人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 5 Whose dog is it -C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a00db).doc

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人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 5 Whose dog is it -C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a00db).doc_第1页
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人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 5 Whose dog is it -C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a00db).doc_第2页
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1、教师公开课教学设计暨听课评议表教师公开课教学设计暨听课评议表 授课人学科英语时间2018.4.17 班级五(6)班授课地点一(7)班听课人 课题PEP Book6 Unit5 Whose dog is it?C Story time 一、教材简析:一、教材简析: 本单元围绕话题 Whose dog is it?而展开,内容与日常生活息息相关,容易激发学生的学 习兴趣和思想共鸣,便于学生在学习中体验、理解、内化和运用。Story time 呈现的是 Zoom 和 Zip 在野生动物园游玩并拍照的故事, 主要通过趣味故事复习与巩固并扩展所学的核心语 言。 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1.知识和技

2、能: (1)能够掌握句型“Whoseis that? Its.”, “What is/aredoing?” 。 (2)能够听懂、读懂并内化 PartC 部分 Story time 的内容。 (3)能够掌握良好的阅读策略,提高表演能力。 2.过程与方法:情景教学法,任务型教学法,合作学习法 3.情感、态度和价值观:提高学生鉴别好坏行为的能力,善于模仿正确的事情。 三、三、教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 1.能够掌握本单元的词汇、句型并灵活运用到具体的语境中。 2.能够听懂、读懂并内化 PartC 部分 Story time 的内容。 3.学会与搭档合作改编故事。 四、四、设计理念:设计理念: 本课

3、时教师采用 PWP 模式进行故事解读。 读前主要通过歌曲和 TPR 游戏复习本单元的 重点知识;读中通过看、听、读、说等不同形式呈现故事情节,让学生在任务中有目的的完 成文本的解读;读后教师设计了演和改编故事的活动,让学生很好地输出语言,达到运用语 言的目的。 五、教学准备:五、教学准备: Multi-media, some pictures,some headwears of the animals and flowers 六、教学课时:六、教学课时:第六课时 七、教学过程:七、教学过程:设计意图设计意图评点与建议评点与建议 Step1 Warm up 1.T greets the whol

4、e class as usual. 2.Sing a song“Animals,animals are everywhere”to review the animals and the present continuous tense. Step2 Pre-reading 1.T firstly designs a scene of Zoom and Zip are going to the zoo. 2.Play the TPR game. T:Act like a monkey. Ss:Climbing,climbing. T:Act like a/an. Ss:. 以歌曲的形 式复习本单

5、 元的句型, TPR 游戏在 复习单词的 同时再一次 调动了课堂 氛围,为 Story time 做了铺垫。 3.From Zips tail to the tigers tail,then leading to the sentence “Here comes a tiger.”T asks Ss to act the sentence out. Step3 While-reading 1.T plays the video of the story.Ss watch it and get a general idea. 2.Ss read Picture13 quickly and anw

6、er the following two questions:What is the tiger doing? What is Zip doing? T and Ss check answers together. 3.Ss read Picture46 quickly and tick out the right anwer. What are the monkeys doing? runningclimbingtaking pictures 4.The monkeys are copying Zoom and Zip.Who are you copying now? T presents

7、some pictures of different behaviors.Ss work a group of 4 to discuss the behaviors. 5.Ss read after the video of the story.Then Ss read it in roles. Step4 Post-reading 1.5 Ss work in a group to act out the story.Ss can wear the headwares.At last,T will give the one who acts it well a flower as a gif

8、t. 2.2 Ss work together to make a new story for Zoom and Zip. Zip: Here comes a_.Zoom: Where is it? Zip: Whose_is that?Zoom:Is it the_? Zip: _. Zoom:What is it doing?/ What are they doing? Zip: _.Zoom: Thats cute. Step5 Summary & Homework 1.Summarize the content of the story. 2. Act out the story wi

9、th your friends. Make a new story and draw it out. 读前,把新 知识点带入 具体情景中 学习、 操练, 为顺利阅读 扫清障碍。 分步阅读降 低了整篇故 事的难度, 便于学生理 解内容。阅 读中的任务 其实就是重 点句型的呈 现,让学生 潜移默化地 感知语言。 角色扮演和 改编故事的 活动增加了 阅读操练的 趣味性,学 生学习的热 情高涨,乐 于参与到这 种多变的学 习模式中。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit5 Whose dog is it? C Story time a tigertwo monkeys ZoomZip 听听 后后 感感 camera


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