人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Work quietly!-C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:a2720).zip

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1 课题 Unit 6 Work quietly. C. Story time 第( 一 )课时 主备人学校 教 学 目 标 1 Knowledge &Skills: (1)Be able to listen and say the pattern “talk quietly, keep clean” (2)Be able to recognize the imperative sentences. (3)Be able to describe the story and act it out. (4)To develop the students abilities of listening, speaking and reading 2 Process & Steps: The Task-based Teaching Method, The Situational Teaching Method, The Communicative Approach, 3 Emotional attitude & Values: (1)To foster the consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition. (2)To cultivate the students emotion of loving animals. (3)To cultivate the students emotion of keeping the rules in public places . 教学 重点 How to master the imperative sentences. 教学 难点 the pronunciation of ”noise and exciting” How to describe the story fluently. 2 教学 准备 ppt, headwear , bananas, popcorn 教 学 过 程 教学环节教师活动学生活动个性化修改 1War ming- up: 2Lead ing- in: (1) Greetings. (2)sing a happy song. (设计意图:课前用一首英语歌来热 身,使学生很快融入课堂,调动了 孩子的积极性。) T: What do you do on the weekend? S: T: I often watch a film, then show some pictures of funny films. To learn the word “film”. S: Zoom and Zip are watching a film, but something happened, what happened? So it is the story time. (设计意图:导入通过询问孩子们周 末的活动,介绍教师周末喜欢看电 影,过渡到课文 Zoom 和 Zip 正在看 1(1) Greetings. (2) to sing a song . To answer the questions. 3 3Pres entati on 4Cons olidati on 电影,但是发生了一些事,这样来 激发学生的兴趣和好奇心,引出课 题故事时间。) (1) To show some questions,then play the story two times. (2) To answer the questions and learn the word “noise”. (3) To describe the story according to the pictures in groups. (设计意图:在播放小故事前用几个 问题来提高学生用英语思维的能力, 同时也为故事做了铺垫。分为两颗 星和三颗星的难度来进行看图片描 述故事,做由易到难,来提升学生 独立思考和口语表达的能力。) (1) To act the story out in groups. (设计意图: 小组内进行角色表演, To talk about the questions and describe the story. Do a roleplay. 4 6 Home work 每个人都带上动物面具,用真实的 香蕉和爆米花可以调动学生的积极 性,角色表演可以实现让学生在学 中玩,玩中学的效果,并且符合新 课标中用英语做事情的目标要求。) (2) To do some exercises. (展示一些生活中常见的英语禁止性 的标语图片,来强化英语祈使句的 否定用法。) (1) Try to describe the story to your friends. (2) To find more signs in our life. 板书 设计 Unit 6 Work quietly. C. Story time Talk quietly! 5 Keep clean!
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