人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Then and now-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:80873).docx

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人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Then and now-Part A-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:80873).docx_第1页
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1、新人教新人教 PEP 版版英语六年级下英语六年级下册册 Unit 4 Then and now. 教教学设计学设计 一 教学内容 PartALets try Lets talk 二 教学目标 1、知识目标 能够听说读写:dining hall, grass,gym,ago能听说认读句子:There was gym in my school twenty years ago.能够听懂并完成 Lets try 部分的练习. 2、能力目标 使学生能够听、说、读、写四会单词,并在情景中恰当运用句型以及相关词汇; 使学生能够在语境中理解生词或短语;使学生能够在一定的情境中运用所学 新句型。 3、情感目标

2、 培养学生热爱生活的思想情感。 三 教学重点 能够听说读写句型:There was/were (no).years ago .Now there is /are. 四 教学难点 能够理解 one day, look it up, in my time ,Internet 的意义和用法,并能正确发音; 五 教学方法 1.任务型教学法:学生在完成任务的过程中,提高了综合语言运用能力。 2.视听法:利用视听手段,提高了学生的听说能力。 3.游戏法:丰富了课堂形式,调动了学生学习兴趣。 4.多媒体辅助教学法:设计新颖,化解了教学难点,提高了学生学习积极性。 六 教具准备 多媒体课件,录音机、词卡、图片

3、。 七 教学过程 Step1.Warm-up (revision) (1) Sing a song. Changes in me. (2) Free talk. 1.教师先自我介绍,引入自己的学校,边呈现边引入校舍有关新单词:building gym playground .和句型 There is/was.There were. 2.教师展示从网上收集的世界各地不同风格、不同时代的学校的图片引导学生谈 论,了解新旧学校的变迁,为对比学校的今昔变化做好铺垫。 Look at these pictures. What are they? They are schools .Theyre the

4、schools in different places and at different times .Look ,these are the schools now and these are the schools in the old time .What are the schools like now ? What was the school like in the old time? Lets talk about them. 2.教师从新旧学校的图片中各选一张图组织学生运用 There be 句型进行描述, 引 导学生通过对比,感悟 There be 句型的用法,板书示例如下:

5、 nowthen There is a tall building.There was a small building. Three is a few tree.There were many trees. There is a big playground.Therewasnoplayground. Step2. Presentation (practice) 1. Lets try T: Today, there is a guest visiting the school .Listen and tick or cross. The school changed a little. G

6、randpa could use computers when he was at school. 2. Lets talk (1)播放对话录音,回答问题:What was Grandpas school like? (2)学生回答问题后,要求学生打开教材自主朗读,并圈出描述学校的句 子。 Were there any big buildings in Grandpas old school? Were there any computers and Internet in Grandpas school? Was Grandpas school on the hill? Can you gu

7、ess what Grandpa often did at night at school? (Maybe he often he often looked at the stars at night during his time at the old school.) (3)教师通过与学生对话渗透人类首次登月的信息: Sarah wants to visit the moon one day .I have a dream to visit the moon too .What about you? Do you want to visit the moon and other stars

8、? (教师给学生们看人类首次登月的图片,让学生增加感性认识。) (4)教师呈现吴一凡的话,问同学们,你们知道吴一凡是怎么知道的吗? 引出句子:He looked it up on the Internet. (5)讲解词组 looked it up ,on the Internet . (6)Role-play.小组内创编对话,然后班级内进行汇报。 (7)根据大屏幕复述对话。 (8)What was your school like five years ago ? What is it like now? Draw and talk. 5 years agoNow (9)Guess 猜一猜老师描述的是哪一幅图片? Step3. Homework (extension) 观察自己的家里过去和现在的变化,填写表格。 ThenNow 八、板书设计 Unit 4 Then and now. PartALets talk There was /were (no).years ago. Now there is /are.


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