沪教版三下-Module 2 My favourite things-Revision 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:60ac8).zip

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  • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2 My favourite things_Revision 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级优课_(编号:60ac8)
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Period 1 Module 2 My favourite things Oxford English UniteUnite 6 6 FoodFood andand drinksdrinks Food Drinks Food I have a biscuit. I have some biscuits. biscuita biscuit some biscuitsbiscuits I _ an egg. I have some eggs. an eggegg some eggseggs have _ _ . _ _ .breadsomeI have apple juice orange juice peach juice grape juice juice juice food drinks drinksfood What do you have ? I have some bananas. I have some bread_ bananas. and I have some bread. What do you have? I have and I have some apples and biscuits. What do you have, children? I have some bread and bananas. I have some orange juice and milk. We have some water and candy. What does/do have ? .has/have I have some water and biscuits. I have some candy and juice. I have an egg and some milk. I have some bread and a biscuit. Lets have a test ( )1.What do you have? -I have some _. A .bread B.breads ( )2.I have _egg. A. a B. an * 1 Read and act “Listen and say.” 2 Write about your picnic. Use “I have a /an /some” 教材分析语言功能是正确使用句型 what do you have? I have 学情分析 教师可以通过丰富活动调动学生积极性,吸引学生注意力,激发学习 英语的兴趣。 教学目标 1、知识目标: 词汇 biscuit, bread, egg, juice, milk, water, have, some 句型 What do you have? I have some bread and bananas. 2、能力目标: 学生能用 What do you have?来询问别人有什么食品,并用 I/We have 来回答。 3、情感目标: 培养学生良好的饮食习惯。 重点 词汇 biscuit, bread, egg, juice, milk, water, have, some 句型 What do you have? I have教学重 难点 难点句型 What do you have? I have /we have.的运用 教学准备多媒体课件 教学流程 教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step I Leading in 1.Warming up T: Hello,boys and girls.Nice to see you again. T: How are you? 2. leading in A. Sing a songI can eat a lot 教师唱歌曲,学生可以跟着旋 律一起唱。 B.教师让同学们猜歌曲中单词 的意思,引出主题 food. T:Do you know the meaning of the four words? spaghetti,soup,hamburgers and french fries. T: Do you like to eat them? T: I know all of you have know the meaning of these words about food,but do you know the other food? T: well done.you are amazing. Ss: Hello,Miss Li. Ss: Pretty good ,thank you. Ss:Yes,饼干 Ss:汉堡 S1: Yes, I do. S3: meat,candy,fish,hot dog 教师放歌曲, 达到活跃课 堂气氛的效 果 通过问答来 复习这些食 品,引出本 单元的话题 Food and drinks 3.New Presentation a.教师通过多媒体展示 Look and learn 部分的单词图片,让 学生在理解意思的基础上仔细 听其发音后进行模仿,并对所 学单词进行拼读。在模仿学习 的基础上教师通过提问来进一 步巩固所学单词。 学生通过模 仿学习来进 一步巩固所 学单词 T:(show the picture of bread) Look, whats this? Its bread. T:(point at the picture of bread)Whats this? T:(show the picture of a biscuit)Is this bread? T:Its a biscuit. Biscuit.B-I-S-C-U-I-T,biscuit. .以同样的方法学习其他单 词。 b.在多媒体上展示出不同食品 和饮料的图片,并写上相应的 单词,以小火车的形式展现来 提高学生的学习兴趣。 c.用多媒体呈现一个幸运之轮 (The Wheel of Fortune)让学 生两人一组用所学句型 What do you like? I like 进行问答 练习,巩固所学句型。 T: Look! We have some bread, some biscuits, some Lets go for a picnic,If we are going to have a picnic. What do you like? d. T:.(教师板书句型 I/ We have 借助肢体语言帮学生理解 Ss:Bread,B-R-E-A- D,bread. Ss:Its bread. Ss:No.Its bread. Ss:Biscuit.B-I-S-C-U- I-T,biscuit. Ss:No.Its a biscuit. 通过学习让 学生掌握有 关食物的单 词和句型 学生能熟练 运用所学句 型 设置情境, 让学生巩固 运用所学句 型和单词 I/We 的含义,然后发给学生 食品和饮料图片,引导学生用 替换练习的形式操练 I/ We have 。 e.教师通过多媒体呈现 Listen and say 的图片,并播放音频, 让学生看图回答问题。 (1)Who are they? (2) What do they have? (3) What does Joe have? (4) What does Peter have? (5) What do Alice and Peter have? S1: I like bread. S2: I like juice. S1: (show the picture of some biscuits) I have some biscuits. S2: ( show the picture of some juice) I have some juice. 操练句型 I/ We have 提出问题, 让学生带着 问题去阅读 课文 让学生模仿 录音内容的 语音语调 Step III Practice Activities 4. Lets practise 创设情境,让学生在小组内分 角色朗读,教师可以先示范。 请个别小组上前展示,教师给 予评价鼓励。 6. Sum-up 在小组内讨论本节课难点,然 后小组交流并展示。最后教师 进行总结。 7. Homework 1、背诵且表演“Listen and say”部分; 2、用 I have a/an/some.句型 写一写自己或者朋友的野餐。 角色扮演 通过角色扮 演,巩固所 学内容 作业设计 1、背诵且表演“Listen and say”部分; 2、用 I have a/an/some.句 型写一写自己的野餐。 板书 设计 Unit6 Food and drinks What do you have? I/ We have 课后反思
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