人教版(新起点)三下Unit 3 After School Activities-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:40876).docx

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1、After School Activities Lesson 2 Step 1: Act and say. Greeting . T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Mrs Wang. 2. Sing and do. T: Please say “hello” to your friend. Ss: Hello. T: Please play football with your friend. Ss: Play football. I can play football. T: Please play chess with y

2、our friend. Ss: Play chess. I can play chess. T: Please sing a song with your friend. Ss: Sing songs. I can sing songs. T: Do you have fun? Ss: Yes. 设计意图:从整体学生出发,活跃课堂氛围,复习句子。 Step 2:Lets guess.(师生互动) T: Well done. Do you like games? Ss: Yes. T: Now, lets play a guessing game.Look at these pictures,

3、what do they do? Can you say? S1: Read books. S2: Draw pictures. S3: Play sports. S4: Fly a kite. S5: Make a snowman. T: Can you make sentences use these words? Ss:Yes, I can. Pair work: The teacher ask some students to make sentences . For example: 1.Can you swim? Yes, I can. 2. Do you like dancing

4、?No, I cant. 设计意图:通过猜词,锻炼学生用脑、用口的能力,复习旧知识, 为新授课做铺垫,降低新授课难度,这一环节比较基础,主要针对 学困生,培养他们的自信心。 Step 3: New lesson. T: For me. I often cook for my daughter after school. Now, Look at this picture, Where are they? Who are they? Each group discuss this problem? I will give you 2min to discuss.(同桌间相互看图讨论) T:Tim

5、e is up. Who are they? S1: They are Yaoyao and Binbin. T: Where are they? S2: They are at the school. T:Ok.Can you guess what are they talking about? (看图预设) T:Who want to try? S1: Whats your name? S2: Whats your favourite class? . T: OK. Now ,lets listen,then tell me what do you hear?(一 听,学困生只要能听出词既

6、可给予鼓励,可以让优等生来说完整的 句子。) T:Can you hear the key words? S1: Play sports. S2: Read books. S3: What are you going to do after school? T:Oh,yes.What are you going to do after school? (在黑板上写 上本课的句型)Can you guess this sentence Chinese meaning? S1: 你做什么活动? S2:你放学后做什么事情?(补充) S3:你放学后打算做什么?(完整回答) 老师讲解 be going

7、to 计划,打算。Be( is ,am ,are) T:Work in pairs. Make a dialogue.(优等生带动学困生,尝试操 练对话,只要能够表达清楚,就要及时给予鼓励,增强其学习的自 信心。) -What are you going to do after school? -Im going to T:Whats he going to do after school?他放学后打算做什么? (根据学生的对话内容,提出问题,引出本课的第二个重点句型。) S1:他打算 T: Yes.Hes going to(板书)Now,there is a turntable,let s

8、make sentences use“Hes /Shes going to” S1:Hes going to draw pictures. S2:Shes going to dance. T: Good job.OK.now lets go on listening.Whats Andy going to do?(二听) S:Hes going to read books. Learn the dialogue. (教师在这边听力播放完后,对对话内容进行,语法知识上的讲解) 1.love to do 爱做某事情 2.like doing 喜爱做某事 (并用举例进行早句,让学生更加印象 深刻)5

9、. Listen to the dialogue and repeat.(三听) Role play. (设计意图:利用三听来分散教学难点,通过听读实践活动来突破语 言知识难点。) Step 4: Listen and match. T: Lets listen what are they going to do after school? Lets listen to the radio. 听力内容:Zhang Hua is going to play chess after school. Yang Yang is going to draw pictures and dance. Wan

10、g Fang is going to read books after school. Tom is going to sing songs after school. Lets check the answer. 设计意图:通过听力检查学生对本课语言知识的掌握情况。 Step 5:Work in groups. T: There are many activities in our school.Now lets look what do they do? Ss: Play basketball, do paper cutting T: OK, if you are School news(

11、小记者采访),What would you want to ask? S1: Whats your name? S2:What are you going to do after school? S3: Do you like.? T:Good,now please work in groups,make a dialogue.(小组合作, 小记者进行采访。) 设计意图:让学生利用所学知识进行口语交际,培养学生的合作意 识,以优带差,并培养他们养成善于倾听的好习惯,尊重别人。 Step 6:Lets write. Sunday is coming. Im going to My father is going to My mother is going to Step 7:Summary. Let students to summary what have we learnt in this class? Step 8:Homework Do a survey.


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