陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 5 What Is He Like -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:7003b).zip

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陕旅版六年级下册英语英语 Unit5 what was she like? Lets learn more Unit 5 What is he like? (A story of Jack) Warming-up can you read and act them? get up run go to school have a class have breakfast take out the book got up ran got had had took Lets play a game get up? go to school? have the first class? have breakfast ? go to bed? When do you Can you tell me? I at Who was Jacks English teacher? What was she like? Read again and number the picture. (再读课文,给图片排序) Jack got up late this morning. He ran to the school bus .without breakfast. We cant live without water. My brother cant write without a pen. He got to the classroom at eight oclock. Then he couldnt find his English book. His English teacher was very serious. What should he do? Then it was the English class.Mrs.Brown came so sorry, Mrs. Brown. I cant find my English book.” in. Jack said to her,“Im Mrs. Brown wasnt angry. She took out a book and smiled,”Is this your English book? I saw it on the school bus just now. what a hard-working boy!” smilesmiled Jacks face got red. In spring the grass gets green. In autumn the grass gets yellow. Read after the video and pay attention to your pronouncation. (跟读录音注意语音语调。) Tick or cross according to the story.(根据故事内容判断正误根据故事内容判断正误 Jack ran to school. Jack had breakfast at 8:00. Mrs. Brown was very kind. Mrs. Brown gave her book to Jack. Jacks book was in Mrs. Brown s office. Jack is a hardworking boy. () () () () () () Groupwork Retell and act the story with the help of the blackboardwriting in groups.(小组小组 为单位为单位在板书的帮助下复述并表演这个故事。)在板书的帮助下复述并表演这个故事。) 续写这个故事续写这个故事 Later ,Mrs. Brown knew (知道)the truth(真相), what will she say?what will she do? Mrs. Brown knew the truth,she was_(angrynot angry) She would_ she said to Jack,”_.” Early to bed and early to rise! Retell and act the story to your parents.(复述并 表演这个故事给你 的父母。) 陕旅版六年级下册 unit5 what was he like? Lets learn more 知识与技能目标 1、能听懂并理解 Lets learn more 部分的内容,培养学生遵守时间的意识。 2、能较为流利地朗读课文内容。 3、能在一定的提示下复述课文。 4、进一步学习与运用一般过去时态,掌握 get 等动词的过去式。 情感目标 培养学生“惜时守时”的习惯。 教学重点 能听懂并流利地朗读课文内容 教学难点 1、能在一定的提示下复述课文 2、进一步学习与运用一般过去时态,掌握 get 等动词的过去式。 教学过程 一、导课 1、课前热身 课堂开始告知学生本节课的比赛方式,分两组比赛,为小男孩 Jack 补充画上 他的身体各部位,每正确回答一次老师的问题即可获得一次奖励机会,可以选 择为 Jack 补上眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴等,最终哪组补充的完整哪组获胜。 以头脑风暴、游戏的形式快速激活课堂并且做好动词过去式的复习。 头脑风暴:师生互相问好以后教师出示一些动词短语,让学生依次读出并快速 表演这些短语,说出他们的过去式。过程如下: T: Here are some phrases for you, can you say and act them? Now please stand up.教 师出示以下动词短语卡片 get uprungo to schoolhave a classhave breakfasttake out the book 并引导学生复习其动词过去式。 游戏:快速 激活课堂,进一步复习掌握相关动词过去式。过程如下: 教师先宣布游戏规则:当老师将词组卡片拿在手中时大家保持安静,当老师把 卡片举高时大家说出并表演这个短语同时拼出它的过去式。 T:when the phrase is here you should keep silent and just stand there, when i put up the card you should say and act it, as well as spell the past form of it. 2、导入新课 师生就以上短语展开讨论,在这个过程中适时点评,教育学生要养成良好的作 息习惯,最终问题引入晚上睡觉时间和早上起床时间这个话题,过程如下: T: what time do you have breakfast? S1: I have breakfast at T: what time do you go to bed ? S2: I go to bed at(教师给予及时评价,I dont think you have a good habit, you should go to bed early. good habit. T: I have a little friend, his name is Jack(出示 Jack 的图片贴于黑板中央),he always goes to bed late, one night he went go bed at 11:30, so what happened to him the next day, do you want to know? Lets watch the video , here is a story of Jack. 二、新授 1、播放视频,让学生听录音并初步理解课文大意。听完后教师提问以检查学生 对大意掌握情况。 Q1:who was Jacks English teacher? Q2: what was she like? 2、再度课文了解故事梗概,并按照顺序给图片排序。 学生自主阅读课文,读完后完成 task 1,number the picture.(教师将五副图片贴 于黑板,让学生上前排除顺序 3、精读模音 通过教师提出的问题引导学生逐句读课文,教师对疑难进行有针对性地解疑, 讲解过程中将关键词贴于图片旁边完成思维导图。 Q1:Did Jack get up early this morning( No, he got up late this morning.)教师播放 第一句话学生跟读。 Q2:How did he go to school?( He ran to the school bus 可见是乘公共汽车上学) Did he have breakfast?(教师解疑 without 的意思,可举例:we cant live without water. my sister couldnt write without a pen.) Q3: when did he get go the classroom?( he got to the classroom at eight oclock) Q4: what happened to him when he got to the classroom?( he couldnt find his English book.) Q5: what was his English teacher? Q6:what did Jack say to Mrs Brown?( Im so sorry Mrs Brown, I cant find my English book) Q7: was Mrs Brown angry?( Mrs Brown wasnt angry) Q8: what did she do?( She took out a book and smiled,) what did she say?( Is this your English book? I saw it on the school bus just now. what a hard-working boy! Q9: what about Jack? 自由讨论:Is jack a hard-working boy? What is he like? 三、巩固练习 1、根据课文内容判断正误。 (1)Jack got up late this morning. (2) Jack ran to school.(how did he go to school?) (3) Jack had breakfast at 8:00. (what did he do at 8:00?) (4) Mrs. Brown is his English teacher. (whp was his English teacher?) (5) Mrs. Brown was very kind. (what was mrs. Brown like?) (6) Mrs. Brown was angry. (7) Mrs. Brown gave her book to Jack. (8) Jacks book was in Mrs. Browns office. (9) Jack is a hard-working boy.( what do you think of Jack?) 此部分进一步加深对课文的理解,教师在学生回答问题胡过程中不能简单的评 判对错,如果此道题目是错误的,还要引导学生说出正确答案,从而检验学生 是否已全面理解课文。 2、教师播放录音学生模仿其语调跟读课文。 3、复述课文。此环节可以分为两个板块,第一次在板书的辅助下复述课文,第 二次让一名学生复述,两名学生表演,以增加其趣味性,对于复述表演表现优 异的同学给予奖励。 4、续写 If Mrs. Brown know the truth, what will she say? What will she do? 此部分难度较大,教师必须要做好足够的支架。 与学生自由谈论,如果学生不会表达可以用汉语说,由教师指导学生最终用英 语完成。可能用到的词汇有 punish、call his parents、go to bed early and come to school early、honest 等。 Mrs.Brown knew the truth, she was_(very angry)_(not angry) She asked Jack to_she told Jack to_. 教师在此进行情感教育,并进行主题升华,if I was Mrs. Brown, I will say to Jack” early to bed and early to rise!(早睡早起) 四、Home work. 将 Jack 的故事复述并表演给父母听。 陕旅版六年级下册英语英语 Unit5 what was she like? Lets learn more 主讲教师:主讲教师: 王辉姗王辉姗 所在单位:大荔县实验小学所在单位:大荔县实验小学 Unit 5 What is he like? (A story of Jack) 大荔县实验小学大荔县实验小学 王辉姗王辉姗 Warming-up can you read and act them? get up run go to school have a class have breakfast take out the book got up ran got had had took Lets play a game get up? go to school? have the first class? have breakfast ? go to bed? When do you Can you tell me? I at Who was Jacks English teacher? What was she like? Read again and number the picture. (再读课文,给图片排序) Jack got up late this morning. He ran to the school bus .without breakfast. We cant live without water. My brother cant write without a pen. He got to the classroom at eight oclock. Then he couldnt find his English book. His English teacher was very serious. What should he do? Then it was the English class.Mrs.Brown came so sorry, Mrs. Brown. I cant find my English book.” in. Jack said to her,“Im Mrs. Brown wasnt angry. She took out a book and smiled,”Is this your English book? I saw it on the school bus just now. what a hard-working boy!” smilesmiled Jacks face got red. In spring the grass gets green. In autumn the grass gets yellow. Read after the video and pay attention to your pronouncation. (跟读录音注意语音语调。) Tick or cross according to the story.(根据故事内容判断正误根据故事内容判断正误 Jack ran to school. Jack had breakfast at 8:00. Mrs. Brown was very kind. Mrs. Brown gave her book to Jack. Jacks book was in Mrs. Brown s office. Jack is a hardworking boy. () () () () () () Groupwork Retell and act the story with the help of the blackboardwriting in groups.(小组小组 为单位为单位在板书的帮助下复述并表演这个故事。)在板书的帮助下复述并表演这个故事。) 续写这个故事续写这个故事 Later ,Mrs. Brown knew (知道)the truth(真相), what will she say?what will she do? Mrs. Brown knew the truth,she was_(angrynot angry) She would_ she said to Jack,”_.” Early to bed and early to rise! Retell and act the story to your parents.(复述并 表演这个故事给你 的父母。)
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