人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Then and now-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-省级优课-(编号:103bc).zip

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人教人教PEP六年六年级 下册下册 There were no tall buildings. There are many tall buildings. Then Now The village is changing. Lead-in Then There was no playground.There is a big playground. Now The school is changing. Grandpas school has changed a lot. What was Grandpas school like? Do you know? Presentation Wu Yifan 、 grandpa and Sarah are coming: PresentationThree students show the conversation on site. a library no library old school one small building on the hill Tell us about your school, please. Could you see stars at night ? visit the moon The Americans took about 5 days in 1969 look up on the Internet How do you know that? no computers or internet In my time His school was_. There was no_ in his school. There were no_ or_ in his school. What was grandpas school like? small library computers Internet G: Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. S: Tell us about your school ,please. G: There was only one small building on the hill. W : Could you see stars at night? G: Yes, I liked the stars. S: Me too. One day Im going to visit the moon. W: The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. S: How do you know that? W : Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. G:Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time. Listen and follow G: Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. S: Tell us about your school ,please. G: There was only one small building on the hill. W : Could you see stars at night? G: Yes, I liked the stars. S: Me too. One day Im going to visit the moon. W: The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. S: How do you know that? W : Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. G:Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time. Talk about the changes in your school、city and so on. Using these sentences: There was/ were . There is/ are . Group work Summary _no playground in my school five years ago. _a big one in my school now. _no flowers or trees in my school five years ago . _some beautiful flowers and trees in my school now. Our school is more and more beautiful, so we should study hard and live happily! There was There is There are There were Using there be: Changes in my school Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and follow 3 times. 2. Find some changes in your home and talk with your friends or your family. 1 课题Unit 4 Then and now 课型对话课 主备人 备课时间 一、课程标准 1、 能正确朗读所学故事或短文。 2、 能就日常生活话题作简短叙述。 二、教材解析 在五年级上册 Unit5/Unit6 中,学生学习了 There be 句型的(一般现在时)的陈述句、一般疑问句及 其回答,并在本册 Unit2/Unit3 初步学习了动词过去时的规则及不规则变化,本节课将在此基础上学习运用 There be 句型的(一般过去时)谈论过去的事物。 三、目标预设 1.能够正确理解对话大意。 2.能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话。 3.能够在情景中正确运用句型“There was .There were .”进行今昔对比。 四、重难点预设 运用句型 “There was (no) There were (were)” 谈论过去的事物。 五、评价设计 1. 通过学生表演对话(不使用视频)和教师引导的方式,理解对话大意,并回答对话所设置的问题,来 检测目标 1 的达成情况。 2.通过跟读、同桌互读、师生和生生角色扮演的方式,检测目标 2 的达成情况。 3.通过设置情景,创编对话来检测目标 3 的达成情况。 六、教学设计 第 1 课时 教学环节教学预设个性化修改(复备) 一、热身导入一、热身导入 (Warm-up/lead-in) 1. 师生相互问候。 2. 出示村庄和学校今昔对比的图片点题 Then and now,引出 本节课内容。 二、呈现新课二、呈现新课 (Presentation) 1.三位学生分别扮演 Grandpa、Amy 和 Wu Yifan,并且配 合图片,进行现场对话演绎,从而让学生正确理解对话内 容并回答问题。 2.教师提问:What was Grandpas school like? 学生回答问 题: 2 3. Listen and follow:通过单句跟读,模仿语音语调。 三、趣味操练三、趣味操练 (Practice) 1.同桌互读对话 Read with your deskmate twice 2.师生、生生角色扮演 Role play 3.小组合作,设置情境编对话 Make a new dialogue 四、小结四、小结 (Summary) 通过一个小短文的形式,进行主要内容的总结 五、五、 作业设计作业设计 3 板书设计:板书设计: Unit4 Then and now There was (no) There were (no) 七、教后反思(教学亮点、不足之处、改进措施等等)七、教后反思(教学亮点、不足之处、改进措施等等) 教学亮点:1.利用学校和乡村的今昔照片对比,引出本单元主题:Then and now. 2.将对话以真人演绎的形式表现出来,更加真实、生动。 3.问题的设置以及总结的设置都变成了短文的形式,利于学生进行整体文本的感知和学习。 4.结合现实的交通方式变化,比如地铁、小黄车等的出现,让孩子进行比较,创编新对话。 不足之处:1.引入的时候扩展的较少,有点局限于本节课的文本内容。 2.There be 句型的过去式训练和句型的示范练习还需强化。 改进措施:1.对话交流课要拓宽对话范围,不局限于本节课的主句型,从而增加学生的语言输出量。 2.对于主句型的运用,老师要做好做足示范,让学生的练习有的放矢。 4 教师在示范教师在示范 学生小组合作学生小组合作 5 Unit4 Then and now Part A Lets talk 教学设计教学设计
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