湘鲁版六年级下册Unit 2 Is she your mum's favourite singer -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:42bda).zip

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亲爱亲爱 的宝贝贝 ,如果你能活 着,一定要 记记住我爱爱你 ! Lets make an investigation : When is your mum s birthday ? What s your mum s favourite colour ? What s your mum s favourite fruit ? fa/vou/rite : 最喜欢的 Mother s Day 母亲节 Is she your mum sfavourite singer ? Yes, she is . No , she isn t . Is he yourmum s favourite singer ? Yes , he is . No , he isn t . Is she yourmum sfavourite actress ? Yes, she is . No , she isn t . Is he your mum sfavourite actor ? Yes , he is . No, he isn t . New words : favourite : 最喜欢的 Mother s Day : 母亲节 singer : 歌手 actress : 女演员 actor : 男演员 Pairwork : Is she / he your mum s favourite singer /actor /actress ? Yes , she is . / Yes , he is . No, she isn t . / No, he isn t . Homework : 1. Write new words and practice new sentences . 2.Search something about Father s Day by Internet or phone and share them with us next lesson . Thank you !Thank you ! UnitUnit 2 2 IsIs sheshe youryour mumsmums favouritefavourite singersinger ? ? ( (第一课时第一课时) ) TeachingTeaching aimsaims : : 1. Students can listen 、speak 、read and master words or phrases :favourite、 Mother s Day 、singer 、actor 、actress 2. Students can listen 、speak 、read and master sentences : Is she your mums favourite singer/actor/actress ? Yes, she is . No, she isnt . Is he your mums favourite singer/actor/actress ? Yes, he is . No, he isnt . 3. Students can know how to cooperate with others . ImportantImportant pointpoint : : 1. Students can master words or phrases . 2. Students can know the importance of cooperation . DiffcultDiffcult pointpoint : : 1. Students can use sentences correctly . TeachingTeaching procedureprocedure : : StepStep oneone : : WarmingWarming upup T:(Greeting) First , let s see some pictures and tell me about your feelings. (展示一些能体现母爱的图片,并让学生谈谈感受) StepStep twotwo : : PresentationPresentation Ok , today we will learn “Unit 2 Is she your mum s favourite singer ?” First , let s make an investigation .(通过设计几个问题,让学 生自己检查有多了解自己的母亲,同时让他们意识到我们的母亲如此的伟大, 但是作为儿女的我们只懂得一直索取而却很少给予) (学生谈完感受引出新短语:Mother s Day) 出示图片介绍母亲节,在母亲节可以送自己母亲礼物,让学生说说可以送哪 些礼物? 老师然后接着说送礼物之前我们都必须了解母亲的喜好,从而顺势通过图片 引出新词: (favourite 、singer 、 actress 、 actor) Spell them together Read after me Read them one by one / by groups/ by gesture Read them together (注意字母组合的发音:er、 in , 以及分三部分拼读单词:fa/ vou/ rite) Game : I point , you say Little teacher New sentences : Is he/she your favourite singer/actress/actor ? Is he/she your mums favourite singer/actress/actor ? Yes, he/she is . No, he/she isn t .(此处表示省略了一个字母 o) (提醒学生问句与答句主语的一致) Read after me Read them one by one / by groups/ by gesture Read them together Game : I ask , you answer (教师与全班学生-教师与小组学生-教师与单个的生-学生与学生 之间) StepStep threethree : : ConsolidationConsolidation Groupwork:Find your partner and practice HomeworkHomework : : 1 Write new words or phrases . 2 Make a dialogue and show it next lesson . Search something about Father s Day by Internet or phone and share them with us next lesson .
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