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1、Section Using language she was doing the same thing all the time. 她不喜欢这项工作,因为它单调乏味;她一直在做着同样的 事。 Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting a variety of answers. 确保当你逐个进行采访的时候,你得到的是多种多样的答 案。 There are various ways of getting to the station. 去车站有各种不同的路线。 The price of fruits

2、varies with the season. 水果价格随季节而变动。 The weather varies from very cold to quite mild. 天气在很冷到很暖之间变化。 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)There is a wide variety (various) of patterns to choose from. (2)The toy boat has various (vary) speeds. (3)The weather here varies (various) from hour to hour. 3average adj.平均的 v平均为 n平均数

3、 on average平均来看 above/below average在平均值以上/以下 an average of平均是 Fred was an average student, but not an average person. 弗雷德是一个普通学生,但绝不是个普通人。 We fail one student per year on average. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。 It takes an average of ten weeks for a house sale to be completed. 售出一幢房子平均需要 10 周的时间。 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)Its

4、 said that the press receives an average of nearly 10 0 articles a day. (2)On average we receive ten letters each day. 4concentrate v专注;专心;集中(注意力思想等) (1)concentrate on专注于,专心于 concentrate ones attention/mind on.将注意力/思想集中 于 (2)concentration n.专注,集中 (3)concentrated adj.专注的 Some students cant concentrat

5、e on their study and tend to feel sleepy in class. 有些学生不能全神贯注学习,往往在课堂上犯困。 I lost my concentration and nearly drove into a bridge. 我开车时走神了,差点撞上一座桥。 He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on ti me. 他全力以赴以按时完成这项工作。 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentrati on (c

6、oncentrate) (2)She has turned down several invitations to star at show s in order to concentrate on her studies. 5.scene n场面;场景;现场;景色 on the sceneon the spot在现场;当场 What a beautiful scene! 多么美丽的景色呀! The film contains some violent scenes. 这部电影有几处暴力场面。 Thousands of repair workers are on the scene and h

7、ope to restore service soon. 数千名修理工在现场工作,希望能尽快恢复服务。 即学即练写出下列句子中 scene 的词义 (1)The hero met with the heroine in the opening scene of the play.场景 (2)She returned home to find a scene of mess.场面 (3)Having received an emergency call, the police were soo n on the scene.现场 6freeze v呆住;结冰;冷冻;冻结 (1)freezing

8、adj.极冷的,严寒的 freezing point冰点 freezing cold极其寒冷 (2)freezer n.冰柜 I froze with terror as the door slowly opened. 门慢慢打开时我吓呆了。 Our professor told us that salt water freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water. 我们的教授告诉我们盐水的冻结温度比淡水低。 It is truly impressive to appreciate the scenery of the be autiful wa

9、ter fowls in the densely populated city during the fre ezing winter. 在寒冷的冬天,在人口稠密的城市里欣赏美丽的水鸟,真是 令人印象深刻。 Its freezing cold outside.外面极为寒冷。 即学即练用 freeze 的正确形式填空 (1)Her fingers were frozen in the freezing water. (2)Alcohol has a lower freezing point than water. (3)On a freezing cold night, the little g

10、irl was almost froz en in a street corner. 7recover v恢复,痊愈;重新获得 (1)recover oneself镇定下来 recover from.从中康复 (2)recovery n.痊愈,恢复 She recovered consciousness after about twenty minutes. 大约 20 分钟后,她恢复了知觉。 He recovered himself enough to speak calmly. 他镇定下来,平静地说话。 It may take the body a long time to recover

11、 from an in jury. 身体可能要花很长一段时间才能从伤病中痊愈。 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)They are truly good birds that are worth every effort w e put into recovering (recover) them. (2)He has now made a full recovery (recover) from his su ffering. (3)Smith recovered from the cancer after standing great pa ins.,联想拓展: scene 后面有定语从句修饰时

12、,定语从句多由 where 引导,s cene 在定语从句中充当地点状语,类似的还有 spot, position, st age, situation 等。 联想拓展: freeze 的过去式,过去分词是 froze, frozen. 其中 frozen 还可作形容词“冷冻的,冻僵的” eg. frozen meat 冻肉 发散思维: v/adj.y 变为 n.的词还有 discover (v.)discovery (n.)发现 deliver (v.)delivery (n.)运送 inquire (v.)inquiry (n.)询问 difficult (adj.)difficulty

13、(n.)困难 发散思维: 表示“吃惊”的词还有 surprise, astonish, amaze 等。 易错辨析: glauce at扫视,瞥一眼 glare at怒目而视 stare at凝视,盯着看 8.shock n震惊,休克,惊讶 v使震惊 (1)a shock to sb.对某人是一个打击 electric shock电击,电震 (2)It shocks sb. to do.做某事使某人震惊 (3)shocked adj.感到震惊的 be shocked at/by.对感到震惊 shocking adj.令人震惊的 He isnt seriously injured but he

14、is in (a state of) shock. 他伤得不重,但处于休克状态。 The news of his death came as a shock to us all.他的 死讯让我们所有人都感到震惊。 All the people present at the meeting felt shocked at th e decision announced by the manager. 出席会议的所有人都对经理宣布的决定感到震惊。 It shocked me to see how my neighbours treated their c hildren. 看到我的邻居们对待他们孩

15、子的方式,我很是震惊。 即学即练用 shock 的正确形式填空 (1)They were_shocked by her rudeness yesterday. (2)The shocking news shocked everyone of us at that mo ment. (3)All the people present felt shocked at the shocking acci dent. 9stare at 盯着看,凝视 I stared blankly at the paper in front of me. 我茫然地看着面前那张纸。 即学即练用 stare, glar

16、e 或 glance 的正确形式填空 It is impolite for boys to stare at a girl, and youd better glance at her, or she may glare at you.易错辨析: that 引导的同位语从句最容易与定语从句相混淆。应注意当 that 引导同位语从句时,在从句中不作任何成分,但不能省略; 而当 that 引导定语从句时,在从句中必须充当成分,在从句中作 主语时不可省略,在从句中作宾语时可以省略。 Have you heard the news that our team won the match? 你听说我们队

17、赢得比赛的消息了吗?(同位语从句) The news that he told you wasnt true. 他告诉我的消息不是真的(定语从句) not. until.句式中,只能用 until,不能用 till。 that 后面的 从句需用肯定句,切勿再用否定句。 重点句型重点句型 1(教材 P57)While I was concentrating on photographin g this amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling that I was b eing watched.当我全神贯注于拍下这一令人惊叹的景色时, 我突 然感觉有什么东西

18、在看着我。 feeling 后为 that 引导的同位语从句 同位语从句一般跟在某些名词(belief, doubt, fact, feeling, h ope, idea, news, possibility, promise 等)后面, 用以解释说明这些 名词的内容。最常见的引导词是 that,在从句中不作任何成分, 不能省略。此外,引导词还有 how, when, where, why 等,可翻 译为相应含义。 I had no idea that he had already gone abroad.我不知道 他已经出国了。 The text tells us a fact that

19、smoking does great harm to peoples health. 这篇文章告诉我们这样一个事实吸烟给人们的健康造 成极大的危害。 He cant answer the question how he got the money. 他无法回答这笔钱他是怎么得到的。 即学即练单句语法填空/单句写作 (1)There is much truth in the idea that kindness is usually served by frankness. (2)The notice came around two in the afternoon that the meeti

20、ng would be postponed. (3)Is there any possibility_that you can pick me up at the airport? 你有没有可能开车到机场接我? 2(教材 P57)It is after all we who are the visitors to th eir world.毕竟我们是它们世界的访客。 本句为强调句型, 基本结构为: It is/was被强调部分(主语、 宾语、表语、状语等)that/who句子其他部分 注意以下几个方面 (1)一般情况连接词都用 that, 被强调的是人时也可以用 who 或 whom。 (2)

21、本句型中 it is 用于现在、将来时态的强调,用 it was 表 示过去时态的强调。 (3)not. until.的强调句型为 It is/was not until. that.。 (4)强调句型的一般疑问句形式 Is/was it被强调部分 that. (5)强调句型的特殊疑问句形式 特殊疑问词was/isitthat. It is Mary whom/that he often helps.他经常帮助的人正 是玛丽。 It was in the street that I met him yesterday.我昨天正 是在街上碰到了他。 It was not until he had

22、 finished the work that he went home.直到完成了工作,他才回家。 Was it you that/who borke the window?是你把窗户打 碎了吗? Was it in the war that he lost his son?他是在战争中 失去了儿子吗? What did you want to see?What was it that you wa nted to see?你想看的是什么? 即学即练单句语法填空/单句写作 (1)Was it because Jack came late for school that Mr Smit h g

23、ot angry? (2)People say, “Guilins scenery is peerless in the worl d.” It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation. (3)Where_was_it_that you were born? 你是在哪儿出生的? .单词拼写 1 After the crash, 80 percent of the passengers recovered (恢复) from shock, staring at each o

24、ther. 2In order to enrich your vocabulary, you should learn so me English idioms (习语), such as “rain cats and dogs”“ho ld your horses” and “kill two birds with one stone” 3 There is breathtaking(惊人的) news in the media today, and we are anxious to know the details. 4I encountered(遇到) a photographer o

25、n the path, who w as concentrating on observing the beautiful scenes. 5Somehow, when I pressed the button, her eyes were sta ring (盯) at a delicate digital image. .单句写作 1Our team, besides regular training, will join in a_variet y_of (各种各样的) activities. 2 The amount of snow last year was below_averag

26、e (在平 均水平之下) 3 He is likely to succeed if he concentrates_on (集中注意 力于) his study. 4It is not polite to stare_at (盯着) others for long. 5I had just recovered_from (从中恢复) a serious ill ness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida. 6Strange to say, he did pass the exam

27、after_all(终究) 7They had_been_shocked_to_hear_ (听到时很震惊) t hat the hospital was closing down. 8 It_was_because_their_help_that (正是由于他们的帮助) a disaster (灾难) was avoided. .短文填空 Once, a nature 1.photographer (摄影师) had an 2.encounter (相遇) with a grizzly bear. It was raining that day, but the p hotographer

28、3.braved_the_elements (不顾天气恶劣). He was wal king down a 4.path (小路) into the wild when a 5.breathtaking (令人惊叹的) scene came into his sight. While he was observ ing the beautiful scene, he heard an 6.eagle (鹰) fly over his head. When he was 7.concentrating_on (专心于) photographing the scene, he saw a grizzly bear coming towards him. He 8.fr oze(愣住), 9.stared(盯着) at it, and pressed the button quickly. When he 10.recovered(恢复) from the 11.shock (震惊), he kne w, 12.after_all (毕竟), his most frightening but 13.magical(神奇 的) experience was 14.captured (记录) forever in a single 15.i mage (照片)


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