人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 6Shopping-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:27e10).zip

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Be polite: Be warm: Be careful: Lets me see. Its (关于关于 价格、号码、颜色价格、号码、颜色) Lets me see. Its (关于价格、号码、颜色关于价格、号码、颜色) Welcome! Can I help you? Sure. Here you are. Of course. Here you are. Sorry, theyre not for sale. Thank you. Its pretty. Its nice. Its beautiful. Its great. Its perfect. Please come again. Useful sentences: * Loud * Correct * Fluent * Funny Tips for acting: UnitUnit 6 6 ShoppingShopping 厦门市海沧区天心岛小学厦门市海沧区天心岛小学 林燕红林燕红 Part C How to be a good shop assistant? Be polite. Be warm. . good shop assistant Zoom Where is it? Who are they? Did Zoom do a good job? Why is Zoom fired? Why is Zoom fired? Zoom is polite. Zoom is warm. A. size B. color C. price tag Why is Zoom fired? He was wrong about the skirts . Why is Zoom fired? A. size B. color C. price tag He was wrong about the skirts . How much is the skirt? Why is Zoom fired? $ 91 600 $ 16 100 Tip: $ 1 6.8 Tips for acting: * loud * correct * fluent * funny Can I help you? Sure. Here you are. Yes. Can I , please? see that dress Yes, its . Its , isnt it? Oh, its . How much is it? 1818$ $81$81or Thank you. Ok. Ill take it. Zoom, good job! two endings At last Make a new story and act it out. B A Welcome! Can I help you? Sure. Here you are. Of course. Here you are. Sorry, theyre not for sale. Thank you. Be polite: Be warm: Its pretty. Its nice. Its beautiful. Its great. Its perfect. Please come again. Be careful: Lets me see. Its (关于价格、号码、颜色关于价格、号码、颜色 ) Good job? Useful sentences: Tips for acting: * loud * correct * fluent * funny * loud * correct * fluent * funny Tips for acting: 1. Write down your story. 2. Dub or do the role play with your friends. 3. Watch the micro class about shopping. 一、一、教学目标教学目标 1.语言知识与技能目标 1) 能听懂,理解以下句型: No problem! Youre fired! 2) 能听懂,会说,能认读: Can I help you? Yes. Can I see that, please? Its pretty, isnt it? Yes, its nice. How much is it?Its等。 3) 能结合插图、影像、录音、肢体动作等理解故事主要内容,理清故事基本情节。 4) 能在故事情节的推进中理解购物情境用语,运用购物语言。 5)在教师的帮助下能用适当的语音语调和肢体语言表达特定角色和情绪。 2.学习策略 1)能借助图片理解具体信息和故事大意。 2)能利用观察、同桌讨论、阅读等方式寻找信息,表达自我。 3. 情感态度 1)懂得不管做各行各业,都需要礼貌待人、热情待客和做事细心。 2)学会宽容他人。 3)通过角色扮演活动体验他人心理,激发想象力,培养合作精神。 4.文化意识 了解美元符号以及美元与人民币的汇率。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 1本课的教学重点是: 1)在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事。 2)用恰当的语音语调和肢体语言表现故事角色和情绪。 3)能通过阅读,了解销售员角色,体会职业品质。 2本课的教学难点也是以上的第二三两点。 三、三、教学流程教学流程 教学过程安排 一、阅读前一、阅读前 活动 1. 师生问候,歌曲导入,引入评价机制 教师语言设计:Class begins! Good morning, children! How are you? Im fine too, thank you. First, lets listen and move our bodies, Ok? Look, here are some presents for you. And you all have this sheet, right? If you get one point, tick here. Try your best to get more, Ok? 活动 2. 复习导入,熟悉话题 让生观看本单元 A、B 部分插图,引出 shop assistant 话题,再让生讨论 How to be a good shop assistant? 教师组织语言:Look here, weve learn how to shop. Do you know who are they? Yes, and I think theyre good shop assistants. How to be a good shop assistant? A good shop assistant should be You try! Polite. Warm. Maybe some more. Today were going to learn a story about a shop assistant. Who is he? Lets have a look. He is Zoom. He is a new shop assistant. 二、阅读中二、阅读中 活动 1. 呈现课文 6 副插图,让学生观察图片,初步了解故事情境和人物关系。回答问题: Where is it?Who are they? What do they do? What does Miss Sheep want to see? 再重点呈现图 1,检测 Mr. Elephant 的职业-boss。同时引出问题:Did Zoom do a good job? 最后重点呈现图 6,让生读图猜测、回答问题。再引出对话检测猜测:Zoom, youre fired! 理解句子意思。 教师语言设计:Look at these pictures. Where is it? Its a clothes shop. Who are they? Zoom, Miss Sheep and Mr. Elephant. We know Zoom is a new shop assistant. And Miss Sheep is the customer. And Mr. Elephant is a Can you guess? Lets look at picture 1 careful. Mr. Elephant is wearing a shirt and a tie. He looks so formal. Maybe he is the boss. Now listen. “Zoom, do a good job.” “No problem!” So, is Mr. Elephant the boss? Yes. And he asked Zoom to do a good job. Zoom is very confident about that. He says: “No problem!”. How about you? Do a good job today! I trust you. But did Zoom do a good job? Yes or no? Maybe. Now look at picture 6. Do you know? Maybe. Look, Mr. Elephant is very angry. Listen! (Picture6: “Zoom, youre fired!”) Youre fired! Whats the meaning? Yes. 你被解雇了。 活动 2:结合板贴问学生:Why is Zoom fired? Maybe he is not polite. Maybe he isnt warm enough.让学生观看视频,尝试回答问题。核对答案,Zoom 不是因为不礼貌,也不是因为没有热 情待客而被解雇。He is polite and warm. 再让学生阅读故事,划出表现 Zoom 礼貌待人、热情待 客的句子。操练图 2 & 3 对话内容。 教师语言设计:Why is Zoom fired? Maybe he is not polite? Or maybe he isnt warm enough? Lets take a look. Is Zoom polite? Is he warm? Yes. How do you know? First, underline the sentences. After, you can put up your hands and tell us. Who can try? “Can I help you?” In picture2. Zoom is polite. (让生操练句子)Lets try to be polite just like Zoom, Ok? Please remember smiles. Any other sentences? Ok, which picture? Picture 3, Zoom says, “Yes, its nice.” Zoom is warm. Now lets have a role reading. Group A, B youll be Zoom, C and D youre Miss Sheep. Ready go! 活动 3:让学生观察图 2、图 3 再到图 5、图 6 Miss Sheep 的表情变化,由开心到不开心, 引导孩子思考发生了什么事情。原来是因为 Zoom 犯了错误,引发了误会。然后让学生选择 Zoom 具体弄错了裙子的什么东西。核对答案,总结 Zoom 由于粗心贴错价格标签,通过问题: How much is the skirt? 继续带着孩子了解故事中的主要情节,自然呈现图 4、图 5 对话内容并操 练对话。同时渗透 dollar 美元纸币的外形、符号以及和人民币的换算。 Look here! Is Miss Sheep happy? Yes. But at last is she happy? No. What happened? Because Zoom made a mistake. Thats why hes fired. He was wrong about the skirts A. size. B. color C. price tag. Now lets watch the video and choose. Who can try? C. Why? In which picture? Picture 4 & 5. How much is the skirt? Is it sixteen dollars? (师拿出美元符号) No, it isnt. Then how much is it? Yes, its ninety-one dollars. Here I have a tip for you. $16 is about 100 yuan. Its cheap. And $91 is about ¥600. Is the skirt cheap? No, its expensive. 16$ and $91, what can you find? Look at the symbols, can you find sth? Yes, Zoom was upside down about the price tag. 16, and now $91. The symbol should be put in front of the number or behind? Yes, Zoom was too careless and he was fired. So, as a good shop assistant, you need to be polite and warm, and be careful. 活动 4:带领学生在录音的帮助下逐句跟读句子。 教师语言设计:Ok, lets listen and repeat. Wow, your voice is clear and loud. Youve done a great job. 活动 5:分角色朗读故事 教师语言设计:Now lets read the story in roles. Well start from picture 2, and stop at picture 5. Picture 1 and 6, we dont need. Lets work in pairs. One is Zoom, the other is Miss Sheep. Clear? Go! 活动 6:课文故事表演,引导孩子在表演过程中感受作为一名优秀店员应具备的品质。 教师语言设计:Now lets have a role play in pairs. Lets act the story of picture 2 to picture 6 out. 2 minutes for you. Ready? Go! Who can try? You two please. These(头饰与短裙) are for you. Boys and girls, now you are Mr. Elephant. Zoom, do a good job! Go! Loud? Correct? Fluent? Funny? Mr. Elephant: Zoom, youre fired! 四、阅读后四、阅读后 活动 1:引导学生通过课文留白处延伸故事,操练语篇。先呈现上一轮表演全班说的最后一 图(图 6) ,当 Zoom 说“But”的时候 ,店里来了一位顾客-兔子小姐。 所以 Mr. Elephant 又 给了 Zoom 再一次机会。Zoom 会做好工作吗? Zoom-“But” At the moment, look, a new customer-Miss Rabbit comes. If you were Zoom, can you do better this time? Try to be a good shop assistant, you can be polite, warm and careful. Now what should Zoom say?(Can I help you?) What can you say? (Sure. Here you are.) Wow, Miss Rabbit is on the dress now. She says(Its) Now its Zooms turn. He might say(Yes, its) Miss Rabbit really likes the dress, she asks(How much is it?加手势) (师拿出 18$价格标签,问生)Is it this way? Is it this way? Oh, its $81. Miss Rabbit really likes it, she will say. (Ok. Ill take it.) Zoom is polite and say (Thank you.) Now this time Zoom has done better, do you think so? What might the boss- -Mr. Elephant say? (Zoom, good job!) 活动 2:续编故事并表演(兔子小姐来店里买东西。两种结局:1. Zoom is fired again. 2. Zoom do a good job this time. -二选一) 教师语言设计:Now lets make a new story. We can have two endings. At last. A. Mr. Elephant says: Zoom, good job! B. Mr. Elephant is angry and says: Zoom, youre fired! You can take out the paper sheet, choose the one you like. You can choose A or B. Work in pairs and then act it out. Ready? Go! Who can try? You two, please. You can use the dress and your task sheet. Are they loud? Yes, 2 points. Are they correct? Yes, 2 points. Fluent? Funny? Boys and girls, you were Mr. Elephant-the boss, what will you say? Zoom, good job! / Youre fired! 活动 3:总结和布置作业 教师语言设计:Now look here. No matter what we do, we need to be polite, warm and careful. And take out your assessment paper, how many presents can you get today? After class, you can come and tell me. Todays homework: Write down your story. Dub or do the role play with your friends. Watch the micro class about shopping. Ill give the micro class to your English teacher. 活动 4. 结束课堂 教师语言设计:Class is over. Today you really did a good job! Thank you! Boys and girls. See you!
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