陕旅版(三起)五年级下册Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now -Part C-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e1248).zip

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Unit 1 How are you feeling now? Period 3 -What is your mother/ father? 你妈妈你妈妈/爸爸是做什么工作的?爸爸是做什么工作的? - She / He is a _. doctor nurse farmer driver policeman housewife 全职太太、家庭主妇 worker cook teacher salesman saleswoman boss -How is your mother/ father feeling? 你妈妈你妈妈/爸爸感觉怎么样?爸爸感觉怎么样? - She / He is feeling _. What can/should we do? 我们可以我们可以/应该做些什么?应该做些什么? We can/should study hard. We can/should help mom do some housework. -What can you do for your mom or dad? 你能为爸爸妈妈做什么?你能为爸爸妈妈做什么? -I can _. helpful do the dishes sweep the floor wash the clothes cook the meal make the bed cook the meal clean the windowssay “ i love you “ What does he do for his mom? Listen and do He gives his mom a glass of water . He is a good boy. Lets learn more Su: Mom, are you tired? Mom: Yes, a little. Su: Sit down and drink some water. Mom: Thank you. You are a good boy. 一点点,可修饰不可数一点点,可修饰不可数 名词和形容词名词和形容词 一点点时间一点点时间 a little time 一点点水一点点水 a little water 有一点生气有一点生气 a little angry a little hungry有一点饥饿有一点饥饿 你真是个好孩子。你真是个好孩子。 Why is Miss White angry? Because Colin is late again. Listen and answer What is Miss White doing? She is telling Colin to come to school on time and not to be late again. Alice: Look, Miss White is angry. Why is she angry? Li Shan: Colin is late again. This makes her very angry. Alice: So Miss White is telling him to come to school on time and not to be late again. 再次再次 make: “使人使人” “sthsth. . makesmakes sbsb.+.+形容词形容词”表示表示“某事使某事使 某人感到某人感到. 这幅画使我感到伤心。这幅画使我感到伤心。This picture makes me sad. 我喜欢玩电脑游戏,它使我感到疲惫。我喜欢玩电脑游戏,它使我感到疲惫。 I like playing computer games. It makes me tired. 准时准时 别再迟到别再迟到 A: I like_ It makes me happy. B: I dont like_. It makes me sad/ angry/ tired. Talk in group Look and write 1. Mom _ is feeling angry. 2. The boys _ are feeling tired. 3. The music _ makes Kevin happy. is feeling sad.4. The boy_ ar / a : / armartfarmcar bar 酒吧酒吧 park 公园公园 party garden 花园花园 star dark 黑暗黑暗 smart 聪明的 market 市场市场 er herhersherself term 学期学期 serve 服务服务 person 人人 German 德国德国 er rulerdriver worker river 河流河流 dinner letter 信信 answer 回答回答 teacher Homework 1. 熟读课文并背诵P4,签字。 2. 完成导学练测第_页. Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now? 第三课时第三课时 教学目标:教学目标: 一、学习重点句型 It makes me/her/him/them/us . 二、Are you tried/ Is he sad? 教学重点:教学重点: 能熟练掌握句型:It makes me/her/him/them/us . Are you tried/Is he sad? 教学难点:教学难点: 对所学句型的灵活应用 教法:教法: 高效课堂教学模式 学法:学法: 自主探究 合作交流 教具准备:教具准备: 小黑板 录音机 教学环节:教学环节: 学习目标(2 分钟) 一、学习重点句型 It makes me/her/him/them/us . 二、Are you tried/ Is he sad? 自主学习(15 分钟) (一)温故知新 完成 Lets learn more 学习。 (二)阅读方法 对照课本第 4 页,练习主系表结构的句型,并读懂对话。 (三)互助释疑 同桌间读对话,理解对话内容并掌握句型,This makes . (四)探究出招 小组合作用 It makes me/her/him/ them/us . 造句。 展示交流(10 分钟) (一)小组展示 小组内练习本课重点句型。 (二)班级展示 自主阅读 Read a story 的对话并在讲台上展示对话。 点拨升华(8 分钟) (一)教师放录音,学生跟读。 (二)学生小组内读懂 Read a story。 (三)小组内分角色读对话。 (四)上台表演对话。 课堂作业(5 分钟) 作业当堂清 完成 Part C Read and answer。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now? It makes me/her/him/them/us . Are you tried/Is he sad? 课后反思:课后反思:
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