人教版(新起点)二年级下册-Unit 4 Time-lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:50146).zip

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人教版人教版 一年级起点一年级起点 二年级下册二年级下册 Guess -What s this ? -Its a clock ? -What can the clock show us ? -Time! eleven twelve twenty Read after the video eleventwelve thirty forty eleven twelve twentythirty forty fifty 12 11 20 30 40 Task: Can you read the time in English? 11: 10? 11:20? 11:30 ? 11: 40 ? 11:50? 12: 00? Time flies! Time is life . Time is money . Please treasure your time! (请大家珍惜时间!请大家珍惜时间!) Homework: 1. read and remember the new words . (读并背诵新学单词) 2.Try to read the time in English.(试着用英语表达时间) Thank you! Unit 4 Time Lesson 1 教学目标教学目标 认知目标: 通过时钟来学会单词 eleven,twelve, twenty, thirty, forty ,fifty. 能够通过看图或实物识别不同的时间并能够用英语表达时间 能够用所学的问句 What time is it? 来询问时间并知道怎样回答 情感目标: 学生能够通过对本课时间表达的学习提高对时间的认识,学会爱惜时间、珍惜时 间。 能够在学习的过程中增强自己的生活能力。 学习策略目标: 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。 教学重点:教学重点: 能够听说认识单词 eleven,twelve, twenty, thirty, forty ,fifty。 能够用 what time is it? 来询问时间并且能够用英语回答。 教学难点:教学难点: 学会看时钟,会用英语 What time is it?询问时间并用英语回答。 教学准备:教学准备: PPT,教学投影片,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,时钟模型等 教学步骤:教学步骤: Step1 free talk T:Good morning ,boys and girls!How are you? S:Im fine ,thank you .And you? T; Im fine ,too. Nice to meet you ! S: Nice to meet you ,too.! T:Today ,I will devide you into four group. Group1,Group2,Group3,Group4, lets have a match,OK? Ss;OK! step 2. Warming up (热身活动热身活动) Enjoy the song ten little candles. step 3. Reviewing and leading in (复习复习) Review the words of numbers1to 10 T:You have done a good job! Step 4 leading in(导入新课(导入新课) Guess riddle T:I have got something here. It has a big round face and two hands. One is long but one is short. You can see 12 numbers on its face. What is it? Ss :Clock. Teacher show the clock model clock. T :Look at the clock .It has two hands. The short hand is hour hand .the long one is minute hand. T: What can the clock show us? Ss: Time! T: Yes! Today we are going to learn unit 4 Time lesson 1 step 5. Presentation (学习新课学习新课) 教师播放 lets chant 视频 T:Who can tell me the time in the video? Ss: 11:00, 11: 20, 11:30 , 11:40, 11: 50, 12:00 T:Good job! How to ask time? We use this sentence: What time is it?(板书句子 教读句子,) T:Look at the clock. What time is it? S:It is 11:00 学习新词 eleven 板书 eleven. Show me your finger ,write with me.e-l-e-v-e-n. eleven 升降调朗读。拆音拼读单词,Read the word one by one. T; who can read this word ? Hands up! T:Look at the clock What time is it? S:It is 12:00 . T:学习新词 12 twelve. Read after the video,T-w-e-l-v-e, twelve. 拆音读单词 Read the word group by group. T:Look at the clock. What time is it? S:It is 11:20 T: 20 twenty.(教读单词) T:lets count numbers from 20 to 29,引出数字 30 T:学习新词 3 0 thirty.(教读单词) (大小声读) T:lets count numbers from 30 to 39,引出数字 40 学习新词 40 forty.(教读单词) (男生女生读) T: lets count numbers from 40 to 49,引出数字 50 学习新词 5 0 fifty.(教读单词) (同桌一起读) T; Read after the video. Step 6 Practice 1 .Game Whats missing? (巩固新词) 2 Game sharp eyes 3.教师将钟表时针、分针拨到(11:10, 11:20 等) T: What time is it? . Ss: Its 11:20 . -Its eleven twenty. Ss: Its 11:30 . -Its eleven thirty. Ss: Its 11:40 . -Its eleven forty. Ss: Its11: 50 . -Its eleven fifty. Ss: Its 12: 00.-It s twelve oclock 4.Learn the chant 1) Listen to the chant 2) Follow the chant 3) Sing the chant step 4. practicing (操练) fox, fox , what time is it? 学生两人一组,一人拿着钟表拨时间,并且问 S1: fox, fox, what time is it? S2: Its . Ask and answer pair work (拿做好的钟表, 一人摆时间一人回答) Show some students jobs Step7. summary (小结) Today we have learn six words and how to express time. Time flies.Time is life. Time is money. Please treasure your time! (请大家珍惜时间!) step 6. homework (家庭作业) 1. Read and remember the words on page 30. 2.Try to read the time in English. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 4 time Lesson1 What time is it ? Its eleven twenty twelve thirty forty fifty
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