湘鲁版三年级下册英语Unit 5 Pass me the milk,please!-Section A-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f041d).doc

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湘鲁版三年级下册英语Unit 5 Pass me the milk,please!-Section A-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f041d).doc_第1页
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1、UnitUnit 5 5 PassPass m me e thethe milk,milk, please!please! 第1课时 教学目标教学目标: : 来源来源:Z:Zxxxxk.Comk.Com 1.学生能掌握本节课所学的5个单词,并能运用所学单词或句子请他 人传递物品。 2.学生能听懂并会用 Pass me the ., please! Here you are.这 两个句型。 3.提倡和鼓励学生之间相互帮助,共同进步和提高。来源:学科网 二教学重难点教学重难点 单词: ice-cream ,water,cup,candy ,box 句型: Pass me the milk, ple

2、ase! Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. 教师准备教师准备:教学挂图、单词卡片及苹果、物品卡片等。 学生准备:学生准备:课本 ,教学实物。 教学过程教学过程: Step 1.Warm-up.(课前热身) 1. 师生之间互相问候打招呼。 2. Singasongtogether 。 (Apple round, apple red ) 3. Review the contents of last lesson。 Step 2.Presentation (新授) 1.教师先拿出自己课前准备的几种物品实物(将milk, ice-cream, water,

3、candy 放在box里),问学生是否对“盒子”里 的这几样东西感兴趣;然后,分别教读和学习这几个单词。 2.After learning the five new words ,lead the students playthree games . Game 1.High and low voice . When the teacher speak a word loudly ,students shound speak it softly ;while the teacher speak a word softly ,students shound speak it loudly. Gam

4、e 2. Whats missing ? Let students look at the screen carefully andfind out whats missing . Game 3.Bomb game . The teacher draw a circle under a word ,then teacher lead the students readallthewords ,when the teacher read the word with a circle ,the students cant read this word ,if anyone read it ,he

5、or she will be bomed 。 3. 教师将水放在一个较远的地方,自己非常想喝水,但又拿不 到,于是做出很热并用手擦汗的动作,同时对学生说:”T: Its so hot . 并问学生 Do you think so ? 教师接着说 Im so thirsty .I want to drinksome water. But where is my water bottle ? Itsthere . Oh, pass me thewater, please . 学生看着老师的动作和表情,明白了新句型 的含义。有个学生笑着回答 Hereyouare.教师接着在黑板上板 书新句型: Pa

6、ssmethewater, please . Here you are. 教师接着说: Now ,Idlikedrinksomemilk . Grace , passmethe milk , please . 学生说: Here you are. 教师回答:Thank you . 学生说: Youarewelcome . 4.教师向学生展示 Look and listen的教学挂图,让他们仔细看 图中有哪些人物,分别说了什么话。 (1)Teacher let the students listen to the sound recording carefully ,thenfind out t

7、he two foodmentionedin the text . (2)Teacher let students open their books and read it the text,then divide all the students into several groups,ask them to practice the dialogue in roles . 5.语言点解释 milk, water是不可数名词,没有复数形式,词尾不可加-s。不 可数名词前不能用不定冠词a和an,但前面可以用定冠词the,如本文 中Pass me the milk,please!中milk前面的

8、“the”。 ice-cream是个合成词,意思是“冰淇淋”,其中的连字符“-”不能 丢。ice-cream是可数名词,前面的不定冠词用an,复数形式的词尾 加-s。来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K youre = you are。 box的复数形式是在词尾加-es,即boxes。 Step 3.Practice and consolidation.(练习和巩固) (1)教师向学生展示 milk, ice-cream, water,box 的单词卡片, 然后放Listen, circle and say录音。 Let the students listen to the soundrecordi

9、ngcarefully and find out the correct words . (2)Teacherleadthestudentsreadthewords:milk, ice-cream,water,box,candy.Askthemdosomedialogue practice,students should use the sentences (Pass me the ., please! Here you are.Thank you . Youare welcome .) (3)Theteacherdivideallthestudentsinto several groups,

10、 all the group members sit around the desks . There are many things on the desks .Every time two students stand up ,they should use the sentencestheyvelearned today to practice the dialogueand send the things .The teacherwant to see who speakand do well. Step 4.Summary 教师总结本堂课所学的知识点, 帮助学生再一次巩固课上学的内 容,加深孩子们的印象。 Step 5.Homework 1.Listen to the sound recording of Look and say in Part A,pay attention to the pronunciation in intonation . 2.Copy the newEnglish words of this lessonfive times and Chinese words twice and dictate once. 3.Preview the contents of Unit5 Section B 6-9 .


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