人教PEP版三年级下册英语Recycle 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:90451).zip

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  • 全部
    • Recycle 2 Read aloud
      • 相关音频
        • Hello, boys and girls. Im elephant.wav
        • How many footprints do you see.wav
        • I like bananas.wav
        • Im 17 years old.wav
        • Im big and tall.wav
        • In the nose.wav
        • On the box.wav
        • They are full.wav
        • They are in a fruit garden.wav
        • Under the apples.wav
        • Where are the bananas.wav
        • Where are the grapes.wav
        • Where are the strawberries.wav
        • Where are they.wav
      • 课件及音视频
        • ALOUD.SWF
        • can.mp3
        • chant节奏.wav
        • DRAW.SWF
        • footprint.mp3
        • get.mp3
        • I can get the bananas.wav
        • I can get the grapes.wav
        • I can get the strawberries.wav
        • I like strawberries.wav
        • Im 20 years old.wav
        • Im duck.wav
        • Im short and fat.wav
        • LADDERS.SWF
        • Look so much fruit.wav
        • Old Macdonald.swf
        • Recycle 2 Read aloud.ppt--点击预览
        • Recycle2 read aloud.swf
        • The animals want to eat the fruit.wav
        • WHERE.SWF
        • 背景音乐.mp3
      • Recycle 2 Read aloud 教案.doc--点击预览
    • pep 三下 recycle 2 read aloud.mp4
    • pep 三下 recycle 2 read aloud.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案90451.doc--点击预览


Lets enjoy a song. Old McDonald Had A Farm farm fruit garden Lets go and have a look. (我们去看看吧我们去看看吧) What fruit(水果水果) do you see? I see . grape apple pear orange banana strawberry watermelon Tip1(建议建议): 分类法分类法同类的单词同类的单词 可以放在一起记忆。可以放在一起记忆。 fruit old 年纪大的 But he has to pick so much fruit! (他要采摘那么多水果!他要采摘那么多水果!) He need some helpers. (他需要一些帮手他需要一些帮手.) How many helpers are there in the farm? (农场有多少个助手呢)(农场有多少个助手呢) watch and answer! Four. What is the monkey doing?(猴子在做什么?猴子在做什么?) He is counting.(统计统计) Lets count! We have _ bananas, _ apples and _ strawberries. 15 13 20 Wow,so much fruit! Tip2(建议建议2): 后缀法后缀法把有相同后缀把有相同后缀 的单词放在一起记忆。的单词放在一起记忆。 fifteen 15 eighteen 18 fourteen 14 thirteen 13 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 nineteen 19 它们都有它们都有teen。 get(摘到) the fruit fresh and delicious.(新鲜美味) 1 What fruit can the elephant get(大象可以摘到什么水果大象可以摘到什么水果) 2 What fruit can the bird get?(小小鸟可以摘到什么水果鸟可以摘到什么水果) 3 What fruit can the duck get?(鸭子鸭子可以摘到什么水果可以摘到什么水果) watch again and answer! I can get the bananas. 1 What fruit can the elephant get ? I can get the bananas. I can get the grapes. 2 What fruit can the bird get? I can get the bananas. I can get the grapes. I can get the strawberries. 3 What fruit can the duck get? 注意不同角色的不同语调注意不同角色的不同语调 小组合作小组合作 分配角色排练分配角色排练 Standards for evaluation(评分标准)(评分标准) Act the story 生动表演故事生动表演故事 (语言有个性,有动作语言有个性,有动作) read the story 读故事读故事 Standards for evaluation(评分标准)(评分标准) Act the story 生动表演故事生动表演故事 (语言有个性,有动作语言有个性,有动作) read the story 读故事读故事 In the story, who like the bananas? (谁喜欢香蕉?) They both like bananas.What should they do? A fight(打架) B share(分享) Sharing is not tired, and selfishness is so tired. 分享不累,独享才累。 Sharing is the best learning way, and its a happy thing. 分享是最好的学习,是一件快乐的事。 1 Recycle 2 Read aloud 教学设计教学设计 Analysis of teaching material: 本单元是一个专门针对 4-6 单元核心句型和词汇设计的综合复习单元。本 课时是 pep 版教材三年级下册期末复习单元 recycle2 的第一课时,设定课时 是 30 分钟。本课时 Read aloud 给学生创设了一个新的语境,在这个故事里重 现了水果类、数字类和形容词类单词和学过的句型 Where is .?和 I like.以 及出现新句型 I can get.。本节课通过一个故事的文本把这些相对独立的知 识点串成线,连成片。从而达到巩固、迁移和提高的综合语言运用能力的目标。 所以今天的课程主要是让学生听故事,说故事,演故事,在参与、体验中,玩、 演、视、听、说,教师提供学生一个更为真实语言的环境,搭建一个语言结构 框架平台,同时给学生提出一些复习常用的方法,让枯燥单一的复习旧知变成 生动有趣的故事表演,学生很轻松地对已学知识进行了复习运用。 Teaching aims: 1. Ss will be able to say, listen and read the key words and the key sentences in Unit 4 & 5 & 6 by using them in real 2. Ss will be able to listen, read and act the story in Read aloud. 3. Ss will be happy to learn, act and play in English. 【来源:21世纪教育网】 Focus of the lesson: 1. Ss are supposed to listen, read, say the key words and sentences. 2. Ss are supposed to act out the story in Read aloud.21世纪*教育网 Predicted area of difficulty: 3. Learning to use the new sentence :I can get. Teaching aids: 1. PPT 2. Video and teaching cards Teaching procedures: Step 1 warm up T: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you still remember the song “Old MacDonald had a farm”? S: Yes. T: OK, lets review this song(播放歌曲). 2 Boys and girls, in the song, we know that the farmer had a .。(复习歌曲,引出 farm)Yes, he had a farm. In the farm, there is a fruit garden, too. Do you remember the word “fruit” “garden”(复习 fruit, garden 两词)。 Step 2 review words 1 review fruit Now, lets go to the fruit garden and have a look? OK? Lets go. (PPT 出示一张 fruit garden 的图片)。Wow, so much fruit! What do you see in the fruit garden? (引 导学生用 I see .句型说出水果类单词) S: I see.(生一边说师一边板书水果类。 )OK, boys and girls, here are some fruit words for you. Lets read together. Grape-grape.one two go.(让生齐读完后) Well done, boys and girls. These words belong to the fruit.(属于水果类。 )So I give you a tip: “同类的单词可以放在一起记忆。同类的单词可以放在一起记忆。 ” 2 watch and answer T: Well done, boys and girls. Just now, You knew that the farmer is very old. But he has to pick so much fruit! So he need some helpers. This time, lets watch and find out how many helpers are there in the fruit garden. Clear? OK, lets watch(播放动画) T: OK, now do you know how many helpers? S: four. T:Yes, youre right. There are four helpers. Who are they? S: They are elephant, monkey, bird and duck. T: Wow, so clever you are! 3 3 review numbers words T: Boys and girls, Look at the picture, what is the monkey doing? Uha, he is counting. Lets help him, OK? How many bananas do we have? Lets count.1,2,.18. yes, we have eighteen bananas. How many apples do we have? Thirteen. Yes, we have 13 apples. How about strawberries? 1,2.Wow,20.(复习数字类单词), we have 20 strawberries. OK, boys and girls, can you read? S: thirteen, eighteen. So smart! OK, I give you some more. How to read? Can you find some rules? Yes, both of them have the same part: teen. So I give you another tip: 把有相把有相 同后缀的单词放在一起记忆。同后缀的单词放在一起记忆。 4 watch again and answer Boys and girls, we know that so much fruit in the fruit garden. They are so fresh and delicious. So the animals want to eat the fruit. But first of all, they must get the fruit. Follow me, get-get“get”,(讲授新单词 get, get, g-e-t),it means “摘”。Now watch again and find out: A:What fruit can the elephant get?B:What fruit can the bird get?C:What fruit can the duck get?Clear? OK, lets watch. (待生看完)Now, lets check the answers. No.1 What fruit can the elephant get?S: bananas. Yes, you are clever. Lets listen(播放大 象自己说的句子:I can get the bananas)引导学生用大象的语气说句型:I can get the bananas. Now, No.2 What fruit can the bird get?S:Grapes. T: Youre right. Lets listen(播放小鸟自己说的句子:I can get the grapes).the last one, What fruit can the duck get?S: strawberries. T: So clever. Lets listen(播放鸭子自己说的句子: I can get the strawberries)引导学生用鸭子的语气说句型:I can get the strawberries Lets read together, . I can get the bananas. I can get the grapes. I can get the strawberries.) 5 Watch and repeat 4 Now lets watch the story and imitate one by one, ready? Go! 6 Read together and then read by yourself You all did a very good job! Now lets read the story together! So much for your reading, Now try to read the story by yourself. 7 role play(全班全班) OK, times up. Boys and girls. Lets act the story together. please choose one character to act, Which one you wanna try? Monkey? OK, all of you are monkeys. Ready,go! 如果读得不好,给学生提醒: Different characters has different tones. 8 Act (小组小组) Now, boys and girls, do you like the story? Now I give you 2minutes to practice in your group. Choose one character to act. Clear? Pay attention to the standards for evaluation. OK? Here we go! 9 Show time Boys and girls! Have you finished? Its our show time now. Which group want to try?(I think you are very good, so you got 2 starts./ I think you can do it better, so you just got 1 start.) 10.The meaning of sharing Boys and girls, in the story, who likes the bananas? Remember? Yes, the elephant and the monkey. The elephant said “Sorry, I like bananas.” And the monkey said “Hey, I like bananas, too”. Both of them like bananas. What should they do? In your opinion, which one you will choose A fight May be they are supposed to fight to each other? Yes? So you choose A? I think A is a bad way. How about B share they are supposed to share the bananas together. Do you think so? Oh, you are so kind. Actually, I think share with your friends is a good thing. Boys and girls, remember that sharing is not tied, and selfishness is so tired. Heres another sentence for. 5 Sharing is one of the best learning ways, and its a happy thing. remember? OK, classes is over, Thank you boys and girls. Goodbye. 1 Recycle 2 Read aloud 教学设计教学设计 Analysis of teaching material: 本单元是一个专门针对 4-6 单元核心句型和词汇设计的综合复习单元。本 课时是 pep 版教材三年级下册期末复习单元 recycle2 的第一课时,设定课时 是 30 分钟。本课时 Read aloud 给学生创设了一个新的语境,在这个故事里重 现了水果类、数字类和形容词类单词和学过的句型 Where is .?和 I like.以 及出现新句型 I can get.。本节课通过一个故事的文本把这些相对独立的知 识点串成线,连成片。从而达到巩固、迁移和提高的综合语言运用能力的目标。 所以今天的课程主要是让学生听故事,说故事,演故事,在参与、体验中,玩、 演、视、听、说,教师提供学生一个更为真实语言的环境,搭建一个语言结构 框架平台,同时给学生提出一些复习常用的方法,让枯燥单一的复习旧知变成 生动有趣的故事表演,学生很轻松地对已学知识进行了复习运用。 Teaching aims: 1. Ss will be able to say, listen and read the key words and the key sentences in Unit 4 & 5 & 6 by using them in real 2. Ss will be able to listen, read and act the story in Read aloud. 3. Ss will be happy to learn, act and play in English. 【来源:21世纪教育网】 Focus of the lesson: 1. Ss are supposed to listen, read, say the key words and sentences. 2. Ss are supposed to act out the story in Read aloud.21世纪*教育网 Predicted area of difficulty: 3. Learning to use the new sentence :I can get. Teaching aids: 1. PPT 2. Video and teaching cards Teaching procedures: Step 1 warm up T: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you still remember the song “Old MacDonald had a farm”? S: Yes. T: OK, lets review this song(播放歌曲). 2 Boys and girls, in the song, we know that the farmer had a .。(复习歌曲,引出 farm)Yes, he had a farm. In the farm, there is a fruit garden, too. Do you remember the word “fruit” “garden”(复习 fruit, garden 两词)。 Step 2 review words 1 review fruit Now, lets go to the fruit garden and have a look? OK? Lets go. (PPT 出示一张 fruit garden 的图片)。Wow, so much fruit! What do you see in the fruit garden? (引 导学生用 I see .句型说出水果类单词) S: I see.(生一边说师一边板书水果类。 )OK, boys and girls, here are some fruit words for you. Lets read together. Grape-grape.one two go.(让生齐读完后) Well done, boys and girls. These words belong to the fruit.(属于水果类。 )So I give you a tip: “同类的单词可以放在一起记忆。同类的单词可以放在一起记忆。 ” 2 watch and answer T: Well done, boys and girls. Just now, You knew that the farmer is very old. But he has to pick so much fruit! So he need some helpers. This time, lets watch and find out how many helpers are there in the fruit garden. Clear? OK, lets watch(播放动画) T: OK, now do you know how many helpers? S: four. T:Yes, youre right. There are four helpers. Who are they? S: They are elephant, monkey, bird and duck. T: Wow, so clever you are! 3 3 review numbers words T: Boys and girls, Look at the picture, what is the monkey doing? Uha, he is counting. Lets help him, OK? How many bananas do we have? Lets count.1,2,.18. yes, we have eighteen bananas. How many apples do we have? Thirteen. Yes, we have 13 apples. How about strawberries? 1,2.Wow,20.(复习数字类单词), we have 20 strawberries. OK, boys and girls, can you read? S: thirteen, eighteen. So smart! OK, I give you some more. How to read? Can you find some rules? Yes, both of them have the same part: teen. So I give you another tip: 把有相把有相 同后缀的单词放在一起记忆。同后缀的单词放在一起记忆。 4 watch again and answer Boys and girls, we know that so much fruit in the fruit garden. They are so fresh and delicious. So the animals want to eat the fruit. But first of all, they must get the fruit. Follow me, get-get“get”,(讲授新单词 get, get, g-e-t),it means “摘”。Now watch again and find out: A:What fruit can the elephant get?B:What fruit can the bird get?C:What fruit can the duck get?Clear? OK, lets watch. (待生看完)Now, lets check the answers. No.1 What fruit can the elephant get?S: bananas. Yes, you are clever. Lets listen(播放大 象自己说的句子:I can get the bananas)引导学生用大象的语气说句型:I can get the bananas. Now, No.2 What fruit can the bird get?S:Grapes. T: Youre right. Lets listen(播放小鸟自己说的句子:I can get the grapes).the last one, What fruit can the duck get?S: strawberries. T: So clever. Lets listen(播放鸭子自己说的句子: I can get the strawberries)引导学生用鸭子的语气说句型:I can get the strawberries Lets read together, . I can get the bananas. I can get the grapes. I can get the strawberries.) 5 Watch and repeat 4 Now lets watch the story and imitate one by one, ready? Go! 6 Read together and then read by yourself You all did a very good job! Now lets read the story together! So much for your reading, Now try to read the story by yourself. 7 role play(全班全班) OK, times up. Boys and girls. Lets act the story together. please choose one character to act, Which one you wanna try? Monkey? OK, all of you are monkeys. Ready,go! 如果读得不好,给学生提醒: Different characters has different tones. 8 Act (小组小组) Now, boys and girls, do you like the story? Now I give you 2minutes to practice in your group. Choose one character to act. Clear? Pay attention to the standards for evaluation. OK? Here we go! 9 Show time Boys and girls! Have you finished? Its our show time now. Which group want to try?(I think you are very good, so you got 2 starts./ I think you can do it better, so you just got 1 start.) 10.The meaning of sharing Boys and girls, in the story, who likes the bananas? Remember? Yes, the elephant and the monkey. The elephant said “Sorry, I like bananas.” And the monkey said “Hey, I like bananas, too”. Both of them like bananas. What should they do? In your opinion, which one you will choose A fight May be they are supposed to fight to each other? Yes? So you choose A? I think A is a bad way. How about B share they are supposed to share the bananas together. Do you think so? Oh, you are so kind. Actually, I think share with your friends is a good thing. Boys and girls, remember that sharing is not tied, and selfishness is so tired. Heres another sentence for. 5 Sharing is one of the best learning ways, and its a happy thing. remember? OK, classes is over, Thank you boys and girls. Goodbye. Lets enjoy a song. Old McDonald Had A Farm farm fruit garden Lets go and have a look. (我们去看看吧我们去看看吧) What fruit(水果水果) do you see? I see . grape apple pear orange banana strawberry watermelon Tip1(建议建议): 分类法分类法同类的单词同类的单词 可以放在一起记忆。可以放在一起记忆。 fruit old 年纪大的 But he has to pick so much fruit! (他要采摘那么多水果!他要采摘那么多水果!) He need some helpers. (他需要一些帮手他需要一些帮手.) How many helpers are there in the farm? (农场有多少个助手呢)(农场有多少个助手呢) watch and answer! Four. What is the monkey doing?(猴子在做什么?猴子在做什么?) He is counting.(统计统计) Lets count! We have _ bananas, _ apples and _ strawberries. 15 13 20 Wow,so much fruit! Tip2(建议建议2): 后缀法后缀法把有相同后缀把有相同后缀 的单词放在一起记忆。的单词放在一起记忆。 fifteen 15 eighteen 18 fourteen 14 thirteen 13 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 nineteen 19 它们都有它们都有teen。 get(摘到) the fruit fresh and delicious.(新鲜美味) 1 What fruit can the elephant get(大象可以摘到什么水果大象可以摘到什么水果) 2 What fruit can the bird get?(小小鸟可以摘到什么水果鸟可以摘到什么水果) 3 What fruit can the duck get?(鸭子鸭子可以摘到什么水果可以摘到什么水果) watch again and answer! I can get the bananas. 1 What fruit can the elephant get ? I can get the bananas. I can get the grapes. 2 What fruit can the bird get? I can get the bananas. I can get the grapes. I can get the strawberries. 3 What fruit can the duck get? 注意不同角色的不同语调注意不同角色的不同语调 小组合作小组合作 分配角色排练分配角色排练 Standards for evaluation(评分标准)(评分标准) Act the story 生动表演故事生动表演故事 (语言有个性,有动作语言有个性,有动作) read the story 读故事读故事 Standards for evaluation(评分标准)(评分标准) Act the story 生动表演故事生动表演故事 (语言有个性,有动作语言有个性,有动作) read the story 读故事读故事 In the story, who like the bananas? (谁喜欢香蕉?) They both like bananas.What should they do? A fight(打架) B share(分享) Sharing is not tired, and selfishness is so tired. 分享不累,独享才累。 Sharing is the best learning way, and its a happy thing. 分享是最好的学习,是一件快乐的事。
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