人教版(新起点)三下Unit 2 My School-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:00130).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 My School_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:00130)
    • 人教2011课标版小学英语三年级下册 Unit Two.doc--点击预览
    • 人教2011课标版小学英语三年级下册 Unit Two.pptx--点击预览
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人教人教 20112011 课标版小学英语三年级下册课标版小学英语三年级下册 UnitUnit TwoTwo C C StoryStory TimeTime 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 通过 C Story Time 的学习复习巩固本单元所学语言 Is that the.?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.This is. (二)能力目标 1.全体同学能在语言、图片的帮助下理解故事,并能朗读故事。 2.95%的学生能表演故事,并能恰当运用故事中的语言。 (三)情感目标 感受学校的漂亮与温馨,培养学生热爱学校的情感。 二、教学重点 同学能在语言、图片的帮助下理解故事,并能朗读故事。 三、教学难点 学生能表演故事,并能恰当运用故事中的语言。 四、教具准备 相关音频、视频、图片、Monkey、Hippo、Rabbit、Zip、Zoom 的头 饰。 五、教学过程 StepStep 1 1 PreparationPreparation T: Hello,everyone! Ss:Hi!Miss Li! T: How are you today? Ss:Im fine,thank you! (一)T: OK,first,lets listen to the music. (教师播放歌曲视频Our School,学生和老师一起跟着视频拍手 唱。) T: OK,who can answer the question:What is the song about? Ss:Our school. (二)T: Yes,the song is about school,there are many rooms in our school,now lets have a look.This one!(PPT 出示 library 图片) Ss:Library. T: 向上手势。 Ss:Library.(升调) T: 向下手势。 Ss:Library.(降调) 同样的方法复习 music room、gym、teachers office、computer room. T: Next,lets play a funny game:WhatsWhats missing?missing? First,I will show you some pictures,you should remember them!Then,when I speak close,please close your eyes,I will take away 1 picture,when I speak open,please open your eyes and find quickly:Whats missing?The girls are group A,the boys are group B,which group do well,you can get a mark! Ss:Come on! T: OK,first,lets remember the pictures!(出示图片 gym- library) Ss:Gym.(升调) ,gym.(降调). T:OK! Close!(PPT 撤走 library 图片) Open!(谁最先举手,点名回答) T:OK,group A won,congratulations! T:Is this the.? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. Is that the.? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 设计意图:复习学过的学校课室,为学习新知做铺垫。 So,there are all kinds of rooms in our school,next,lets meet some new friends! StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation (一)通过看图片、听对话让学生感知文本。 出示课本情境图问学生: T:Who are they? Ss:Zip,Room,Rabbit,Monkey. T:Yes,and who is he?(指着河马问学生) Ss:Hippo,Hippo,Hippo(或有的同学回答河马)! T:Where are they? Ss:School. T:Right or wrong?.Lets look at the video. So,where are they? Ss:School. T:Yes,they are in Hippos school. 设计意图:通过看听问答,让学生从整体上感知课文内容,通过回 答问题 Where are they?让学生对故事内容有整体印象。 (二)Show picture 2、3、4、5,let students read and circle:where do they visit? T:Now please watch the video again and circle:where do they visit? T:OK,where do they visit in Hippos school? A.Library,music room,gym,lunch room,computer room B.Library,music room,gym,lunch room,teachersoffice A or B? Ss: B. T:Yes, they visit library、music room、gym、lunch room and teachersoffice. 设计意图:通过读故事、看视频选出 B,抓住故事的总线索-小伙伴 们共同参观的五个课室。 (三)Watch and answer: T:Watch the next video and answer my question:Is that the lunch room? T:OK,is that the lunch room?(学生通过观看视频,听到 Is that the lunch room?及回答 Yes,it is.很容易回答,Yes,it is.) Ss:Yes,it is. T:Whats the meaning of lunch room? Look at this picture!(PPT 出示餐厅图片)Yes,the meaning of lunch roomis 餐厅。 领读 Is that the lunch room?Yes,it is. (四)Read picture 5 and answer the question: Is that the computer room? T:Is that the computer room? S:No,it isnt. T:How does the hippo answer? S:No,its not. T:Whats the meaning of No,its not. 引导学生说出:No,it isnt. T:Good! So, No,its not.=No,it isnt. 设计意图:通过观看视频得出:No,its not.=No,it isnt. (五)Look at picture 6 and find: What does the hippo say? T:What does the hippo say? S:Its time for lunch. T:Whats the meaning oflunch?(PPT 出示午饭图片)This is lunch ,so, the meaning oflunchis 午饭.And whats the meaning ofIts time for lunch?(PPT 出示钟表图片),Yes,it means time.So the meaning ofIts time for lunchis 该吃午饭 了. 通过语音迁移字母“i-e”发音,学生试读出“time” 。 Its time for lunch. 教师板书、领读,小组练习。 设计意图:通过观看视频及图片让学生猜测出 Its time for lunch.的意思,并根据之前学过的元辅 e 发音规律试读 time。 (六)Read the story again and find: Where is Zoom? T:Now lets Read the story again and find: Where is Zoom? PPT show the story again. PPT: Where is Zoom? Zoom is in the A.Lunch room B.Art room How do you know? In picture 6: Zoom says:“Im full!”. T:Full? Whats the meaning? S:饱了。 What do you want to tell Zoom? StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice Watch、listen and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and feelings. StepStep 4 4 ProductionProduction (一)师生示范对话。 (二)小组练习对话。 (三)生生汇报表演。 (四)情感教育:Hipposchool is beautiful,and our school is beautiful,too.We study in the school,we should love our school. (五)Homework: Try to introduce our school in English. 人教2011课标版小学英语三年级下册 Unit Two Story Time 新乡县大召营镇大召营学校 李少丹 What is the song about? library music room gym teachers office computer room WheredotheyvisitinHipposschool? A:Library、musicroom、gym、lunchroom、computerroom B:Library、musicroom、gym、lunchroom、teachersoffice lunch room Is that the lunch room? Yes,it is. Is this the computer room? No,its not. Its the teachers office. (No,its not.= No,it isnt.) lunch Its time for lunch. time B、Lunch room Where is Zoom? Zoom is in the ( ). A、Art room Hippo: Welcome to our school. This way, please . Zip: How beautiful! Hippo: This is the library. Monkey: Ilike storybooks. Zoom: Oh, Im hungry. Monkey: Is that the music room? Hippo: Yes, it is. Hippo: This is the gym. Zoom: Is that the lunch room? Hippo: Yes, it is. Zip: Is this the computer room? Hippo: No,its not. Its the teachers office. Hippo: Its time for lunch. Rabbit: Where is Zoom? Zip: Zoom? I know! Zoom: Im full! Hipposschoolis beautiful, ourschoolis beautiful,too. Westudyinthe school,weshould loveourschool! Homework: Trytointroduceourschool inEnglish. Thanks!Thanks! 人教人教 20112011 课标版小学英语三年级下册课标版小学英语三年级下册 UnitUnit TwoTwo C C StoryStory TimeTime 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 通过 C Story Time 的学习复习巩固本单元所学语言 Is that the.?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.This is. (二)能力目标 1.全体同学能在语言、图片的帮助下理解故事,并能朗读故事。 2.95%的学生能表演故事,并能恰当运用故事中的语言。 (三)情感目标 感受学校的漂亮与温馨,培养学生热爱学校的情感。 二、教学重点 同学能在语言、图片的帮助下理解故事,并能朗读故事。 三、教学难点 学生能表演故事,并能恰当运用故事中的语言。 四、教具准备 相关音频、视频、图片、Monkey、Hippo、Rabbit、Zip、Zoom 的头 饰。 五、教学过程 StepStep 1 1 PreparationPreparation T: Hello,everyone! Ss:Hi!Miss Li! T: How are you today? Ss:Im fine,thank you! (一)T: OK,first,lets listen to the music. (教师播放歌曲视频Our School,学生和老师一起跟着视频拍手 唱。) T: OK,who can answer the question:What is the song about? Ss:Our school. (二)T: Yes,the song is about school,there are many rooms in our school,now lets have a look.This one!(PPT 出示 library 图片) Ss:Library. T: 向上手势。 Ss:Library.(升调) T: 向下手势。 Ss:Library.(降调) 同样的方法复习 music room、gym、teachers office、computer room. T: Next,lets play a funny game:WhatsWhats missing?missing? First,I will show you some pictures,you should remember them!Then,when I speak close,please close your eyes,I will take away 1 picture,when I speak open,please open your eyes and find quickly:Whats missing?The girls are group A,the boys are group B,which group do well,you can get a mark! Ss:Come on! T: OK,first,lets remember the pictures!(出示图片 gym- library) Ss:Gym.(升调) ,gym.(降调). T:OK! Close!(PPT 撤走 library 图片) Open!(谁最先举手,点名回答) T:OK,group A won,congratulations! T:Is this the.? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. Is that the.? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 设计意图:复习学过的学校课室,为学习新知做铺垫。 So,there are all kinds of rooms in our school,next,lets meet some new friends! StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation (一)通过看图片、听对话让学生感知文本。 出示课本情境图问学生: T:Who are they? Ss:Zip,Room,Rabbit,Monkey. T:Yes,and who is he?(指着河马问学生) Ss:Hippo,Hippo,Hippo(或有的同学回答河马)! T:Where are they? Ss:School. T:Right or wrong?.Lets look at the video. So,where are they? Ss:School. T:Yes,they are in Hippos school. 设计意图:通过看听问答,让学生从整体上感知课文内容,通过回 答问题 Where are they?让学生对故事内容有整体印象。 (二)Show picture 2、3、4、5,let students read and circle:where do they visit? T:Now please watch the video again and circle:where do they visit? T:OK,where do they visit in Hippos school? A.Library,music room,gym,lunch room,computer room B.Library,music room,gym,lunch room,teachersoffice A or B? Ss: B. T:Yes, they visit library、music room、gym、lunch room and teachersoffice. 设计意图:通过读故事、看视频选出 B,抓住故事的总线索-小伙伴 们共同参观的五个课室。 (三)Watch and answer: T:Watch the next video and answer my question:Is that the lunch room? T:OK,is that the lunch room?(学生通过观看视频,听到 Is that the lunch room?及回答 Yes,it is.很容易回答,Yes,it is.) Ss:Yes,it is. T:Whats the meaning of lunch room? Look at this picture!(PPT 出示餐厅图片)Yes,the meaning of lunch roomis 餐厅。 领读 Is that the lunch room?Yes,it is. (四)Read picture 5 and answer the question: Is that the computer room? T:Is that the computer room? S:No,it isnt. T:How does the hippo answer? S:No,its not. T:Whats the meaning of No,its not. 引导学生说出:No,it isnt. T:Good! So, No,its not.=No,it isnt. 设计意图:通过观看视频得出:No,its not.=No,it isnt. (五)Look at picture 6 and find: What does the hippo say? T:What does the hippo say? S:Its time for lunch. T:Whats the meaning oflunch?(PPT 出示午饭图片)This is lunch ,so, the meaning oflunchis 午饭.And whats the meaning ofIts time for lunch?(PPT 出示钟表图片),Yes,it means time.So the meaning ofIts time for lunchis 该吃午饭 了. 通过语音迁移字母“i-e”发音,学生试读出“time” 。 Its time for lunch. 教师板书、领读,小组练习。 设计意图:通过观看视频及图片让学生猜测出 Its time for lunch.的意思,并根据之前学过的元辅 e 发音规律试读 time。 (六)Read the story again and find: Where is Zoom? T:Now lets Read the story again and find: Where is Zoom? PPT show the story again. PPT: Where is Zoom? Zoom is in the A.Lunch room B.Art room How do you know? In picture 6: Zoom says:“Im full!”. T:Full? Whats the meaning? S:饱了。 What do you want to tell Zoom? StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice Watch、listen and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and feelings. StepStep 4 4 ProductionProduction (一)师生示范对话。 (二)小组练习对话。 (三)生生汇报表演。 (四)情感教育:Hipposchool is beautiful,and our school is beautiful,too.We study in the school,we should love our school. (五)Homework: Try to introduce our school in English.
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