人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room.-Lesson 29-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-省级优课-(编号:806c9).zip

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英语(精通)五年级下册英语(精通)五年级下册 Lesson 29 教学设计教学设计 1、学情分析 五年级的学生已经具备了初步运用英语进行简单交流的基 础,大部分学生对英语学习有较强的兴趣。在本单元前两个课 时学生已经学习了有关现在进行时的句型 Im cleaning the room. Dad is writing an E-mail. Mum is washing the clothes. What are you doing? What is he doing?What is she doing?等,为本课的学习做 好了铺垫。 2、教学目标 1、知识目标:在日常生活中,学会如何谈论一幅画,并就画中 人物的行为进行猜测。 学习目标语言: Are you looking at the picture? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Is he looking at the moon? No , he isnt. Hes looking at the sun . 2、能力目标:能够在真实语境中运用本课所学目标语言进行语 言交际。 3、情感态度目标:培养学生的观察能力和表达不同观点的能力。 3、教学思想 关注学生的情感,使学生在英语学习的过程中, 提高独立思考 和判断的能力,发展与人沟通和合作的能力,树立正确的人生 观、世界观和价值观,全面提高人文素养。 4、课程资源 课件、动画片素材、图片素材、音乐素材 5、教学内容 本课教学内容是精通英语五年级下册第五单元 Lesson29-30.在日 常生活中,学会如何谈论一幅画,并就画中人物的行为进行猜 测。学习目标语言为: Are you looking at the picture? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Is he looking at the moon? No , he isnt. Hes looking at the sun . 6、教学重点与难点 教学重点:1、句子 Are you looking at the picture? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Is he looking at the moon? No , he isnt. Hes looking at the sun . 2、短语和词汇:look at the picture, talk about, stand, sit ,cousin. 教学难点:学生能够在真实语境中运用本课所学目标语言进行 交际。 7、教学方法与工具 教学方法:交际法、游戏教学法、情景教学法、合作学习法 工具:课件、太阳和月亮的图片,梯子图片 8、教学过程 1、Warm-up 1) Show picture of a sun and a moon, ask the students“Whats this in English?” Review the words “sun” and “moon”. T: Can you touch the sun? Can you touch the moon? I think you can. Look! I have two ladders. Today lets have a PK. If you win in the PK, you can climb up the ladder. 2) Divide the students into two groups. Each group chooses a ladder. 3) T: First, lets have a brain storm. Please say words or phrases of actions in turn. You can get one score for each word or phrase. If you say repeatedly, you cant get the score. The group which say more words and phrases win. 4) T: Congratulations! Group 1 wins in round 1. 【设计意图:通过头脑风暴,复习已经学习过的动词词汇和短语, 为后面复习动词的 ing 形式做好铺垫。利用小组竞赛的方法,激发 学生的参与积极性。】 2、Presentation 1)Watch a video . 2) Choose phrases for the pictures. 3) Students ask questions about the picture and use the phrases to answer. What is she doing? She is dancing. What is he doing? He is playing the piano. What are they doing? They are watering the flowers. 【设计意图:通过观看迪士尼动画片,激起学生的兴趣。让学生根 据图片选择短语,提出问题并回答,既是复习旧知,也是强调现在 进行时的构成方式。】 4) Ask the students ”Is he.” or “Is she.” 5) Write on the blackboard and teach the sentences “Is he _? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. Is she _? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.” 6) Guessing game (have a PK) Students look at part of the pictures and guess ”Is he.” or “Is she.” 【设计意图:通过出示部分图片让学生猜测图中人物正在进行的活 动,激发学生的想象力,同时让学生自然而然地练习 Is he/she .的 句型。】 7) Use a picture to lead in “look at the picture” Fill in the blanks: She is looking at the picture. Are they looking at the picture? Lead in “talk about the picture” Fill in the blanks: They are talking about the picture. 8) Use a picture to lead in “look at the sun” Fill in th blanks: They are looking at the sun. T: Is she looking at the sun? Ss: No, she isnt. Lead in “look at the moon” Fill in the blanks: She is looking at the moon. 9) Use a picture to lead in ”sit” Fill in the blanks: He is sitting. T: Is she sitting? Ss: No, she isnt. Lead in “stand” Fill in the blanks: She is standing. 【设计意图:通过三组相对应的图片 look at the sun/ look at the moon,look at the picture/talk about the picture,sit/stand,强化练习进 行时的一般疑问句及陈述句式。】 10) T: Are you sitting? Ss: Yes, I am. T: Are you standing? Ss: No, Im not. 11) Chant and sing 【设计意图:通过郎朗上口的歌谣和耳熟能详的歌曲,巩固练习 Are you.句型。】 12)Ss listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. 3、Practice Show some pictures, Ss talk about the picture, using these sentences: Look at the picture. What is he /she doing、 Is he/she . I dont think so. He /She is. 【设计意图:通过谈论图片,培养学生的观察能力和表达不同观点 的能力,达到灵活运用本课目标语言的目的。】 4、Emotion education Use your eyes to observe and use your brain to think ,you will have different ideas. 5、Homework Surf the internet and find out some interesting pictures. Talk about the pictures with your classmates. 【设计意图:让学生在网上查找有趣的图片进行讨论,将学习延伸 到课堂之外,巩固复习本课所学内容。】 板书: Lesson 29-30 Are you _? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Is he _? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. Is she _-? Yes, she is. No, she isnt. 9、教学评价 语言评价、动作评价、小组竞赛评价 10、预习任务 预习学习过的表示动作的单词和短语。 Unit 5 Im cleaning my room Lesson 29-30 游戏规则:游戏规则:全班分为两组,轮 流说表示动作的词或短语,每说 一个得1分,重复的不得分,得分 多的组获胜。 What is she doing? She is dancing. walking running dancing What is he doing? He is playing the piano. playing the guitar playing the violin playing the piano What are they doing? They are watering the flowers. drinking water watering the flowers playing games What is he doing? Is he _? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. eating drinking cooking What is she doing? Is she_? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. washing clothes cleaning the room singing Is he_? Is she _? Is he_? Is she_? Dear Kate, Im writing to tell you Is he_? Is she_? look at the picture She _ _ at the picture.islooking talk about the picture They _ _ about the picture. aretalking look at the sun They _ _ at the sun. are looking look at the moon She _ _ at the moon. islooking sitstand He _ _. She _ _. is is sitting standing Are you sitting? Are you sitting? Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Are you standing? Are you standing? No, Im not. No, Im not. Kate Peter Li Yan cousin 表姐(妹 ) Peter thinks the man is _. Kate thinks the man is _. Li Yan thinks the man is just_there. Li Yans cousin thinks the man is _. looking at the sun looking at the moon standing singing Look at this picture. What is he doing? Is he . I dont think so. He is. Look at this picture. What is he doing? Is he . I dont think so. He is. Look at this picture. What are they doing? Are they. I dont think so. They are. Look at this picture. Is it ? I dont think so. Its Use your eyes to observe and use your brain to think , you will have different ideas. (用眼睛去观察,用头脑去思 考,你就会有不同的观点。 Surf the internet and find out some interesting pictures. Talk about the pictures with your classmates.(上网搜索一 些有趣的图片,并用英语和同 学进行讨论。)
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