(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修三-Unit 1 Knowing me,knowing you基础能力检测(含答案).doc

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1、Unit 1-Knowing me,knowing you 基础能力检测基础能力检测 【单句语法填空】【单句语法填空】 1.The first 24 hours after the operation are the most(criticise). 2.I dont like skating;(此外),the ice is too thin. 3.You dont need to(证明)yourself to me. 4.I found the information on the(网络). 5.The damage couldnt have been caused(accident). 6

2、.Production of the goods must fitwith the needs of the society. 7.She tookdeep breath and sat up with great effort. 8.He felt(embarrass) at being the centre of the attention. 9.They built a(篱笆)to stop children from falling in. 10.They became(独立) in 1975. 11.The former is my sister;the(后者) is my cous

3、in. 12.Looking at the crowds out shopping, you could (forgive) for thinking that everyone has plenty of money. 13.This project involves a lot of(complexity) technical problems. 14.Her questions about my private life(embarrass) me. 15.I think you can(编)a story around this incident. 16.It took him a w

4、hile to adjustworking night shifts. 17.The economic impact problem has become the(核 心的)issue with economic policy theory. 18.It is my(责任)to report it to the police. 19.Read the letters and find out what kind of problems Ben has and who he turnsfor help. 20.(dress) in a red dress, the girl looks more

5、 beautiful. 21.He sat there,(sink)in thought. 22.Some are like myself,working as a teacher,reading and writing, (satisfy)with a simple life. 23.This kind of animal is rare anywhere in the world, letin China. 【选词填空】【选词填空】 A by accident; be satisfied with; look down on; keep silent; adjust to; worry a

6、bout; get along with; make requests 1.I fear that others willyou for the decisions I have made. 2.If you still,I will take it for granted that you agree. 3.I have the right toreasonablefrom others. 4.I told myself I wouldwhatever I could get. 5.How did youcollege life? 6.You dont have tome.Im a good

7、 swimmer. 7.The other day I met her. 8.The old man was extremely difficult to. B even if,protect .from,to an extent,tell a lie, in advance,consist of,apply to, ask . for advice 1.you wont tell me,Ill know anyway. 2.Everything has been fixed. 3.I dont like her,because she often. 4.You shouldthe child

8、rencatching a cold. 5.All electronic computersfive units although they are of different kinds. 6.,that is the reason for the meeting. 7.Many studentsLanguage Doctorabout improving their English. 8.They willthe moneybuilding up a little library. C let down,help out, take a breath, pull ones weight, r

9、aise ones concern, as well as, work out 1.Bob has never, and we all have to work harder to make up for his laziness. 2.No one but you knows your heart is racing, so and try to calm down. 3.These girls areevery day in order to lose ten pounds of weight. 4.The worst feeling isour parents. 5.They visit

10、ed some factories, hospitalsthe school. 6.Do you need anyone toin the shop? 7.Two incidents in recent days have. 【补全句子】【补全句子】 1.温室保护蔬菜免受冻害。(protect. from) 2.你可以相信布鲁克斯,他决不会使你失望。 You can trust Brooks.Hell never. 3.感到非常的羞愧和尴尬,我没有和经理谈论新的计划。 ,I refused to talk to the manager about the new plan. 4.用这种方法治疗

11、,你的身体很快就会康复。 ,you will recover soon. 5.预订票要便宜一些。(in advance) 6.对考试结果非常的失望,妈妈一句话也没说就走开了。 the result of the exam, my mum left without saying anything. 7.即便查理通过了高级水平考试,他以后找工作也成问题。(even if) 8.美味可口的汤包括西红柿、豌豆和肉。(consist of) 9.教授平易近人,所有的年轻教师都喜欢向他请教。(ask for advice) 10.她张开嘴,好像要深呼吸。 Her lips parted as if she

12、 were about to. 【句型转换】【句型转换】 改写下列句子(用过去分词作状语) 1.When the baby was taken away from his mother, he began to cry. 2.Because/As many students were trapped in the rain, they were late for school. 3.If we are given more time, we will do it better. 4.Though some students have been taught many times,they st

13、ill dont know how to do it. 5.The girl fell off her bike when crossing the road and she was wounded in the head. 6.The teacher left the classroom and he was followed by his students. 【短篇写作】【短篇写作】 位于小山脚下的第一中学是珠海最好的中学。它建立于 1959 年, 有着悠久的历史。它占地面积 382 平方千米。校园景色优美。在这么 好的学校里学习,同学们感觉既荣幸又快乐。 参考答案: 【单句语法填空】 1

14、. 答案 critical 2. 答案 moreover 3. 答案 justify 4. 答案 web 5. 答案 accidentally 6. 答案 in 7. 答案 a 8. 答案 embarrassed 9. 答案 fence 10. 答案 independent 11. 答案 latter 12. 答案 be forgiven 13. 答案 complex 14. 答案 embarrassed 15. 答案 weave 16. 答案 to 17. 答案 core 18. 答案 duty 19. 答案 to 20. 答案 Dressed 21. 答案 sunk 22. 答案 sati

15、sfied 23. 答案 alone 【选词填空】 A: (1) 答案 look down on (2) 答案 keep silent (3) 答案 make;requests (4) 答案 be satisfied with (5) 答案 adjust to (6) 答案 worry about (7) 答案 by accident (8) 答案 get along with B: 1. 答案 Even if 2. 答案 in advance 3. 答案 tells a lie 4. 答案 protect;from 5. 答案 consist of 6. 答案 To an extent 7.

16、 答案 ask;for advice 8. 答案 apply;to C: (1) 答案 pulled his weight (2) 答案 take a breath (3) 答案 working out (4) 答案 letting;down (5) 答案 as well as (6) 答案 help out (7) 答案 raised our concern 【补全句子】 1. 答案 The greenhouse protects vegetables from cold. 2. 答案 let you down 3. 答案 Embarrassed and ashamed 4. 答案 Trea

17、ted in this way 5. 答案 Its cheaper if you book the tickets in advance. 6. 答案 Disappointed with 7. 答案 Charlies going to have problems finding a job even if he gets hisAlevels. 8. 答案 The delicious soup consists of tomatoes,peas and meat. 9. 答案 The professor is easy to approach,and all the young teacher

18、s like to ask for advice from him. 10. 答案 take a deep breath 【句型转换】 (1) 答案 When taken away from his mother,the baby began to cry. (2) 答案 Trapped in the rain, many students were late for school. (3) 答案 Given more time, we will do it better. (4) 答案Though taught several times, some students still dont

19、know how to do it. (5) 答案 The girl fell off her bike when crossing the road, wounded in the head. (6) 答案 Followed by his students, the teacher left the classroom. 【短篇写作】 Located at the foot of a hill, No.1 High School is one of the best high schools in Zhuhai.Founded in 1959, it has a long history and covers an area of 382 square kilometres.The campus is really beautiful with the buildings surrounded by trees and flowers.The students here all feel honored and delighted to study in such a wonderful school.


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