川教版六年级下册英语Unit 1 Different Jobs-Lesson 3 What's Wrong with You -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f0b47).zip

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Lesson 3 Whats wrong with you? Work in pairs. tired have a rest Youd better 累的 休息一下 Im tired. thirsty have some water Youd better 口渴的 喝点水 Im thirsty. hungry eat some bread Youd better 饥饿的 吃些面包 Im hungry. Youd better Youd better not 你最好 你最好不 ill 生病的 Youd better not eat eat too muchtoo much 吃太多 I feel ill/terrible. drink cold milk Youd better not 喝冷牛奶 I feel terrible. work Youd better not 工作 watch TV Youd better not 看电视 play Youd better not 玩 I feel hungry. Youd better eat some bread. 我感到很饿。 你最好吃些面包。 I feel ill. Youd better not eat too much. 我感到难 受。 你最好不要吃太 多。 Lets learn. have a headache 头疼 have a cold 感冒 have a cough 咳嗽 1. I have a _. 2. I have a _. 3. I have a _. headache Whats wrong with you? Whats wrong/the matter with you? I have a headache. 你怎么了? 我头痛。 Whats wrong with you? I have a cold. Whats wrong with you? I have a headache. Whats wrong with you? I have a . see a doctor 看病 take some medicine 吃药 stay in bed 卧床休息 Whats wrong/the matter with you? I have a headache. Youd better/should have a rest. take some medicine - Whats wrong with you? - I have a headache. - You should take some medicine. - Whats wrong with you? - I have a cold. - You should . When I have a headache, the doctor will tell me: -You should -You should have a rest.have a rest. You shouldnt You shouldnt watch TV.watch TV. -I have a headache. Listen and chant Listen match and say. stay in bed see a doctor have a headache have a cough take some medicine have a cold Homework 1.Remember the words and structure. 2.Read the book on page 15. The second period stay in bed see a doctor have a headache have a cough take some medicine have a cold Lets talk. 爸爸,我感觉难受。 听到这个消息我很难过。怎么了? 我头疼还有点咳嗽。你最好去看医生。 你怎么了? 我头疼还有点咳嗽。 让我看看。你得了重感冒。 我必须待在家吗? 是的。你最好不要去学校。吃 些药,然后好好休息。 噢,不!我将错过足 球比赛。 He has a headache and a cough. Take some medicine and have a good rest. Because he will miss the football match. 1 2 3 4 5 A: Good morning, doctor. B: Good morning. _ A: I have a headache and a cough. B: Let me see. You have a bad cold. A: _ B:Yes. _ A: _ A. Youd better not go to school. Take some medicine and have a good rest. B. Must I stay at home? C. Whats the matter with you? D. Oh no! Ill miss the football match. The third period 笑锻炼肌肉药呼吸放松 Read and understand 黑色 保佑 蓝色 地板 花 苍蝇 飞机碟 加 可数名词变复数的四种情况: 选出不同类: ( )1、A、song B、girls C、boys ( )2、A、fly B、bird C、flower ( )3、A、babies B、songs C、flies ( )4、A、hospital B、worker C、farmer ( )5、A、colour B、pink C、brown A C B A A LeadingLeading DesignDesign 主备人主备人审核人审核人教导处教导处 课标要求课标要求 Master the words and daily expressions, culture the studentsinterest in learning English, form good learning habit. 知识目标 1、能够听懂、会说本课有关疾病的短语:have a headache, have a cough, have a cold 和治疗疾病的方法:see a doctor, stay in bed, take some medicine,并能较熟练地应用于对话中。 2、能较熟练地运用表达自己感受的句型:“I feel .” ;能 够用英语进行就医的简单问答“Whats wrong/the matter with you”? “I have a headache.” ,以及表示建议的用语“Youd better not/shouldnt.” 。 能力目标 1. 能在本课有关对话练习的帮助下听懂对话大意,并能够进 行仿编和表演。 2.能够理解课后小诗,并能通过小诗拓展词组 catch a cold, have a fever,go to the hospital,give an injection 等。 导学目标导学目标 情感目标 通过本课的学习,告诉孩子们要养成良好的生活方式和积极的 生活态度。 导导学学 重难点重难点 重点:1.、本课单词的正确发音、拼读和应用。 2.、能清楚地告诉他人和 医生自己的感受,能对别人提出合理的建议的短语和句型。3、能够熟练地 运用本课所学的单词、句型进行简单的对话。4、能读懂本课短文,并进行 简单的转述。5、能正确拼读含有本课字母组合“bl” , “fl” , “pl”的相关 单词和朗读相关句子。 难点:2.、能清楚地告诉他人和医生自己的感受,能对别人提出合理的建议 的短语和句型。3、能够熟练地运用本课所学的单词、句型进行简单的对话。 5、能正确拼读含有本课字母组合“bl” , “fl” , “pl”的相关单词和朗读相 关句子。 教法教法 Communicative Teaching. The Situational Approach teaching method. TPR 学法学法 Corporation learning. Talking. 导学准备导学准备 Cards, PPT, Tape, ect. 教案来源教案来源 Designed by myself TheThe firstfirst periodperiod 导学环节导学环节教师活动教师活动 StepStep OneOne EstablishmentEstablishment I I. . G Gr re ee et ti in ng gs s. . T: Good morning, boys and girls! Ps: Good morning, T: How are you? Ps: Fine, thank you. I II I. . W Wo or rk k i in n p pa ai ir rs s. . 1、学习新句型: Youd better. . T:(做出疲劳的样子)Boys and girls, Im so tired. My friend tell me, “Youd better have a rest”. Whats the meaning of this sentence? Can you guess? P1: . . T: Yes, good. You are so clever. It means:你最好休息一下。So “Youd better”means, “你最好” 。Ok, this time please look at the screen.(展示图片,让学生读单词tired 和短语 have a rest。然 后再出示句型:Im tired. Youd better have a rest. ) 用这种方法,在PPT 上出示图片,复习单词和短语:thirsty/have some water; hungry/eat some bread.并将单词和短语带进句型:Im . ./Youd better. 进行练习。 (此环节可让同桌两个孩子之间进行练习, 可适当抽一、两组孩子表演。 ) 2、学习新句型: Youd better not. . 老师在黑板上板书 “Youd better”然后再后面加上 “not”.让学 生讨论这个新句型的意思: “Youd better not. ”. 向学生出示图片,教授新的单词(ill, terrible)和句型 ( I feel ill/terrible).看屏幕上的图片,让学生们思考如何给别给人提建议 (Youd better not eat too much.) 根据这种方式,让学生看 PPT 上 出现的图片进行单词的复习和句型的操练。 3、听录音,然后读对话。 IIIIII.Lets.Lets learn.learn. 1.学习新单词和句型。 出示图片,教授新的短语: have a headache, have a cough, have a cold. T:(做头痛的动作)Guess whats wrong with me? Ps: 头痛。 T:Yes. In English we say “have a headache”.(出示图片头痛的 图片)用动作和图片教剩下的短语:“have a cough, have a cold” 。 根据所学的短语填空. 听录音,学习新的句型: “Whats wrong with you?/Whats the matter with you?”你怎么了? I have a headache/cough/cold.我头痛/咳嗽/感冒。 You should see a doctor/take some medicine/stay in bed.你应该 看医生/吃药/卧床休息。 句型延伸:句型延伸:YouYou shouldnt.shouldnt. 你不应该你不应该. . . Look and practice.(看图,用所给出的信息套入句型进行练习。) StepStep Two:Two: ComprehesionComprehesion 1、听和读 (p15) 2、Listen and chant.(p17) (学习短语:“catch a cold, have a fever, go to hospital, give an injection.”) StepStep ThreeThree PracticePractice Listen, match and say.(p15) 1、首先看图片,复习所学过的单词和短语 2、听录音,练线。 3、再听录音。 (老师逐句逐句放)然后订正答案。 4、最后老师让学生根据图片,用本课所学到的句型同桌的孩子之间进行 一个练习。 Homework: 1. Remember the words and structure. 2. Read the book on page 15. 板书设计导学反思 Lesson 3 Whats wrong with you? I feel. Youd better/Youd better not. I have . You should/You shouldnt. . 1、 本节亮点: 2、待改进处: 课后练习: 1、将图片与单词连线。 stay in bed see a doctor have a headache have a cough take some medicine have a cold LeadingLeading DesignDesign TheThe secondsecond periodperiod 导学环节导学环节教师活动教师活动 StepStep OneOne EstablishmentEstablishment I I. . G Gr re ee et ti in ng gs s. . IIII. . ReviewReview 1、评讲上节课的练习。 2、抽生读短语。 StepStep Two:Two: ComprehesionComprehesion I I.Work.Work inin groups.groups. 1、四个学生一组,读课文(p14) 2、根据课文,选出正确的答案。 -Whats wrong with the boy? -He has _ . A. a headache B. a headache and a cough C. a cold D. a cough Whats the doctors suggestion? A. Stay at home. B. Take some medicine C. Have a good rest. D. A, B and C. The boy has to stay at home. Is he feeling very happy? A. Yes. B. No. C. A little. D. I dont know. IIII. .学习课文学习课文.(.(将正片课文分成将正片课文分成 3 3 部分来讲解:部分来讲解: 1-4;5-6;7-10)1-4;5-6;7-10) 1、学习 1-4. 放录音,学生跟读。圈出关键词和新词,然后试着翻 译。抽生读 1-4, 然后进行角色扮演巩固 1-4。 (用同样的方法教授 5-6、7-10 这两部分的内容) 2、再次听录音,然后分角色扮演表演整篇文章。 (四个学生一组进行角 色扮演,然后由教师抽机组进行全班展演) StepStep ThreeThree PracticePractice 完成书 p16 的练习。 1、Listen and underline the correct sentences. 2、Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. 3、Listen, number and act. Homework: 1.Read the text on page 14. 2.Finish the exercise. 板书设计导学反思 Lesson 3 Whats wrong with you? have a cold-have a bad cold have a rest-have a good rest miss 2、 本节亮点: 2、待改进处: (football)match 课后习题: A: Good morning, doctor. B: Good morning. _ A: I have a headache and a cough. B: Let me see. You have a bad cold. A: _ B:Yes. _ A: _ A. Youd better not go to school. Take some medicine and have a good rest. B. Must I stay at home? C. Whats the matter with you? D. Oh no! Ill miss the football match. LeadingLeading DesignDesign TheThe thirdthird periodperiod 导学环节导学环节教师活动教师活动 StepStep OneOne EstablishmentEstablishment I I. . G Gr re ee et ti in ng gs s. . IIII. . ReviewReview 复习句型: Youd better. ./Youd better not. . You should . ./You shouldnt. . StepStep Two:Two: ComprehesionComprehesion I I.Read.Read andand understand.understand.(p18p18) 1、将单词和图片连线。首先由学生自己做。老师更正答案。 2、听录音,圈出新的单词或短语。 3、老师对课文逐句讲解:: healthy, way of life, laugh, laughter, most, equal, exercise muscle, breathe deeply, relax, be good for, sick people, get well. 4、再听录音,完成 p18 的练习。 IIII.Look,.Look, listenlisten andand say.(p19)say.(p19) 1、放录音,让学生仔细听“bl”的发音,然后试着抽学生读一读 “bl”的发音。 2、出示单词:black、bless、blue,让学生根据“bl”的发音试着来 拼出三个单词的读音。 3、再放录音,学生跟读。 4、让学生试着翻译一下几个单词的意思。 ( (用同样的方法教授字母组合用同样的方法教授字母组合“fl“fl、pl”)pl”) 5、介绍可数名词变复数的几种情况。 (p19) StepStep ThreeThree PracticePractice 1、Do the choice answers on screen. 2、Choose the different words. Homework: 1.Read the words on page 19. 2.Be able to use one and more than one. 板书设计导学反思 Lesson 3 Whats wrong with you? healthy, way of life, laugh, laughter, most, equal, exercise muscle, breathe deeply, relax, be good for, sick people get well 3、 本节亮点: 2、待改进处: 课后练习: 选不同类: ( )1、A、song B、girls C、boys ( )2、A、fly B、bird C、flower ( )3、A、babies B、songs C、flies ( )4、A、hospital B、worker C、farmer ( )5、A、colour B、pink C、brown
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