(新教材)北师大版(2019版)高中英语必修二 核心知识点讲解及练习 (全册3份打包).zip

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高一北师大高一北师大 2019 版英语版英语-必修必修二二 Unit 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 【NOTES ON THE TEXTS】 Topic Talk Technology really enables people to communicate better with each other. 科技真的 能使人们更好地相互交流。 enable sb. to do sth 让某人能够做某事 allow sb. to do sth. Eg: The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early. 新的测试应该能够使医生早早发现疾病。 Lesson 1 They look forward to a time when their avatar will act like a real person and travel around bigger, more exciting virtual worlds. 他们期待着有朝一日,自己的虚拟形象会像真人一样去环游更广阔、更精彩的 虚拟世界。 look forward to 期望,等待 Eg:I am looking forward to your reply. 我期待您的回复。 Lesson 3 1. It is these skills that enable us to develop lifelong friendships. 正是这些技能使我们发展终生的友谊。 【强调句型】It is + 被强调部分+ that. 判断强调句的方法:去掉“it is.that”后,句子仍然是完整的的则为强 调句。 Eg:It was I that saw a man running in the cold and rainy night. ( I saw a man running in the cold and rainy night. 强调的部分是主语 I ) 是我看到了一个男人在寒冷的雨夜奔跑。 2. Instead of having proper conversations with their friends, some people are only concerned with their online popularity-How many “likes” did I get? 一些人不再和朋友好好地交谈了,他们只关心自己网上的人气-我得了多少 个“赞”? 1 instead of 而不是. Eg: You probably picked up my keys instead of yours. He was wearing a scarf instead of a tie. He grumbles at his lost instead of resolutely facing his difficulties. 他不是果敢的去面对困难,而是抱怨自己运气不佳。 Instead ad. 代替 Eg:I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead. 我放弃了写叙事诗,而写了这个小故事。 2 be concerned with 牵涉到,与.有关,挂念,担心 Eg:We should be concerned with the health of the community. 我们应该关心社区人民的健康。 Its easy to be concerned with problems across the other side of the world and not see the poverty and unhappiness on your own doorstep. 人们往往会关注世界另一端的问题,而忽略了家门口的贫困和不幸。 be concerned about 关心,挂念 Eg:we shouldnt be concerned about personal gains or fame. 我们不应该只关心个人所得和名声。 And employees need to be concerned about how they are rated. 而且员工需要对他们如何被评价而感到担忧。 【GRAMMAR】 -Past Future 过去将来时过去将来时 一过去将来时 1. 定义:过去将来时表示从过去某时看将要发生的事 2. 基本构成:主语 + would + V.(原型) / 主语+were(was)going to+V.(原型) 3. 例句 Very few people knew that future avatars would have such a wide variety of forms and uses. They discovered that they were going to have the power to create new identities. 【注意】would 用于过去将来时和表示过去重复的动作时含义不同。 He said he would raise the question at the meeting. (past future) When I was small, my mum would read me stories at night. (repeated action in the past) 【练习练习】 练习一 I. 选择填空 1. Li Ming said he _happy if Brian_to China next month. A. as; come B. was; would come C. would be; came D. will be; come 2. Jenny said she _her holiday in China. A. spent B. would spent C. was going to spent D. would spend 3. What did your son say in the letter? He told me that he _ the Disney World the next day. A. will visit B. has visited C. is going to visit D. would visit 4. I hoped Tina _ to my birthday party on time the next Wednesday. A. to come B. is coming C. will come D. was coming 5. Father said that he _ me to Beijing the next year. A. took B. would take C. takes D. will take 6. We were not sure whether they _ more vegetables. A. are going to grow B. were going to grow C. will grow D. have grown 7. She _ to work when the telephone rang. A. is going B. will go C. was about to go D. is to go II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Miss Zhang said she _(visit) the Great Wall next summer. 2. She told him that she _(not stay) here for long. 3. I wasnt sure whether Lucy_(come) the next year. 4. The scientists said the worlds population _ (slow) down in future. 5. She said the bus _(leave) at five the next morning. 6. I wasnt sure whether he _(lend) me his book the next morning. 7. He was fifty-six. In two years he _(be) fifty-eight. 8. Whenever she has time, she _(help) them in their work. 练习二 I. 选择填空 1. Li Ming said he _happy if Brian_to China next month. A. as; come B. was; would come C. would be; came D. will be; come 2. Jenny said she _her holiday in China. A. spent B. would spent C. was going to spent D. would spend 3. What did your son say in the letter? He told me that he _ the Disney World the next day. A. will visit B. has visited C. is going to visit D. would visit 4. I hoped Tina _ to my birthday party on time the next Wednesday. A. to come B. is coming C. will come D. was coming 5. Father said that he _ me to Beijing the next year. A. took B. would take C. takes D. will take 6. We were not sure whether they _ more vegetables. A. are going to grow B. were going to grow C. will grow D. have grown 7. She _ to work when the telephone rang. A. is going B. will go C. was about to go D. is to go II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Miss Zhang said she _(visit) the Great Wall next summer. 2. She told him that she _(not stay) here for long. 3. I wasnt sure whether Lucy_(come) the next year. 4. The scientists said the worlds population _ (slow) down in future. 5. She said the bus _(leave) at five the next morning. 6. I wasnt sure whether he _(lend) me his book the next morning. 7. He was fifty-six. In two years he _(be) fifty-eight. 8. Whenever she has time, she _(help) them in their work. 练习一:Key:I. 1-7 CDDDBBC II. 1. would visit 2. would not stay 3. would come 4. would slow 5. was leaving 6. would lend 7. would be 8. would help 练习二 Key:I. 1-7 CDDDBBC II. 1. would visit 2. would not stay 3. would come 4. would slow 5. was leaving 6. would lend 7. would be 8. would help 高一北师大高一北师大 2019 版英语版英语-必修必修二二 Unit 5 HUMAN AND NATURE 【NOTES ON THE TEXTS】 Lesson 1 1. All at once, the sky was covered with dark clouds ad in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. 突然,天空被乌云笼罩,刹那间,我们就被卷入了可怕的风暴中。 1 all at once 突然间,刹那 Eg:All at once, his name came into my mind. 突然,他的名字跃入我的脑海。 All at once it began to rain. 突然间下起雨来。 2 be covered with 被.覆盖 Eg:The garden is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow. 整个花园满是樱花,看起来好像是铺着一层粉色的雪。 2. In the end, a boat picked me up. 最后,一条船上的人把我救了起来。 pick up 接载,搭载 Eg: The survivors were picked up by fishing boats from a nearby village. 幸存者被附近村庄的渔船救了起来。 Lesson 3 1. First, his two sledges broke down and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. 先是他的两辆雪橇坏了,后来马匹开始在大雪和严寒的天气下出现 严重问题。 break down 停止运转,出故障 break through 突破,突围,有重要创见 break up 打碎,破碎,结束,解散 break out v. 爆发,突发 Eg:The old electric fan has broken down. We need buy a new one. 旧电扇坏了,我们得买个新的。 Some demonstrators threw bottles and tried to break through barricades. 一些游行人员还向警察投掷瓶子,并且试图穿越路障。 The marriage on the basis on money is bound to break up. 建立在金钱基础上的婚姻势必是会破裂的。 Hostilities have broken out between the two countries. 两国之间爆发了战争。 2. Then he prepared for the return journey. prepare for sth. 为某事做准备 Eg:Its time to prepare for our final exam. 该准备期末考试了。 3. The team were soon very tired and were running out of food. run out of = use up 用完,耗尽 Eg:They almost ran out of food and felt helpless. 食物快吃光了,他们感到很无助。 run out of steam vi. 失去势头,精疲力尽 Eg:But here he soon runs out of steam. 但是他很快就失去了活力。 4. Later, these rocks proved that at one time in the distant past, the continent of Antarctic was covered by plants. 后来,通过这石块可以证实,在遥远的过去,南极洲曾经被植被覆 盖。 at one time 曾经有一个时期,一度 Eg:At one time he lived with his uncle. 他曾一度与叔叔住在一起。 5. Scott and two of his team members carried on and got within eleven miles of one of their food bases. carry on 继续走,继续前进 Eg:She stopped and looked back, then carried on down the stairs. 她停下来往后看了看,又继续下楼。 carry out vt. 执行,实行,贯彻,实现,完成 carry around 随身携带 Eg:A team of researchers carried out an experiment. 一组研究人员进行了一项实验。 We could not carry out that brash plan. 我们不能执行那个草率的计划。 These animals are quite small and they cant carry around a thick layer of blubber. 这些动物都很小,它们没有厚厚的脂肪层。 6. Stop your car as soon as you can, but avoid stopping near a building or under a tree. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 Eg:Why do we avoid doing what we love to do? 为什么不去做我们热衷的事情呢? 【GRAMMAR】 -Relative Clauses 定语从句(定语从句(2) 定语从句 1. 定语从句的概念: 2. 定语从句的作用: 3. 关系副词:when/ where/ why(充当次要成分,提供时间,地点, 原因等信息) 4. 例句: This is the place where I lost my purse. Marco Polo travelled to China, where there were inventions and developments at that time. 3 She still remembers the day when Bill first walked into her office. 4 Ill never forget the day when I first met this great inventor. 5 Do you know the reason why hes so anger with me? 6 Could you tell me the reason why you waste time going to the bank when you can do your banking online? 【注意】有时 reason 后面的 why 可以省略,或者使用 that。 Eg: The reason (that) hes coughing so badly is because of the smog. 【练习练习】 1.The place _interested me most was the Childrens Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel _last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year _the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day _Ill never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory _well visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place in the factory _we are working since then. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book _the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10.The pen _he is writing is mine. A.with which B.in which C.on which D.by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of _sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer _my father works is about 50 years old. A.to whom B.on whom C.with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class _family is in the country? A. who B. whos C. which D. whose 14.Im interested in _you have said. A. all that B.all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary _was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isnt such a man _he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, _we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, _to the concert enjoyed it very much. A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him 19.I dont like _ as you read. A. the novels B. the such novels C. such novels D. same novels 20.He talked a lot about things and persons _they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 21.The letter is from my sister, _is working in Beijing . A. which B. that C. whom D. who 22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of _are women. A. them B. which C. whom D. who 23.Youre the only person _Ive ever met _could do it. A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who 24.I lost a book, _I cant remember now. A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that 25.Last summer we visited the West Lake , _Hangzhou is famous in the world. A.for which B.for that C.in which D what 26.I have bought such a watch _ was advertised on TV. A. that B. which C. as D. it 27.I can never forget the day _ we worked together and the day _ we spent together. A.when; which B.which; when C.what; that D.on which; when 28.The way _he looks at problems is wrong. A. which B. whose C. what D./ 【参考答案】 1-5 ACDCA 6-10 CAAAA 11-15 CDDAD 16-20 DBBCB 21-25 DCDAA 26-28 CAD 高一北师大高一北师大 2019 版英语版英语-必修必修二二 UnitUnit 6 6 THETHE ADMIRABLEADMIRABLE 【NOTES ON THE TEXTS】 Topic Talk The aim of living is making better lives for others. 我觉得自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。 -雷锋日记 Lesson 1 1. She began to talk about the life-saving drug, artemisinin, which she had recovered with the help of her team in the 1970s. 她开始谈论挽救生命的青蒿素,这是她在团队的帮助下于 20 世纪 70 年代发现的一种药。 【句式分析】 2. The woman was Tu Youyou, the first Chinese female scientist to be awarded a Noble Prize for her work. 【改成强调句】- It was Tu Youyou that was to be awarded a Noble Prize for her work. 【改成定语句】- It was Tu Youyou who was to be awarded a Noble Prize for her work. Lesson 2 He inspired people around the world to fight for equal rights and justice. 1 inspire sb. to do sth. 鼓舞/激励 某人做某事 2 fight for 为.而战,而奋斗 fight against v. 对抗,反对;与.作斗争 fight it out 据理力争,一决雌雄 / fight out 以斗争解决 Eg:Hopeful news in the fight against coronavirus. 在对抗冠状病毒的斗争中,有一个充满希望的消息。 And thats the fight against global poverty. 这就是全世界范围内拯救贫困的运动。 Both men got ready to fight it out. 两个男人准备一决雌雄。 Lesson 3 Thus, not only is he known as a superhero in the Superman films, but he is also regarded as a superhero to many in real life. not only.but also 不但.而且;引导两个并列句时,前面的句子要 进行倒装。 be regarded as 被看作,被认为 =be known as 被称为,被认为是,以.著称,众所周知的 【GRAMMAR】 -Relative Clauses 定语从句(定语从句(3) 定语从句 1. 定语从句的概念: 2. 定语从句的作用: 3. 介词+which/whom 引导的定语从句 4. 例句: 1 This is the shop from which I bought the book. 2 He is the teacher with whom I discussed my project. 3 The train on which Im traveling is for Shanghai. 4 This is the professor from whom Ive learnt a lot. 5 She is doing an important project about which I know little. 6 Have you seen the telescope with which I studied the sky? 【练习练习】 1. Who is the woman is sweeping the floor over there? A. who B. / C. that D. when 2. The doctor is leaving for Africa next month. A. the nurse is talking to him B. whom the nurse is talking C. the nurse is talking to D. who the nurse is talking 3. He talked about a hero no one had ever heard. A. of whom B. from whom C. about that D. who 4. Have you read the book I lent to you? A. that B. whom C. when D. whose 5. American women usually identify their best friend as someone _ they can talk frequently. A. who B. as C. about which D. with whom 6. Recently I bought a second-hand car was very low. A. which price B. the price of whose C. its price D. whose price 7. Lily, is Helen _ you want to introduce me to? A. that B. who C. whom D. the girl 8. The professors talked with us about the beautiful schools and the experienced teachers _ they had seen. A. that B. who C. which D. what 9. This is the only bus _ goes to the village school. A. / B. that C. where D. it 10. Is there a shop around _sells China Daily ? A. who B. where C. in which D. which 11. She was the only one of the girls in our class _ accepted as candidate for the president of our Students Union. A. who was B. who were C. who has been D. who have been 12. She is no longer the sweet little girl _ she used to be. A. what B. who C. when D. that 13. Is this singer _ songs you like best? A. whos B. whose C. which D the one whose 14. He got angry with _ was against his opinion. A. who B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who 15. Anyone _with what I said may raise your hand. A. which agrees B. who agree C. who agrees D. which agree 16. Thats the dog _. A.weve been looking after B. after which weve been looking C. what weve been looking after D. weve been taking care for 17. This is the last time _ Ill give you a lesson. A. when B. that C. what D. as 18. The family _ I stayed with in Paris are coming to London . A. whose B. which C. what D. whom 19. This is the very knife _ I used to cut apples yesterday. A. that B. by which C. which D. with which 20. China has many rivers, _ the Yangtze River is the longest. A. which B
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