(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 teenage life复习学案 .doc

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1、Unit 1 复习学案复习学案 1.志愿者 _ 2.辩论;争论_ 3.较喜欢_ 4.内容;目录_ 5.运动;活动_ 6.温室;暖房_ 7.合适的;适当的_ 8.事实上;的确_ 9.挑战_ 10.标题;头衔_ 11.话题;标题 _ 12.一年级新生_ 13.流利的;熟练的 _ 14.毕业;毕业生_ 15.建议;推荐 _ 16.文学_ 17.课外的_ 18.额外的;附加的_ 19.显然;明显地_ 20.停止;戒掉_ 21.改进;改善_ 22.解决办法;答案_ 23. n.日程安排 vt. 安排_ 24.主编;编辑 _ 25.盘子;碟子_ 26.冒险;奇遇_ 27.专家 adj. 熟练的_ 28.青

2、年时期;青春_ 29.行为;举止_ 30.一代(人)_ 31.吸引;引起的注意_ 32.集中 n. 中心;焦点_ 33.成年人 _ 34.青少年的_ 青少年_ 35.使糊涂;使迷惑 _ 难以理解的;不清楚的 _ 糊涂的;迷惑的 _ 36.前进;发展 _ 高级的;先进的_ 37.负责的 _ 责任;义务_ 38.对入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人 _ adj. 有瘾的;入迷的_ 39.喜欢多于_ 40.打扫(或清除)干净_ 41.对适合的 _ 42.报名(参加课程) _ 43.对负责_ 44.喜爱_ 45.集中;特别关注_ 46.对很入迷_ 短语 1. 少时养成的好习惯使人受益终身。 Good habits

3、 formed at youth make all the difference. 2. 只学习,不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 3. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 The early bird catches the worm. 4. 行动胜于语言。 Actions speak louder than words. 5. 未雨绸缪 Always prepare for a rain day. 6. 选择一个学校社团 choose a school club 7. 学习新动作 learn new movements 8.

4、青少年问题 teenage problems 9. 十几岁时 as a teenager 10. 成立学校社团 set up/create a school club 11. 芭蕾社团 Ballet Club 12. 一位芭蕾舞演员 a ballet dancer 13. 做义工 work as a volunteer 14. 自愿做某事 volunteer to do sth 15. 做志愿工作 do voluntary work 16. 与某人争论某事 debate with sb about sth 17. 更喜欢做某事 prefer doing sth prefer to do sth

5、 18. 比起.更喜欢.prefer sth to sth 19. 比起做.更喜欢做.prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth 20. 预测主题(内容)predict content 21. 观看舞蹈节目 watch dance programmes 22. 打扫.clean up. 23. 对.是适合的 sth be suitable for sb 24. 事实上; 的确 in actual fact; actually 25. 对某人是一个挑战 be a challenge to sb 26. 面对挑

6、战 face a challenge 27. 快速看一下.take a quick look at. 28. 这本书的书名 the title of the book 29. 关键词 key words 30. 主题句 topic sentences 31. 成为热门话题 become a hot topic 32. 一名高中新生 a freshman at senior high school 33. 对.感到迷惑 be confused about. 34. 修一门课程 take a course 35. 独自做某事 do sth on ones own 36. 某人英语很流利 be fl

7、uent in English 37. 流利地说英语 speak English fluently speak fluent English 38. 从.毕业 graduate from. 39. 向某人推荐.recommend sth to sb 40. 建议某人做.recommend sb to do sth recommend that sb (should) do sth 41. 建议做 recommend doing sth 42. 报名(参加课程)sign up (for sth) 43. 先进技术 advanced technology 44. 儿童文学 childrens li

8、terature 45. 课外活动 extra-curricular activities =after-school activities 46. 显然;显而易见的是 It is obvious that 从句 47. 停止(做).; 戒掉 quit (doing) sth 48. 加入学校足球队 join the school football team 49. 加入一个志愿者社团 join a volunteer club 50. 指示方向;指路 give directions 51. 在暖房种植物 grow plants in a greenhouse 52. 分发食物给无家可归的人

9、hand out food to homeless people 53. 在食品救济站 at a soup kitchen 54. 习惯于做.get/be used to (doing) sth 55. 对.负责 be responsible for. 56. 某人有责任做. It is ones responsibility to do sth 57. 找到解决该问题的办法 find a solution to the problem 58. 为.做充分准备 be well prepared for. 59. 跟上其他同学 keep up with the other students 60

10、. 写一封建议信 write a letter of advice 61. 对.提供反馈信息 give feedback on sth 62. 制订一个日程安排 make a schedule 63. 晚于原定日程 fall behind schedule 64. 成为作家或编辑 become writers or editors 65. 纸盘子 a paper plate 66. 历险故事 adventure stories 67. 计算出.; 锻炼身体 work out 68. .的数量 the number of. 69. 十一分之一(的.)one eleventh (of.) 70.

11、百分之九(的.)nine percent (of.) 71. 退学;辍学(表动作/状态)drop out of school be out of school 72. 当下次.时 the next time. 73. 有机会获得良好的教育 have the chance to get a good education 74. 充分利用.make the most of. make full use of. 75. 因某事感激某人 be grateful to sb for sth 76. 作出好的决定 make a good decision 77. 某人做某事并不罕见 It is not u

12、nusual for sb to do sth. 78. 良好 / 恶劣行为 good/bad behaviour 79. 代沟 a generation gap 80. 年轻一代 the younger generation 81. 参加.的选拔 try out for. 82. 学习生存技能 learn survival skills 83. 向专家学习如何在野外生活 learn how to live in the wild from some experts 84. 擅长(做)某事 be/become expert in/at (doing) sth 85. 喜爱.be attract

13、ed to. 86. 将注意力集中于.focus on. 87. 成为关注的焦点 become the focus of attention 88. 对.很入迷;上瘾 be/become addicted to (doing) sth 89. 一个电脑游戏迷 a computer game addict 90. 使得某人很难做某事 .make it difficult to do sth 91. 同意某人的观点 agree with ones opinion/sb 92. 为.设计一个引人注目的徽标 design a eye-catching logo for. 93. 做海报 make a

14、poster 94. 吸收新成员;招募新成员 recruit new members 95. 与.一样 be the same as. 96. 有一个艰辛的童年 have a difficult childhood 97. 一所不昂贵的私立学校 an inexpensive private school 98. 扔掉; 错过,浪费(机会、优势或好处) throw away. Book One Unit One .单词拼写单词拼写 1. Playing basketball is a popular _(运动). 2. You may select whoever you think is s_

15、(合适的). 3. The bad thing about the plan is that it is _(困惑) 4. He can speak English as _(流利) as an Englishman. 5.The s_(解决办法) to the problem was difficult to all. 6.He _(毕业) from this school last year and makes a good living now. 7.He illness has reached an a_(先进的) stage. 8.She wants a job that gives

16、 her more _(责任). 9._(明显的),I would prefer a better job. 10.We found our own y_(青春) again here. 11.He speaks very highly of the boys _(行为). 12.He was _(上瘾) to smoking at the age of 17. 13.My people have lived here for g_(一代). 14.He is always f_(使闪耀) his money around. 15.He stared at the picture _(好奇).

17、 16.We must c_(集中) our attention on improving design. 17.We should encourage our students to be _(自信). 18. The method is _(设计) for use in small groups. 19.You can _(交换) your cash for dollars in the hotel. 20.They are a_(焦虑)to know the results of the exam. Answers: 1. movement2. suitable3. confusing4

18、.fluent5.solution6.graduated7.advanced 8.responsible 9.Obviously10.youth11.behaviour12.addicted13.generations14.flashing 15.curiously16.concentrate 17.confident18. designed19.exchange20. anxious 语法填空语法填空 I think it 1._big challenge for me to be a freshman at senior high school. First, I had to think

19、 very 2._(careful) about which course I wanted 3._(take) and my 4._(advise) recommended that I should sign up for 5._(advance) literature. However, I hope to be fluent 6._Chinese when I graduate, though its difficult. Besides, I had to choose extra-curricular 7._(activity), too. Whatever difficulty

20、I met, I wanted to join the school football team and a 8._(voluntary) club. In the end, I know I must work hard and be 9._(responsibility) for a lot by 10._(my) as a senior high school student. Answers:1.a2. carefully3.to take4.adviser5.advanced6. in7.activities8.volunteer 9.responsible 10.myself 写作

21、句式(背诵记忆) : 1.Good habit makes all the difference.好的习惯非常有意义 2.Going from junior high school to senior high school is really a big challenge. 从初中到高中的确是一个很大的挑战。 3. Ill have to study harder as a senior high school and get used to being responsible for a lot more. 我必须努力学习,并习惯承担更多的责任。 4. Ill be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future. 我会为将来上大学或其他任何事情做好准备。 5. Spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life. 花太多时间上网是不健康的,让你很难集中精力在生活中的其他事情上。


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