人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit 4 Where is my car -B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:00237).zip

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活动规则:活动规则: 1.全班分成全班分成2个大组个大组,每个大组可以分成每个大组可以分成2、4人小组。人小组。 2.谁得到的玩具多谁就是本课的谁得到的玩具多谁就是本课的winner(获胜方获胜方)。 Put your foot under your chair. Put your hand on your chair. Put your arm in your desk. Put your hand under your desk. Unit 4 Where is my car? B Lets learn Fengning Experimental Primary School Ru Na Careless Zoom! (粗心的)(粗心的) Its in/on/under the Where is the? book pen bag crayon ruler pencil Zoom and Zip are going to play! Zoom cant find his things! (找不到东西找不到东西) Where is the ball? Is it on the chair? No, it isnt. Is it in (on / under) the? Guess Where is the ball? Is it under the desk? No, it isnt. Lets go on(继续找继续找)! Whats this? Its a .car A: Where is the car? B: Is it in the toy box? A: Yes, it is. Lets go on(继续找继续找)! Where is Zooms boat? A: Where is the boat? B: Is it on the desk? A: No, it isnt. B: Is it in the bag? A: Yes, it is. Oh! Silly me! Lets go on(继续找继续找)! Where is Zooms cap? I like the cap. cap cat cap cat bag dad map Chinese map world map cap cat bag dad map Look at the cap. Its on the cat. Look at the cat. Its on the map. 真有趣!真有趣! Everything is OK(所有的物品都找齐所有的物品都找齐)! Hide and seek (藏藏找找藏藏找找) Key points: A: Where is the? B: Is itthe? A: No, it isnt. B: Is it the? A: Yes, it is. Itsthe car boatball capmap Where is Zip? A. Behind(在在.后面后面) Zoom. B. In the toy box. A: Where is the dog? Is it in the suitcase(旅行箱旅行箱)? B: Yes, it is. Careless Guang Touqiang (粗心的粗心的) Listen and match(听音连线听音连线) boat car map ball cap Careless ! (粗心的粗心的) 1. Act out careless Zoom/ Guangtouqiang. 2.Act out careless yourself. Careless ! (粗心的粗心的) Key points: 1. Where is the? 2. Its the 3. Is it the? 4. No, it isnt. 5. Yes, it is. 6. Uh-oh Silly me! 7. I have a 8. Whats this? 9. I like the ball car boat map cap on in under toy box chair desk 整理好物品!整理好物品! Are you careless? (你粗心吗?你粗心吗?) We are all winners. Homework: 1. Listen to the tape.(听录音仿读。听录音仿读。) 2. Talk about the things in English with your family. (用英语和家人谈论一下今天所学的物品。用英语和家人谈论一下今天所学的物品。) Book 2 Unit 4 B Lets learn 一、课时目标: 1.能听、说、认读 cap, ball, car, boat, map 5 个单词,要求做到发音 准确。 2.能在生活中正确运用本课所学单词。 3.能听懂 Lets do 中的内容,并按照指令做动作。 4.通过正确地评价自己和他人,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和良好的学习习 惯。 5.进一步感受学习英语的快乐,积极参与合作学习和交际活动,培养主动 与他人合作和交流的意识和积极向上的品质。 二、重点难点 重点:听、说、认读 ca, ball, car, boat, map5 个单词。 难点:1.更加熟练自如地运用 where 句型来询问物体的方位并回答。 2.听懂 Let do 中的内容,并能按指令做动作。 三、教学准备 1.教师准备自制课件;磁带。 2.教师准备一个大书包,里面装有帽子、球、玩具小汽车、地图和玩具小 船各一个。 3.教师准备相关文具;生词卡片、教学挂图。 4.教师准备用评价奖励的小贴画或其他小礼物。 四、教学设计 StepStep 1:1: WarmingWarming upup 1. Greet the students. 2. Lets do” StepStep 2:2: RevisionRevision 引 出与学生的对话 Where is the? Its on/ in/ under the. StepStep 3:3: PresentationPresentation (1). T: Look Zoom and Zip are going to play! But Zoom is too careless. He cant find his things. Listen! What are they?播放录音, 学生整体感知。 (2).学习单词 ball. T: What are they? Where is the ball? 点击幻灯片出现球图片及发音, T: 板书 ball,贴图并说 ball, bounce the ball.注意 b 的发音。 T: Where is the ball? Is it on the chair? No, it isnt.师生问 答一下。 T: Oh? Where is the ball? Is it.?这里让学生猜。 师生示范,两两对话。反馈的时候给予评价 (3)学习单词 car. T: The ball is OK. Lets go on! Listen!出现学习 ball 点击出现图 片及声音。教师板书并领读 car, driver a car. T: Where is the car? Is it in the toy box? S: Yes, it is.师领读 Yes, it is 并板书。 师生对话,两大组之间对话。 (4)学习单词 boat T: The ball and the car are OK. Lets go on. Where is Zooms boat?教师板书 boat, row row row a boat.注意 boat 的发音。 听对话回答 Its in Zooms bag.师生示范两两对话练习,反馈时教师 给予评价。 (5)学习单词 cap Where is Zooms cap?点击出现图片和录音,板书贴图并领读 cap, put on a cap. T: There are many caps. T: I like the red cap. What about you? 学生来模仿说。 学生依次读 capcat 教师提示字母 a 的发音,点击出现音标,并领读。 (学习单词 map) 学生读 capcat-bagdad,然后快速点击并说 Who can try?学生读出 map! 点击出现图片和声音,学生跟读。板书并贴图 map, read a map.领读 Look! Chinese map- world map. T: Where is the cat? Its 点击出现让学生说 on the map. 老师说 Oh, funny! Lets chant!教师先做示范,然后让学生说。 (6)T: Every thing is OK. 领读一下黑板的单词 练习 StepStep 4:4: PracticePractice (7)Boob Game 做炸弹游戏。 (8)Lets do. (9)Lets play a game hide and seek 教师与学生先做示范藏东西, 生生师范练习。 StepStep 5:5: ConsolidationConsolidation (10)T: I have two funny cartoons for you. Look, Watch and choose 提示学生注意看问题。答对的组给予奖励。 (11).anther cartoon.提示学生 Watch and answer.答对了给予奖励。 (12)光头强 is going to play. But he is careless. Where are the things? Listen and match.检测。 (22)综合说:表演粗心的光头强;演一演粗心的自己 StepStep 6:6: SummingSumming up/up/ HomeworkHomework (23)你粗心吗 Are you careless? So, put away your things!提醒学 生收拾好东西。 (24) Lets sing.
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