人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 6Shopping-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:50217).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 6 Shopping_A_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:50217)
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Whats this? Its a _. Whats missing?(少了什么?)(少了什么?) What are these? What is this? Theyre _. What is this? Shirt, shirt, its a shirt. What, what, what is that? Sweater,sweater,its a sweater. What are these? Pants, pants, theyre pants. What, what,what are those? Shorts, shorts, theyre shorts. sun The sunglasses are nice. good cool beautiful =sunglasses+ glasses Its sunny. Its hot. Put on my sunglasses. Cool! Cool! Cool! umbrella This umbrella is _. aanIts Its rainy. Its rainy. Open up my umbrella. My friend, my friend! Under my umbrella. Its snowy. Its cold. I am so warm! Put on my coat. Put on my sweater. glove gloves The gloves are _. love a scarf The scarf is _. car art park shop 商店商店 商店 scarf umbrella sunglasses gloves gloves umbrella sunglasses scarf Sharp eyes(火眼金睛):(火眼金睛): 请快速读出气球上的单词哦!请快速读出气球上的单词哦! Its hot. So I put on my _ . Its cold. So I put on my _. T-shirt shirt sunglasses shorts dress skirt hat coat socks shoes pants gloves scarf Can I help you? The gloves are nice. Sure. Can I try them on? shopping 购物 The gloves are nice. Can I try them on?try (试穿、试戴)(试穿、试戴) on _ _. it try them on is try it on Salesperson: Can I help you? John: The_ is/are _. Can I try it/them on? Salesperson: Sure! Here you are. John: Thank you. Let the world filled with love . 让世界充满爱。 Let the world filled with love ! 让世界充满爱让世界充满爱! They need help.(他们需要帮助他们需要帮助.) We can give them _.(我们可以给他们(我们可以给他们.) 1.Listen to the tape and read the new words and sentences on P59. 2.Act like a salesperson and a customer and make a dialogue with your friends after class. 教学案例教学案例 PEP 新版小学英语四年级下册 Unit 6 Shopping Lets learn(A) 一、 教学目标: 1. 认识目标: (1)能听、说、认读单词:sunglasses,umbrella,gloves,scarf. (2)能听懂、会说句子: Can I help you? The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Sure. 并能在实际情景中灵活运用这些句 型。 2. 能力目标:能用简单的英语学会如何购物。 3. 情感目标:能够在实际生活中大方得体地与他人进行交流。 二、教学重难点: 1. 重点:能在购物时正确使用句子:Can I help you? 2. 难点:听说认读单词:sunglasses,umbrella,gloves,scarf. 单词 gloves 和 sunglasses 的发音。Can I try them on?的用法。 三、教学准备: 单词图片、单词卡片、课件、实物。 四、教学过程: Step 1. Warm-up: Greeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Maggie. T: How are you today ? Ss: Im fine, thank you. T: OK, sit down ,please. Step 2. Revision (1) Game 1-Whats missing? 通过消失的衣物复习单词 shirtdressskirtT-shirtpantssocks. 以及 句型“-Whats this? -Its a .”以及“-What are these? -Theyre .”并 区分单复数的问法。 (2) Lets chant. 通过 chant 巩固以上句型和单词。 Step 3. Presentation: (1) T :(PPT 出示) Whats the weather like in the picture? Ss: Its sunny. T: Yes,Its sunny. How does the girl look? Ss: She is cool. T: Why? Ss: She has sunglasses. (教“sunglasses”的音、形、义。 ) T: The sunglasses are _. (PPT 中搭建支架并给出相关 单词,供学生选择表达。) 教一首关于 sunglasses 的 chant,以此巩固所学单词。 (2)T: (PPT 出示)Whats the weather like now? Ss: Its rainy. T: Do we need sunglasses? Ss: No. T: We need.(引出 umbrella,并教学生音、形、义。 ) T: The umbrella is _. (PPT 中搭建支架并给出相关单词, 供学生选择表达。) 教一首关于 umbrella 的 chant,以此巩固所学单词。 (3) T: Whats the weather like now? Ss: Its snowy. Its cold. T: So we can put on. (引导学生说 put on my coat/sweater.) In the cold days, who tells us to put them on? (渗透德育教育) Ss: My mother. T: Yes, its mothers love.(通过 love 教 glove 及 gloves 的发音,并 让学生描述,此次已不再给学生任何提示词了。 ) T:In the cold days, we also need (PPT 出示 scarf, 不急着教发音, 出示 carpark.让学生自己试着拼出该单词,也让学生自己描述。 ) (5)把学生带到商店的场景,教“-Can I help you? - The gloves are nice. Can I try them on?”并通过 PPT 一步一步引导学生区分单复数 的不同表达方法,eg:“-Can I help you? - The coat is nice. Can I try it on?” Step 4. Practice (1) Game-Sharp eyes.(快速读出气球中的单词,以复习所学新单词。 ) (2) Fill in the blanks.(通过同桌之间对话完成表格) (3) Pair work.(小组内模拟商店场景操练“-Can I help you? - The _is/are _. Can I try it/them on?”) Step 5. Emotional education. T: In our life, our parents give us yummy food, beautiful clothes.We are very happy. But some children are very poor. They have no enough food, clothes. They cannot get good education. They need help. What can we give them? S1: I give them coats. S2: I give them gloves. . T: Yes, a lot of people have been helping them. Let the world filled with love. Step 6. Homework. (1) Listen to the tape and read the new words and sentences on P59. (2) Act like a salesperson and a customer and make a dialogue with your friends after class.
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