人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Where did you go -Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:d33b7).zip

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人教版英语学科六年级下册第人教版英语学科六年级下册第3单元单元 Unit3 where did you go? - Story time 在月球上 相信 该回去了。 Its time to go to school. Its time to have lunch. Its time to go to bed. 太空船 space(太空)+ ship (船) “一些;任何” 一般 用于否定句和疑问 句中。 梦;梦想。 e.g. Did you have a dream last night? My holiday. 人教版本英语学科六年级下册unit3 went to Sanya by train with her family went to the beach played beach volleyball and hurt her foot went boating took many photos ate some seafood seafood Sally My holiday. 人教版本英语学科六年级下册unit3 Where? When? Who? How? What? Sallys Holiday My Holiday. 人教版本英语学科六年级下册第3单元 Sallys Holiday When: Last summer holiday Where: Sanya Who: Sallyand her family What: played beach volleyball, went boating, took many pictures, ate some seafood How: happy, great 宁国市津北小学宁国市津北小学 2015-2016(下)小学英语六年级(下)小学英语六年级 基于微课的翻转课堂基于微课的翻转课堂 - Unit3 Where did you go?(Story time)进阶练习)进阶练习 1. Lets learn. 观看微课,会读故事并结合图片理解故事大意; 2. Lets find. 读故事,完成下面的小任务 Where did Zoom go? How did he ? Zooms trip ? ? 3. Lets write. Zooms trip Last night, Zoom went to the . He Change, the and the . He also pictures. He had a fun trip. But can you (相信) it? No, I cant . Haha, it was a . 2015-2016(下)小学英语六年级(下)小学英语六年级 基于微课的翻转课堂教学设计基于微课的翻转课堂教学设计 - Unit3 Where did you go?(Story time) 一学习目标一学习目标: 1.能理解 Story time 中的故事 能表演 Story time 中的故事; 2.掌握一般过去时态小作文的基本写作技巧; 3.让学生在学习过程中感受旅游的乐趣,学做热爱生活的人。 二学习重、难点二学习重、难点: 1.能理解 Story time 中的故事 能表演 Story time 中的故事; 2. 一般过去时态小作文的基本写作技巧。 三学习准备三学习准备: 1.教师准备:微课视频、教学课件; 2.学生准备:英语本、学习用具。 四四 课时安排:课时安排:1 课时 五教学过程:五教学过程: 课前播放微课并布置预习作业。课前播放微课并布置预习作业。 Step1. Warm-up Sing a song. (Tell me about your holiday.) Step2: Greeting T: Good morning! Boys and girls. S: Good morning! Sally. Step3:Lead-in and check their homework 1. Listen and read. T: Yesterday, I shared Zooms unusual trip - The moon traveling with you. Lets talk about this trip . Show the pictures of Zooms unusual trip to the students. Lead them to learn words: believe, moon, spaceship, dream. 2. Listen and answer. Listen to the story and answer the questions. (Where did Zoom go? How did he go there? What did he see? How was his holiday?) 3.Listen and act. Act the story in pairs. 4. Writing 思维导图提示写作要素: Where did he go? How did he go there? Zooms unusual trip What did he see? How was Zooms trip? Write a short passage about Zooms unusual trip. Step4.拓展拓展 Sallys trip. 1.Show some pictures of Sallys summer holiday to the children. Ask them to “read these pictures”. Look and study the pictures. 用对话的形 式表达图片内容。如:A:Where did Sally go? B:She went to Thailand. Who did Sally go with? When and how did Sally go?. 2.Try to use the v-ed phrases to describe them. Write a short passage about Sallys holiday. Step5. Homework 1. Read the story to your parents or your classmates; (*) 2. Write the passage “Sallys holiday” on your exercise books;(*) 3. Try to write a short passage “My holiday”. (*) Step6: Blackboard design Unit 3 Where did you go? Story time believe Where did he go? How did he go there? moon spaceship Zooms unusual trip dream What did he see? How was Zooms trip?
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