 宝宝的想法。 从学生自身的 喜好,再到推测蚂 蚁宝宝的喜好。 从观察图片到 推测人物心理发展, 再到听,模仿跟读。 以激发学生想学的 愿望。 在故事的进一 步发展中,教师让 学生观察图片,以 提问的形式引导学 生理解故事,体会 人物的心理。培养 学生在阅读中推理, 判断,预测的能力。 10.Talk about page10: Look, babies are very happy, they are full,now.So, what will they say? Father is happy, too. Is it the ending of the story? 11.Talk about page11.Have them look, baby ants are very happy now. Guess: What will they do? Wow, its 12:00. They want to have lunch. So , what will they say to father? Have students read together. Oh, where is father? What is he doing,now? Then, have students look at page12. Wow, father is sleeping now. Because , he is tired. 13.Have them watch and repeat the story. Then make these pictures to a book. Then,check. 14. It show time. 15. Have them retell the story by together, then, talk about: If you were baby ants what will you do now? Share the ideas. Tell the students, father and mother love us. We should love them too. 16.Fathers Day is coming! What can you do for father? 很喜欢苹果,他们会怎么表达 呢? 10.观察第 10 页,宝宝们吃得 很开心,想一想,宝宝会怎么 给爸爸表达呢? 11.宝宝们很开心地吃完了苹果。 接下来他们又打算做什么呢? 观察第 11 页。哇,原来他 们想吃午饭了,他们会怎么给 爸爸说呢? 猜测:爸爸去哪儿了,在 做什么呢?小组讨论后分享。 13.听,看,模仿跟读故事。 小组合作,把散乱的图片 拼成今天学习的故事,并订成 一本书。 14. 按照 show time 的步骤和 要求,小组合作,进行表演。 15.根老师一起看黑板复述故事, 讨论:爸爸忙了一早上了,累 得睡着了。如果你们是蚂蚁宝 宝你们会怎么做?然后分享自 己的想法。 16. 谈论父亲节要到了,打算 为爸爸做些什么? 在情景表演及 看图推测故事情节 发展中,体会英语 学习的乐趣。 学生乐于自我展示。 小组合作中培养学 生的想象力,让学 生喜欢英语,提升 学生的口头表达能 力。 通过复述故事, 让学生体会爸爸忙 碌的一早,从而让 学生体会父母对孩 子的爱,引导学生 在平时生活中也要 多多关心孝顺父母。 Step 4: Set Homework 1. Draw a cover about the story. 2. Share the story with your parents or friends. 1. Watch and listen 七、板书设计:七、板书设计:
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