陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 1 May I Speak to Kitty -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b01d8).zip

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Unit 1 May I Speak to Kitty? Part B 陕旅版陕旅版六年级下册六年级下册 Liu hopes to have a moble phone. Kitty has a moble phone. Lead-in Do you think young students should have mobile phones? Why? Discuss Should make a phone call with friends watch newslearn Englishtake photos Shouldnt go on the Internet read e-bookplay gameslisten to music It takes much time.It is bad for eyes. He hopes to have a moble phone. ask Mom to buy talk to Mom What will Liu do ? persude 说服 Will Mom buy Liu a moble phone ? Lets learn more Will Mom buy Liu a moble phone ? “Let me think about(考虑) it .” “I m afraid you cant .” attitude(态度) wont buy maybe buy 可能 Im afraid you cant. Young students shouldnt. Why?. useful My friends use to . But they also use . to . It takes much time. Its bad for eyes. I wont use . to . Ill only use .to. Let me think about(考虑) it . Lets learn more Liu: Mom, could I have a mobile phone? Mom: Im afraid you cant. Young students shouldnt have mobile phones. Liu: Why?Mobile phones are very useful. My friends use them to learn English and send e-mails. Mom: But they also use mobile phones to go on the Internet and read e-books. It takes too much time and its bad for their eyes. Liu: I wont use it to go on the Internet or read e-books. Ill only use it to make phone calls and learn English. Mom: OK. Let me think about it. Read again and tick or cross ( ) 1.Liu wants a mobile phone. ( ) 2.Liu wants to use the mobile phone to learn English. ( ) 3.Lius friends play games on mobile phones. ( ) 4.Liu will read e-books on the mobile phone. ( ) 5.Mobile phones are not useful. T T F F F Play roles with your partner Im afraid you cant.Young students shouldnt. Mom, could i have a mobile phone? . . Let me think about it. New words New words 考虑考虑 Language points 1.Im afraid you cant. 恐怕不能。恐怕不能。 “Im afraid .”这个句型常用来表达一些不好的这个句型常用来表达一些不好的 情况和事实,或表示某种疑虑和歉意。情况和事实,或表示某种疑虑和歉意。 例例:恐怕这次聚会我去不了了。恐怕这次聚会我去不了了。 Im afraid I cant come to the party. 2. It takes too much time and its bad for their eyes. 这花费太多的时间,而且对他们的眼睛有害。这花费太多的时间,而且对他们的眼睛有害。 (1) It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事。花费某人多长时间做某事。 例例: 我读完这本新书用了两天的时间。我读完这本新书用了两天的时间。 It takes me two days to read this new book. (2)be bad for对对有害。有害。 反义短语是反义短语是be good for“对对有好处有好处”。 例例: 这对我们的健康有害。这对我们的健康有害。 Its bad for our health. Lets play fly kitesplay tennis go on a picnic see a film Alice: May I speak to Colin? Colin: This is Colin speaking. Whos that? Alice: This is Alice. What will you do tomorrow, Colin? Colin: I will go on a picnic. What about you? Alice: Ill play tennis. Play roles with your partner May I speak to Kevin? This is Kevin speaking. Whos that? This is Su Nan. What will you do tomorrow, Kevin? I will see a film. What about you? Ill fly kites. Lets chant Two little boys are talking on the phone. One is Bob and the other is John. Hello, this is Bob. Hello, is that John? Would you like to go and play in the town? 两个小男孩正在打电话。两个小男孩正在打电话。 一个是鲍勃,另一个是约翰。一个是鲍勃,另一个是约翰。 你好,我是鲍勃。你好,你是约翰吗你好,我是鲍勃。你好,你是约翰吗 ? 你愿意去城镇里玩吗?你愿意去城镇里玩吗? Two little girls are talking on the phone. One is Tina and the other is Sue. Hello, this is Tina. Hello, is that Sue? Could you come to my house and sing a song? 两个小女孩正在打电话。两个小女孩正在打电话。 一个是蒂娜,另一个是苏。一个是蒂娜,另一个是苏。 你好,我是蒂娜。你好,你是苏吗?你好,我是蒂娜。你好,你是苏吗? 你能来我的房子唱首歌吗?你能来我的房子唱首歌吗? 1. One is Bob and the other is John.一个是鲍勃,另一一个是鲍勃,另一 个是约翰。个是约翰。 one.the other.表示两者中的一个和另一个,意表示两者中的一个和另一个,意 为为“一个一个另一个另一个”。 例例: 树上有两只鸟。一只是黄色的,另一只是黑树上有两只鸟。一只是黄色的,另一只是黑 色的。色的。 There are two birds in the tree. One is yellow, the other is black. Language points 2. Would you like to go and play in the town? 你愿意去城镇里玩吗?你愿意去城镇里玩吗? 本句是一个含有情态动词本句是一个含有情态动词would的一般疑问句,表的一般疑问句,表 示征求对方的意见,语气较为委婉。示征求对方的意见,语气较为委婉。其中其中would like to do sth. 意为意为“愿意做某事愿意做某事”。 例例: 你愿意和我们一起跳舞吗?你愿意和我们一起跳舞吗? Would you like to dance with us? 拓展拓展: would like sb. to do sth. 意为意为“想要某人做某事想要某人做某事”。 【例句例句】我想要你和我去购物。我想要你和我去购物。 I would like you to go shopping with me. Read and discuss. What do you think of Tommy? What should he do? Tommy: What a fine day! I dont want to go to school. Id like to play in the park. 汤米:多么晴朗的天气啊!我不汤米:多么晴朗的天气啊!我不 想去上学。我想在公园里玩。想去上学。我想在公园里玩。 Tommy: Do I have to go to school? Let me see. Oh, I have an idea! 汤米:我不得不去上学吗?让汤米:我不得不去上学吗?让 我想一想。哦,我有主意了!我想一想。哦,我有主意了! Tommy: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Black? Mr. Black: This is Mr. Black. Tommy: Good morning, Mr. Black. My little Tommy is ill. He cant go to school today. 汤米:你好。我可以和布莱克老师通话吗汤米:你好。我可以和布莱克老师通话吗 ? 布莱克老师:我就是布莱克老师。布莱克老师:我就是布莱克老师。 汤米:早上好,布莱克老师。我的小汤米汤米:早上好,布莱克老师。我的小汤米 生病了,他今天不能去上学。生病了,他今天不能去上学。 Mr. Black: I see. But who is that? Tommy: This is my father. Mr. Black:. 布莱克老师:我懂了。但是你是谁呢?布莱克老师:我懂了。但是你是谁呢? 汤米:我是我的父亲。汤米:我是我的父亲。 布莱克老师:布莱克老师: What do you think of Tommy? He isnt an honest boy. He doesnt like studying. 第二课时第二课时 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能听懂并理解 Let s learn more 部分的对话内容。能认 读课文对话,并较为流利地模仿演读对话内容。 2.能在教师的组织下,通过话题讨论,锻 炼语用思维,能较为 清楚地描述自己的想法。 3.能律己,并合理使用手机。 教学准备:教学准备: 1.1. 教师准备 Lets learn more 部分的教学视频。 2. 教师准备 Lets learn more 部分的教学挂图。 3. 教师准备录音机 以及 Lets learn more 部分的录音磁带。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、课程导入一、课程导入 课前热身 二、教授新课二、教授新课 (一)新课展示 Part B Lets learn more 1. 教授提出问题,然后播放 Lets learn more 部分的视频, 让学生带着问题观看。 2. 教授再次播放视频对话,让学生在小组内讨论,试着找出以 上问题的答案。教授提示学生结合课文内容 找一找,并用笔做出标 记。 3. 教师选出几名学生回答上述问题,检验学生对对话内容的理 解情况并及时给予积极评价。 4. 帮助学生理解、学习运用课文中的功能句。 (1)I will use it to 和 I wont use it to (2)Im afraid (3)It takes 本句型中的 take 表示“花费” ,此句型常表示“某事要花多长时 间或金钱” 。 (4)Its bad/ good for 本句型用来表达“某事对某人/某物有坏/好处” 。 (二)Part B Read and discuss 1. 教师承接上面的互动练习,引出小故事的主人公,男孩 Tommy. 教师播放本部分的录音,让学 生带着刚才的问题,认真听对话, 了解到底是谁在打电话,他说了什么。通过听一遍,学生可能了解 到一些片段信息,但还不能完整把握所有情况。 2. 打开课本,翻到 P6 Part B Read and discuss,引导学生进 行阅读,教师可以通过对话来了解学生阅读后的理解情况。 3.阅读小故事时学生会进一步明了 Tommy 是在给谁打电话,并且 还在电话里说了谎。然而,Tommy 在电话中漏了马脚。也许会带来 一些笑声。 (二)巩固活动 1. 教师播放 Lets learn more 部分的录音,让学生听录音, 跟读对话。然后小组内开展角色演读。 2. Read again and tick or cross 三、三、 操练操练 (一)词汇复习 (二)Free-talk 自由对话练习 1. 教师先做示范,做打电话状,随意跟某个学生打电话。 2. 教师再请 B 学生做示范,做打电话状。 3. 学生两人一组自由会话。
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