人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Last weekend-Part B-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:f04ec).docx

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1、Unit2 Last weekend PartB:Read and write 课题:课题:人教版 PEP 小学英语六年级下册 Unit2 Last weekend 教材分析教材分析 本单元是义务教育人教版 PEP 小学英语六年级下册第二单元,围绕 Last weekend 的话题展开,讨论过去生活为主题,旨在提示学生学习英语的过去时态 以及讨论过去的生活和存在的状态,该课时为 Read and write 部分,是一篇读 写课,该课时分为读、写两部分:第一部分要求学生先完成读前活动,然后读文 段,看图片完成读后阅读检测及填充表格任务;第二部分为有意义的书写活动: 根据投诉心中的信息补全邮件。

2、 该课时内容是对整单元过去时的综合运用, 通过 该课时学习, 不仅要巩固对过去时的运用, 而且要在阅读中培养学生阅读能力和 掌握阅读策略,形成阅读素养。 学情分析学情分析 通过前几课时学习, 学生对过去时态有了初步的了解, 也掌握了动词变过去 式的基本规律, 即一般情况下直接在动词后加-ed,也接触了一些不规则变化的动 词, 学生也明白了要描述在过去做过的事情要用过去时态。 本节课面向六年级的 学生,作为高年级的孩子,他们的心智发展正在趋向成熟,能对一件事情发表自 己的观点和看法。 而本课时的文本以吴亦凡及家人住酒店的经历为话题展开, 此 话题贴近学生生活, 容易与学生生活经验产生共鸣, 所以

3、文本内容对学生理解起 来不是很困难。 设计理念设计理念 以新课程为指导,以学生为主体,让学生通过游戏、歌唱、操练,来体验语 言,体验生活,体验学习的过程与快乐。采用情境教学法,小组合作学习调动学 生的多种感官,使学生最大限度的参与到课堂教学中来,使学生在“用”中发展 思维能力、创新意识和语言应用能力。 教学目标教学目标 (1)(1)知识与技能知识与技能: 学生能够正确听、说、认读单词:hotel,fixed,broken,lamp,loud,enjoy,stay; 学生能够通过读前活动回忆相关背景知识及话题词汇; 能够在文段中寻找关键信 息,能够根据阅读所获取的信息完成填充邮件的活动。 (2)

4、(2)过程与方法过程与方法: 通过阅读训练,能够掌握良好的阅读策略,积极大胆尝试写作,并在此过程中培 养学生自主学习能力。 (3)(3)情感、态度及价值观情感、态度及价值观: 能简单地讨论对一件事物的相关看法和相关内容; 善于表达自己的情感态度, 并 提出中肯的建议。 教学重难点教学重难点 重点:重点:朗读、复述本节课的小短文,学会如何写英语评价卡。 难点:难点:能简单地讨论、表达对一件事物的相关看法和相关内容。 教学方法:教学方法: 情景教学法、游戏活动法 教学准备:教学准备: 班班通、多媒体课件、点读机 教学过程教学过程 Step1:WarmStep1:Warm upup 1.Sing a

5、 song“Last weekend” T:Are you happy today? Ss:Yes. T:Im happy,too.Do you want to sing? Lets sing a song together. (播放歌曲“Last weekend”) (播放本单元的主题歌曲,创设浓厚的英语学习氛围,并且主题歌曲里面有本(播放本单元的主题歌曲,创设浓厚的英语学习氛围,并且主题歌曲里面有本 节课将学习的生词,使学生提前感知新内容节课将学习的生词,使学生提前感知新内容。 ) 2.Free talk T:How was your weekend? Ss:It was great/go

6、od/fine/ok. T:What did you do last weekend? Ss:. (FreeFree talktalk 是语言最真实的运用是语言最真实的运用, 不仅促进师生间的交流不仅促进师生间的交流, ,拉近师生间的距离拉近师生间的距离, 而且由上单元学习的主要句型衔接到本课所学习的重点,过渡自然无痕迹,为而且由上单元学习的主要句型衔接到本课所学习的重点,过渡自然无痕迹,为 新课学习做好铺垫新课学习做好铺垫。 ) 3.Review the phrases watch TVplayed ping-pongstayed at homewent shopping did homew

7、orkcleaned my roomread a booksaw a filmwashed my clothes (复习所学习过的重点短语(复习所学习过的重点短语, 激活与文本有关的知识点激活与文本有关的知识点, 为文本学习奠定基础为文本学习奠定基础。 ) Step2:Pre-readingStep2:Pre-reading 1.T:What did I do last weekend? Do you know?Dont worry.Lets watch a vedio.(教师播放照片,学生观看) S:You took a trip last weekend.(学生观看后回答) T:Yes,

8、I took a trip last weekend.I like taking a trip. (呈现词组 took a trip)take-took Do you know where did I go? Which hotel did I stay? How was the hotel? How did I feel? I will show you a video and try to watch carefully. (学生带着问题认真观看视频并回答) T:Where did I go? S1:You went to Mangdang Mountain.(go-went) T: Wh

9、ich hotel did I stay? S2:You stayed in Garden Holiday Hotel.(stay-stayed) T: How was the hotel? Ss:Its was big、beautiful and clean. T: Who helps clean the room? Ss:Housekeeper.(呈现单词 housekeeper) T:What did she do? Ss:She cleaned the room and made the bed. (make-made) T:Wow,look!So much food.How did

10、the food taste? Ss:The food tasted good! (taste-tasted) T:How did I feel? Ss:You felt good!(feel-felt) T:Yes,I felt very happy and had a good time.So I wrote a comment card. Good,average or bad? Ss:Good. T:Of course,good. 2.T:Look!Who are they? Ss:WuYifan and his family. T:Yes,Wu family and Robin.Th

11、ey took a trip last weekend,too.And they stayed in a Holiday Hotel.(呈现单词:Holiday Hotel) T:Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs Broom. T:She is WuYifans housekeeper.What did she do? 请学生选择。 教授单词:make-made the beds 整理床铺 cook-cooked the food 做饭 clean-cleaned the rooms 打扫房间 Ss:She cleaned the room and made the bed.

12、 T:At last,WuYifan also wrote a comment card.Will he choice good,average or bad? We dont know.Now please open your books turn to P18.Listen to the passage together. StepStep3 3: :WhileWhile-reading-reading 1.整体听读,了解大意。 T:Look at me,please.Which one will WuYifan circle? Ss:Bad. T:So,did WuYifan enjoy

13、 his stay in the hotel? Ss:No. T:Why? S3:Our weekend at your hotel was bad. S4:Im sorry, but we didnt enjoy our stay very much. 2.扫读课文,定位信息点。精细讲解,理解文本。 T:Lets look at some pictures about the room.Look at picture1-3. Read the passage carefully.Try to find the sentences that describe picture 1 to 3.Yo

14、u can talk with your partners and exchange your ideas. 学生仔细自主阅读文本,找出描述图片 1 至 3 的句子,并小组讨论。 T:Which sentences are talking about picture 1? S5:Our room was big but everything was very old. T:Look at this chair,whats wrong with it? Ss:The chair is broken. T:You can also say a broken chair.What did they

15、do yesterday? Ss:They fixed a broken chair yesterday. (fix-fixed) T:Which sentences are talking about picture 2? S6:My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small. My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they were cold and tasted bad. T:His mother wanted to read a book,cou

16、ld she read? Ss:No. T:Why? Ss:The lamp was too small. (呈现单词 lamp) T:When we read a book,we should choice a big lamp or small lamp? Ss:Big lamp. T:Yes,we should choice a big lamp,because if we use the small lamp,its very bad for our eyes.(情感教育学生科学用眼,从小保护好眼睛) T:Dad felt very hungry.So where did he go?

17、 Ss:He went to the hotel kitchen. T:What did he get? Ss:He got some hamburgers.(get-got) T:What did hamburgers taste? Ss:They were cold and tasted bad. T:Which sentences are talking about picture 3? S7:I wanted to watch TV but the TV didnt work.The people in Room 301 listened to loud music.I didnt s

18、leep all night. T:WuYifan wanted to watch TV. What happened to the TV? Ss:The TV didnt work. T:So WuYifan couldnt watch TV.He wanted to sleep.Could he sleep? Ss:No.Because the people in Room 301 listened to loud music. (教师播放动感音乐) T:Do you like this music? Ss:Yes/No. T:But I like this music.Lets imag

19、e,its 12:00 in the mid-night.You want to sleep,but people play this music.How do you feel? Ss:I feel very angry. T:Because its very noisy.(呈现单词 noisy) WuYifan felt very angry.Did he enjoy his stay?(呈现单词 enjoy) Ss:No! 3.跟读文本,再次感受文本信息的衔接点。 4.再次细读文本,圈出重要知识点。 T:So he wrote this comment card.When did he

20、write? S8:Last weekend. T:Last weekend is about now or past. Ss:Past. T:So WuYifan wrote the comments by using past tense.Circle all the past tense of the verbs and fill in the chart. 学生再次精读文本,圈出文本中所有动词的过去时,并写出它们的现在时。 Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table. (圈出所有的过去式并填表) pastpresent

21、 was cleaned fixed wanted got were tasted didnt listened is clean fix want get are taste doesnt listen 5.翻译文本,清晰文本意思。 T:Lets translate this passage.First,lets look at some new words. 在学生翻译前,搞清重点单词、短语的意思。为学生理解文本扫除障碍。 hotel-Holiday Hotel(假日酒店) fix-fixed 修理 broken 破损的broken chairI fixed a broken yester

22、day. lamp 台灯 loud(喧闹的;大声的)loud music enjoy(享受.乐趣;喜爱) enjoy+V-ing(享受做某事) I enjoy reading books. stay(暂住;逗留) StepStep4 4: :PostPost-reading-reading 1.T:You know WuYifan had a bad stay in the hotel.Mrs Broom was very sad.She wants to write an email to the manager.Can you help her? 学生独立完成,以此检验对文本的学习掌握程度

23、。 2.Check the answer. StepStep6 6: :SummarySummary andand homework.homework. 1.Summary T:What have we learned today? Ss:We learned past tense. T:Whenwetalkaboutsomethinghappenedinthepast,for example:yesterday,last weekend,last night.We use past tense.And we learned how to write the comments.We shoul

24、d express our ideas bravely. 2.Homework After class,try to write comments about one of the hotel you have stayed. 板书设计 Unit2 Last weekend PartB:Read and write take-tookhousekeeper go-wentlamp make-madenoisy taste-tastedenjoy feel-felt fix-fixed get-got 教学反思 本节课的阅读教学分为三部分来完成。 首先阅读前,我通过与学生进行 free talk 交流,建立学生新知与旧知的知识链,在复习旧知的基础上拉近师生间的 距离,并为新内容的学习奠定基础。接着创设一个自己去旅行的情境,引出一系 列有关问题,如自己的去向,住宿,感受等,为文本学习创设真实氛围。接着自 然过渡到吴亦凡一家人出去旅行,并居住在假日旅馆的情境。读中,我通过让学 生整体听读、扫读、精读、细读的方式来获取文本信息,在完成任务的过程中, 培养学生发现文本线索的能力,分析与处理信息的能力。读后,通过一个综合性 的任务,写反馈信,来达到对文本信息的综合运用。本节课的环节设计,层层递 进,符合学生的认知规律,有效地培养了学生的阅读能力和阅读策略,从而形成 阅读素养。


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