人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Work quietly!-B-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:300aa).zip

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Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Unit 6 Work quietly! B Lets learn 人教PEP五年级下册 Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Zooms desk is in a mess(乱七八糟). Zoom, _, please!keep your desk clean Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 bee beef keep ee- /i:/ Phonics Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 keep your desk clean ! Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Keep your clean! Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Look! The desk is _ now.clean Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Oh, my God! I cant find my English book. Lets go to the bookstore and buy a new one. Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Zoom, its too dangerous( 危险的). Keep to the right. Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 right 正确的,右边 night 夜晚 light 灯 eight 八 Phonics ight- /ait/ Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Keep to the right. Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 right 反义词 right 反义词 left(左边) wrong(错误的) Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Letslearn. Presentation Keep to the right. InAmerica美国 InCanada加拿大 InFrance法国 Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Doyouknow? Presentation Keep to the left. InBritain英国 InHongKong香港 InJapan日本 InMacau澳门 Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 They are going to the bookstore by bus. Zoom, _.take turns Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Everyone should _.take turns Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 face cake take a-e- /ei:/ Phonics Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 We should t take turns ake turns Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Turn right! Keep to the right. Turn left! Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Zip, come here! Shh! _, please.Talk quietly Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 ball tall talk al- /:/ Phonics Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 You should(应该) _. talk quietly Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 You should(应该) _. read quietly Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 You should(应该) _ _. work quietly /study quietly Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 You should(应该) _. draw quietly Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 SignsSigns Keep your desk clean. Keep to the right. Take turns. Talk quietly. 标识 Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Practice Whats missing?Whats missing? Game Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Match Practice Game Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. Keep to the right. Take turns. Work quietly. Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Look, match and say Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Discuss in groups Are they right? What should they do? 我是文明劝导员! Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Keepyourdeskandchairclean. Keeptheblackboardclean. Talkquietly. Keeptotheright. Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Summary 各个公共场合,都有哪些注意事项? In the library In the classroom On a bridge On the bus Talk quietly. Work quietly. Keep to the right. Take turns. In our daily life(日常生活), we should obey (遵 守)the rules(规则). Copyright 2004-2016 版权所有 盗版必究 Bye bye! Unit6 Work quietly B lets learn (第一联盟英语讲课教案第一联盟英语讲课教案) Unit6 Work quietly B lets learn 教学目标与要求教学目标与要求 1.能听懂、会说、会写祈使句:Keep to the right. Keep your desk clean. Talk quietly. Take turns21cnjycom 2.能够在情境中运用句型:Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. Take turns. Keep to the right. 来谈论行为规范. 3.情感教育:提醒学生注意遵守公共场所的行为规范和学校校规,培养学 生的规则意识。c333565677 重点重点 学生能听说读写本课四会单词, 能看懂警示语图标和标语。2 难点难点 学生能够结合自己生活实际,运用本课内容进行自主对话。 教具教具 卡片 ppt 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动 Preparation 准备活动 1.Sing a song:School days 2.Free talk. T: Do you like this song? Who are in the Video? Ss: Zip and Zoom T: Yes, they are our friends. Where are they? Ss: In the school. T: You are right. They are in the classroom. 【设计意图:唱与本课息息相关的歌曲达到唤醒学生学习热情,并根据视 频中的信息进行简单的 free talk.并创设本节课的主情景。 】21cnjy 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动 Presentation 新知呈现 1.keep your desk clean 出示图片:look, Zooms desk is in a mess.(乱七八糟) lets listen what did Zip say.【来源:21世纪教育网】 Zip: Zoom, _please. 听音填空 S: Keep your desk clean. PPT 出示 ee 发音 bee, beef 到 keep.出示图片并教读。 T:Lets look。whose desk is in a mess in our class? We should say: Ss: Keep your desk clean. (同桌练习) 2.Keep to the right T: Look Zooms desk is _ now. But, he cant find his English book. So they will go to the library and buy a new one.21 教育网 出示 Zoom 走在路左边的图片。 T: Look, they are on the way. Zoom is on the left side. So, Zip says: 出示 Zip 的话: Keep to the right. 领读并出示图片 In China we should : Keep to the right. In the UK we should: Keep to the _. 1.Take turns 出示公交车的图片。 T: The way to the library is so long. So they go there by_. Ss: by bus. T: Look Zoom. Is he polite? Ss: No. T: So. Zip says: Take turns. 出示图片,了解意思。 PPT 出示 a-e 发音 face, cake 到 take. 自然拼读。 PPT 出示 ur 发音 nurse, hurt 到 turn. 自然拼读。 机械操练:出示不同的需要排队的场景,填空。 4 1.Talk quietly Zoom found the book ,he is very excited and speech loudly: Come here, Zip. (出示在图书馆的图片)21 世纪教育网版权所有 Zip says: Talk quietly. PPT 出示 all 发音 wall, ball, tall, 到 talk.分解单词 quietly,让学生自然拼 读,并图片呈现其意思(用拼读的方式让孩子们学习单词。)21世纪*教育网 不同的场景操练 quietly. talk quietly, read quietly, work quietly, study quietly. 【设计意图:通过故事情景的形式呈现新单词,在趣味的学习中,学生通 过连贯主动的思考获得新知。同时,利用图片,声音等方式穿插其中,形式多 样,学习积极性比较高。以自然拼读以及复合词规律等方式教授单词,便于学 生记忆。 】 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动 Practice 巩固练习 1.Magic eyes. PPT 中快速呈现词组,机械操练词组。在此过程中强化新词 的记忆。 2.Listen and imitate. (听音正音) 【设计意图:听音回答,回归课本,训练学生听力的同时进行模仿练习, 学习模仿重点句型的语音语调。 】 3.小组活动:小组讨论并制定班规。如: Keep your desk and chair clean. Keep the blackboard clean. Talk quietly. Keep to the right.(注意提醒学生上下楼也要靠右走 When we go down the stairs and go up the stairs.) 4.Look,match and say (1)遇到下列情境,你应该怎幺提醒别人。 Hes talking in the library.他正在图书馆里交谈。我们该怎么劝阻呢?请大 家给出方案。www.21-cn- 方案一:Talk quietly. 方案二:Dont talk loudly. We are playing a game.我们正在玩游戏。 方案:Take turns. Shes colouring at the desk.她正在桌前上色。 方案-:Keep your desk clean. 方案二:Keep your hands clean. 方案三:Keep your clothes clean. Theyre writing in class.他们正在教室里写作业。 方案-:Work quietly. 方案二:Don -t work loudly. They are walking on the bridge.他们正在桥上走。 方案一:Keep to the right. 方案二:Walk slowly. 要求学生将方案读一读,并有礼貌地说一说。 (2)学生完成 Look,match and say 部分的连线活动。 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动 Production 输出运用 1.活动:我是文明的劝导员 呈现一群孩子在餐厅生日聚会的情形,小组合作,说一说他们行为的不当 之处。 【设计意图:通过重设情景,使孩子们在真实的与自己生活密切相关的情 境中运用本课所学习的语言。通过小组合作,加强孩子们的沟通和交流。通过 上台展示交流,使得同学们对于英语更加的自信。 】www-2-1-cnjy-com 2.介绍一些其他常见的公共场所行为规范。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 6 Work quietly! Keep to the right. Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. Take turns. 教学反思教学反思
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