人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 5My clothes-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:d0f35).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 5 My clothes_A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_部级优课_(编号:d0f35)
    • My clothes.pptx--点击预览
    • that and those.mp4
    • 教案d0f35.docx--点击预览


YongAnPrimarySchool LuoJianfen PartALetslearn Who is wearing Who is wearing Who is wearing Who is wearing yellow today?yellow today?yellow today?yellow today? What clothes do you hear in the story? 在故事里你听到了哪些衣 服? What clothes do you hear in the story? 在故事里你听到了哪些衣 服? clothesclothesclothesMy youryouryouryourclothesclothesclothes . Theyare_clothes.(s) EmperorsEmperorsEmperorsEmperorsclothesclothesclothes MondayMondayMondayMonday Today,Imsohappy,what shouldIweartoday? 今天我心情很好,穿点什么好呢 ? Mydear Emperor,Trythe magicpinkskirt on! 亲爱的国王,试试这 条魔法短裙吧! haha,Ilike thatpinkskirt. Wow,youre so beautiful! I like that pink skirt. LetspracticeLetspracticeLetspracticeLetspractice haha,Ilikethat _skirt. (pink,red,yellow) Wow, youre so ! (pretty,cool,beautiful.) TuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesday I dont like that pink skirt! I need new clothes! I need new clothesgo away! 我不喜欢那条粉色短裙,我需要 新衣服.滚出去! My dear Emperor, Its a magic skirt, magic skirt. 亲爱的国王,这是一条魔法裙子, 魔法裙子啊! MagicMagicMagicMagic timetimetimetime Haha,Ilikethat pinkdress. Ilikedontlikethat _dress.Its_. LetschantLetschantLetschantLetschant dressisred, dressisyellow. dressispurpleandblue. Wow!sobeautiful! WednesdayWednesdayWednesdayWednesday I dont like that pink skirt! I dont like that pink dress!I need new clothes! I need new clothesgo away! go away My dear Emperor,Its pig,It will give you some beautiful clothes.亲爱的国王,这是一头猪,它会给 你带来美丽的衣服。 pig? no!no !no!go away! cat A cute cat with a red hat. ThursdayThursdayThursdayThursday I dont like that pink skirt.I dont like that pink dress. I dont like that red hat. I need new clothes. I need new clothes My dear Emperor,Do you like those blue pants? what? blue pants?I like that blue pants.什 么?蓝色裤子?我喜欢那 件蓝色裤子。 Oh,no,not that blue pants.thoseblue pants.噢!不是那件蓝色 裤子,是那条蓝色裤子。 ant ants Ilikedontlike those_(red,yellow.)pants. Theyre_(nice,cool,beautiful.) Ilikethose bluepants. Playagame:Playagame:Playagame:Playagame: PK with Miss Luo. AlittletipAlittletip Those,those,thosearehats. That,that,thatisahat. That,that,thatisaskirt. Those,those,thoseareshoes. Choose 1.I like _red skirt. A.that B.those 2.I like_yellow pants. A.that B.those Write(thatthose) 1. I like _ green dress. 2. I like _ white socks. A B that those FridayFridayFridayFriday WhatWhatWhatWhat happenhappenhappenhappen? Now,I need more and more new clothes Can you show the new clothes for me? 现在我需要更多的新衣服, 你能为我展示你的衣服吗? Group work: Show thenewclothes(推荐新衣服) 6人小组在组内向国王推荐自己的的衣服,并选一名模特, 向国王展示并介绍自己的衣服搭配。 Showthenewclothes WordBank: dress,skirt,pants,hat,clothes. Sentence: Ilikethat_.Its_. Ilikethose_.Theyre_. Ilikethat_with(搭配)those_. . Truebeautyiswhatlies insideofus, notwhattheworldsees. 真正的美在于内心,而不是在于外表。 1.ReadP48threetime. 2.Introduceyourclotheswith yourparentsandfriends. This is the way I say good-bye, Say good-bye, Say good-bye. This is the way I say good-bye, say Good-bye, my dear friend! GoodbyesongGoodbyesongGoodbyesongGoodbyesong 11 Pep 四下四下 Unit 5 My clothes Teaching Aims; Part A Lets learn Teaching content : Unit 5 A Lets learn Words: dress,skirt,pants, hat, clothes Phonics: Song: who is wearing yellow today? Focus on : 掌握有关服装的单词 clothes hat pants dress skirt 和表达喜好的句型 I like thatthose. Emotional aims:培养学生合理搭配衣服的审美观和表达对服装的 喜好;。 Difficult points:能够区分 that 后跟单数名词和 those 后跟复数 名词。 Aids:1.the cards of key words. 2.color clothes cards. 3. PPT& video. 4.the real clothes (hat ,cap,skirt,dress,) 5.that and those 微课 6.Englishbook &exercises paper Procedure Step1 Warm-up: 12 1.Greeting: Greenting song: Hello,hello,How are you? 2.sing2.sing a a song:song:“who is wearing yellow today? (师出示颜色卡片,生跟唱)(师出示颜色卡片,生跟唱) Step2 Presentation: 1.出示盒子,whats this? what colour is it? There is a very interesting 、funny and Mysterious story in the box?Do you want to hear the story? Question:what clothes what clothes do you see in the story? 2.Now,Lets have a video (播放皇帝的新装的视频) 3 Talking: what clothes do you see in the story? 指名回答,并板贴。 (sweater,shirt,jacket,coat,socks,shoes,shorts) 4.wow!so many beautiful clothes. Today,we will learn something about clothes. 教学 clothes Look!They are_ clothes(My,your, emperors) 揭题 My clothes (交代评比:Today,I will give you some new clothes,If you are the winers, you can got a lot of money from the Emperor.) 5. From the video we saw the emperor wear different clothes in different days. NowNow thethe storystory isis goinggoing on:on: 出示出示 MondayMonday 13 A.(录音)E:today,Im so happy,what should I wear today? M:My dear Emperor,Try the magic pink skirt on! E:haha,I like that pink skirt. M:Wow,youre so beautiful! 教 skirt what colour is it? Pink skirt,yellow skirt. 角色扮演: E:haha,I like that _skirt. M:Wow,youre so _! 师生扮演,生生扮演! thethe storystory isis goinggoing on:on: 出示出示 TuesdayTuesday (录音)E:I dont like that pink skirt!I need new clothes! I need new clothesgo away! M:My dear Emperor,Its a magic skirt, magic skirt! Magic time: I am the greatest magician in the world now! 变 skirt 为 dress! 教 dress There are so many dresses,If you are the Emperor, Practice: I likedont like that _ dress 。 Its_(出示连衣裙图片) Lets chant: dress is red, dress is yellow. dress is pink and blue. Wow! so beautiful! TodayToday thethe storystory isis goinggoing on:on: WednesdayWednesday (录音)E:I dont like that pink skirt! I dont like that pink dress!I need new clothes! I need new clothes. go away! go away! M:My dear Emperor,Its a pig,It will give you some beautiful clothes. E:pig?no!no!no!go away! 14 T:wait!wait! 师变换,生说:pig,flower bottle Haha,Its a hat. 认读 bag,cat,hat Play a game:hat and cap Put on your hat,take off your cap.(生带帽脱帽) TodayToday thethe storystory isis goinggoing on:on: ThursdayThursday E: I dont like that pink skirt.I dont like that pink dress. I dont like that red hat. I need new clothes. I need new clothes M:My dear Emperor,Do you like those blue pants? E: what? blue pants?I like that blue pants. M:Oh,no,not that blue pants.those blue pants. 教学:pants Ant,ants, pants Practice:I likedont like those_(red,yellow.)pants. Theyre _(nice,cool,beautiful.) Play a game:PK with Miss luo. Skirt,shirt,dress,pants,clothes I like that pink dress. I like those bule pants. step3. Practice 1.A little tip My dear Emperor,I have a tip for you,lets have a video 视频呈现 that 与 those Lets chant together again 2.Finish the exercise: You did a good job! Lets finish the exercise together! 生完成,指名交流 3.TodayToday thethe storystory isis goinggoing on:on: FridayFriday: what happen? Emperor 出场.Look!The Emperor is coming! E:Now,I need more and more new clothes Can you show the new clothes for me? 4.GroupGroup work:work: 15 RecommendRecommend thethe newnew clothesclothes ( (推荐新衣服推荐新衣服):): 6 人小组在组内向国王介绍自己的衣服,并选一名最漂亮的,向 国王展示并介绍自己的衣服搭配。 (Now, introduce and show your clothes in your group,then to the Empreor) 5. RecommendRecommend newnew clothesclothes to the Emperor 指名介绍 E:Ha ha ha,I like. No,no,no,I dont like Hahaha,I am the most beautiful and handsome Emperor in the world! Step4 Consolidation 1. 师总结:师总结:DayDay afterafter dayday ,the,the EmperorEmperor waswas gettinggetting moremore andand moremore ,but,but hehe waswas alsoalso gettinggetting moremore unhappyunhappy .He.He stillstill thoughtthought hehe wasntwasnt handsomehandsome enoughenough .here,I.here,I wantwant toto telltell thethe EmperorEmperor ,as,as wellwell asas ofof you-you- True beauty is what lies inside of us, not what the world sees. RecommendRecommend thethe newnew clothesclothes Word Bank: dress,skirt,pants, hat,clothes. Sentence: I like that_. Its_. I like those_. Theyre_. I like that _with(搭配) those_. . 16 2.2.打开课本打开课本P48P48,listenlisten andand repeat.repeat. StepStep 5 5 HomeHome workwork 1.read1.read P48P48 threethree time.time. 2.Introduce2.Introduce youryour clothesclothes withwith youryour parentsparents andand friends.friends. Good-bye song : This is the way I say good-bye, Say good-bye, Say good-bye. This is the way I say good-bye, Good-bye, my dear friend! 作业单: Choose(选一选) 1.I like _ red skirt. A.that B.those 2.I like_yellow pants. A.that B.those Write(写一写) 1. I like _ green dress. 2. I like _ white socks.
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