人教PEP版三年级下册英语Recycle 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:5012c).zip

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      • Read and match.doc--点击预览
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In the Orchard PEP 2 Recycle 2 Period 1 Quack, quack. Im short. Im small. But I can fly. I can climb. I like bananas sooooo much. Im big and tall. I have a long nose. So much fruit! can get the . Im big and tall. I can get the bananas. Read and match can get the . bananas grapes strawberries apples 13 20 16 19 Where are the bananas? We have grapes, strawberries, apples, and eh? Sorry! I like bananas. Hey! I like bananas, too. Watch the video. Act out the story . 1. I like bananas, too. 2. Id like some banans. 3. Can I have some bananas? Oh, no! They are for the party. Ha, ha. Just a joke! 玩笑 Talk Party Party Talk Hello, Miss Bird. Hi, Mr. Dog. cake. Thanks. Sure, here you are. Have some I like juice. some juice? Can I have Thanks. Mr. Elephant. Hi, Miss Panda. to our party. No, I dont. bananas ? OK. Have some, please. Welcome Do you like some apples.Id like A B Make a dialogue Homework 1. Listen , read and act out the story. 听一听,读一读,演一演故事;听一听,读一读,演一演故事; 2. Share the story with your family. 和家人分享一下这个故事吧!和家人分享一下这个故事吧! Thanks, . Hi, . Welcome to our party. Yes, please. /No, thanks. Id like some . Do you like ? OK. Have some, please. ? ? Hello, . Hi, . Have some . Thanks. I like . Can I have some ? Sure, here you are. ? ? 1 教师教师 姓名姓名 单位单位上课年级上课年级课题名称课题名称 叶红三年级 PEP 2 Recycle 2 教学内容: 2 教学目标教学目标 定位定位 1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意; 2. 能够有感情地朗读对话,并能进行角色扮演; 3. 能够在情境中简单地运用所学习的词汇、句子; 4. 能够通过阅读文章主要复习第五、六两个单元所学习的词汇、句型; 5. 能够从故事中获得合作与分享的感悟。 教学重点教学重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点:能读懂故事,表演故事。 教学难点:教学难点:能综合运用已学知识,并从故事中感悟到合作与分享的重要性。 板书设计: 教学设计教学设计 教学教学 步骤步骤 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动建议说明建议说明 Step 1 Warming up 1. Chant about numbers 2. Free talk How many cars / balls do you see? Chant. I can see 通过 chant 及问答, 激活已知。同时通过 桃花、桃树的讨论, 引出故事发生背景 3 3. Lead in the story What flowers are they? We can see the peach trees in the orchard. Peach blossom. We can see them in the orchard. 果园。 Step 2 Presentation and Practice 1. The orchard (1) Talk What can you see in the orchard? What tree is it? (2) Listen and guess What animals are they? Im short. / I can fly. / I can climb. / Im big and tall. 2. Picture one (1) Im I can get the What are they going to do in the orchard? Listen and find out. (2) Read and match Elephant can get the bananas. How about the bird and the duck? What can they get? 3. Check the answer Try to say: Why can the bird get the grapes? Can the duck get the grapes? How about the apples? Who can get? 3. Picture two I can see Is it a tree? Is it a ? Learn to say: I can Listen and read: Im I can get the bananas. Read the story and match. The bird/duck can get the The bird can fly. The duck is short. The elephant is big and tall. 讨论果园中的水果、 猜水果树,让学生仿 佛置身于果园这一情 境,为故事教学作好 铺垫。 渗透动物特征,为解 答“何动物摘何水果” 埋下伏笔。 以大象为范本,学习 句子 can get the 请学生讨论为何不同 动物摘不同水果,同 时摆一摆黑板上的果 树及动物图片,通过 实际演示,让学生体 会动物外形特征上的 不同,导致分工不同, 理解合作的重要性。 4 (1 )Talk about the picture So the elephant can get the How about the apples? Who can get the apples? Why? 2. Writing down the numbers How many grapes/bananas do they get? Listen and write down. How about the strawberries/apples? Act like the monkey. 4. Picture three Watch the picture and say: They get apples Where are the bananas? 5. Picture four Where are the bananas? What will the monkey say? 6. Read the story and act it out (1)Watch the video. (2)Listen and repeat. (3) Read the story. (4) Act out the dialogue in groups. The elephant/bird/duck can Maybe the They can get 13 bananas Count the fruit. Read the note. Maybe they are On elephants long nose. Imitate the elephant and the monkey. (1)Watch. (2)Listen and repeat. (3) Read the story freely. (4) Act out the story in groups. 对谁摘的苹果进行开 放性讨论。 补充完整猴子所做的 记录,复习数字及句 型 How many ? 读完整的笔记,并对 句型 can get 进 行操练。 在原图基础上增加草 坪、花丛,请学生预 测香蕉在哪,培养学 生发散性思维。 寻找答案并模仿朗读, 为后续表演作准备。 整体感知跟读 自由读小组表 演,通过一系列朗读 活动,内化故事内容。 Step 3 Consolidation and Extension 1. Think and say How about the bird and duck? What will they say? Theyre going to have a party. 2. The party I like bananas, too. 猜测鸭子和鸟可能会 说什么,渗透分享的 理念,同时引出 party,开展拓展活动。 5 But now they only get some fruit for the party. What else can they get for the party? Add some food and drink words on the board. 3. Fill in the blanks Look, their friends are coming. 4. Make a new dialogue If you are the animals in the party, what do you want to get? Lets make a new dialogue. They can get some food and drink. Try to finish the dialogue. Make a new dialogue in pairs. 请学生开展讨论,派 对还需要准备些什么? 复习三上食物和饮料 类单词。 基于故事情境,以填 充的方式复习招待客 人时常用的句型(包 含三上) ,同时通过两 则范本,为语言的综 合运用和创编对话作 好准备。 请学生假设自己成为 了派对上的小动物, 创编新的对话,对语 言进行综合的输出运 用,并再次渗透分享 的理念。同时,对话 人物的留白,也增添 了对话创编的乐趣。 Step 4 1. Listen, read and act out the story.通过分享故事给家人, 6 Homework 2. Share the story with your family.让学生在巩固知识的 同时学会分享。 In the Orchard PEP 2 Recycle 2 Period 1 Quack, quack. Im short. Im small. But I can fly. I can climb. I like bananas sooooo much. Im big and tall. I have a long nose. So much fruit! can get the . Im big and tall. I can get the bananas. Read and match can get the . bananas grapes strawberries apples 13 20 16 19 Where are the bananas? We have grapes, strawberries, apples, and eh? Sorry! I like bananas. Hey! I like bananas, too. Watch the video. Act out the story . 1. I like bananas, too. 2. Id like some banans. 3. Can I have some bananas? Oh, no! They are for the party. Ha, ha. Just a joke! 玩笑 Talk Party Party Talk Hello, Miss Bird. Hi, Mr. Dog. cake. Thanks. Sure, here you are. Have some I like juice. some juice? Can I have Thanks. Mr. Elephant. Hi, Miss Panda. to our party. No, I dont. bananas ? OK. Have some, please. Welcome Do you like some apples.Id like A B Make a dialogue Homework 1. Listen , read and act out the story. 听一听,读一读,演一演故事;听一听,读一读,演一演故事; 2. Share the story with your family. 和家人分享一下这个故事吧!和家人分享一下这个故事吧! Thanks, . Hi, . Welcome to our party. Yes, please. /No, thanks. Id like some . Do you like ? OK. Have some, please. ? ? Hello, . Hi, . Have some . Thanks. I like . Can I have some ? Sure, here you are. ? ? Read and match. can get the . Read and match. can get the .
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