(新教材)北师大版(2019版)高中英语必修三UNIT7 Period Three Lesson 2 BEIJING OPERA 课时作业(含答案).docx

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1、Period ThreeLesson 2 BEIJING OPERA .单词拼写 1.I like the sweater, particularly the(图案) on it. 2.You cant expect to ma foreign language within a week. 3.Over 80 per cent of the workers in this company are(女性). 4.With the help of his teachers, the boy has made great progress in many a this term. 5.Scient

2、ists cant tell exactly how human brain works, for it is much too (复杂). 6.You shouldnt base such an important decision on(情感) rather than on reason. 7.It is(绝对) impossible for us to complete so much work in a short time. 8.The museum had several paintings that(代表) the artists early style. .单句填空 1.I d

3、idnt recognize Uncle Lihe took off his mask. 2.Every action and(move) in Beijing Opera expresses a unique meaning. 3.This unique art form developed in China in the late(eighteen) century. 4.You can enjoy good health by combining a balanced dietregular exercise. 5.Many bad habits, for example, smokin

4、g, are very difficult(break) away from. 6.The English short play, which(perform) by my classmates, was a great success. 7.The clown,was wearing a large red nose, brought the audience lots of fun. 8.David was late for work that morning. That washe failed to catch the early bus. .短语填空 attract ones att

5、ention, be different from, be interested in, have no idea, seem like, take note of 1.The teacher told her students a funny story in order to. 2.the weather conditions before you decide to go hiking. 3.You maywhat a hard life the family lived in those days. 4.Since youthe position, you should apply f

6、or it right now. 5.The worka big challenge, but we are sure of completing it in time. 6.Actually, British EnglishAmerican English in some aspects. .句型训练 1.the weather will stay hot for another two days. 据说天气还会再热两天。(say) 2.We should make good use of the Internet. 我们应该好好利用因特网。否则,它会伤害我们,甚至会毁了我们。(otherw

7、ise) 3.One of the biggest reasons we have a weight problem these days is. 现在我们有体重问题的最大的原因之一就是我们坐得太久了。(表语从句) 4.Beijing Opera, has become popular with more and more foreigners these years. 京剧是一种中国传统艺术形式,近年来受到越来越多外国人的欢迎。(定语从句) 5.The students have been told that. 学生们被告知考试时不能查阅课本。(refer to) .阅读七选五 根据短文内容

8、,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。 To many of us, art is obviously a kind of human expression of creativity. But in recent years, you may have read news about artificial intelligence (AI) creating its own art, such as painting or writing poems. Some people worry that AI might someday replace artis

9、ts. 1.Many artists today are turning AI into a useful tool. Instead of replacing artists, AI is bringing artists more possibilities. A piece of music created by AI recently attracted attention. AI was used to turn the novel virus into a piece of nearly two-hour-long music based on its protein struct

10、ure. The project was led by Markus Buehler, an American musician and MIT professor of engineering. He assigned (分配) a unique note to each amino acid (氨基酸) in the protein. 2. Listeners found the project to be “mind-blowing”. “It allows me to see the virus from a new angle,” said one listener.3.As The

11、 Verge wrote, “AI helps artists play around in unpredictable ways, creating things beyond what they have ever thought was possible before.” 4.For example, in the comic and animation industries, there are now AI tools that can automatically (自动地) colour in black and white line drawings. Although the

12、results can be unpredictable and require a little clean-up, it “could give artists room to experiment, by cutting down the time it takes to colour each frame (画面)”, said Joao Do Lago, animator of Netflixs Castlevania. As Peter Ward wrote for The Culture Trip, art of every kind has always been influe

13、nced by technological breakthroughs. 5. A.The AI then translated these notes into music. B.AI has become an important part of our everyday life. C.But this worry seems to be unnecessary, at least for now. D.AI can become a useful tool to bring change to the art world. E.Besides the music industry, A

14、I has entered the world of poetry as well. F.This surprising marriage between science and art could not be achieved without AI. G.Apart from co-creating imaginative works, AI can also help artists avoid repeating tasks. .阅读理解 One of Americas best-known artists colonies, the MacDowell Colony, will tu

15、rn 114 next year. It is a place where artists of all types can sweep away distractions (令人分心的 事物) and just create. MacDowells operations are funded by foundations, corporations and individuals. Writers, composers, photographers, film-makers and sculptorsboth famous and unknowncompete for the 32 free

16、 studios at the place. Once accepted, an artist can stay for as little as a couple of weeks, or as long as a couple of months. When they arrive, artists find a kind of isolation(隔绝) hard to find in our world. Theres no phone, no fax, no friend and no family. Its just a cabin in the snowy woods. Writ

17、er Emily Raboteau lives in New York City. She came to MacDowell to work on a novel. She received a desk, chairs, pencils and paperand ice grippers. The walk from one isolated, one-room studio to another is icy, so colony residents (居住的人) fasten the ice grippers to the bottom of their shoes. Another

18、colony resident, Belfast composer Elaine Agnew, plays a piece called To A Wild Rose, written by Edward MacDowell. She says its so famous that every pianist in the world has played the tune. A hundred years ago, MacDowell owned the land where the colony now sits. He liked its isolation and his abilit

19、y to get work done there. After his death, his wife, Marian, encouraged other artists to come. And for the last century, artists have accepted the invitation, coming to step outside of their daily lives for a short time. Privacy is respected, but cooperation and discussion are common. Screenwriter L

20、.M. Kit Carsonwho wrote The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and the film adaptation of Sam Shepards play Paris, Texashas visited MacDowell twice. He says that the interdisciplinary(跨学科的) discussion there is valuable. “You sit around at dinner, talking, and then somebody runs off and brings you back some s

21、tuff and shows it to you,” he says. “That, I didnt realize, is part of the magic here, because people are really open to showing their opinions here.” ()1.What do the colony residents have in common? A.They find it hard to survive the loneliness. B.They usually stay in the colony for months. C.They

22、are already famous in their own field. D.They are nearly cut off from the outside world. ()2.Why does the author mention Elaine Agnew? A.To show the wide range of the residents. B.To introduce the origin of the colony. C.To admire her great musical talent. D.To show respect for MacDowell. ()3.Where

23、does the magic of the MacDowell Colony lie according to L.M. Kit Carson? A.It has a homely feel. B.It values the balance between work and play. C.It encourages privacy greatly. D.It has an idea-sharing atmosphere. ()4.What would be the best title for the text? A.A wonderland for artists B.The creati

24、vity at work C.A happy birthday D.The power of silence 参考答案 .1.pattern(s)2.master3.female(s)plex 6.emotion7.absolutely8.represented .1.until/before2.movement3.eighteenth4.and/with5.to break 6.was performed7.who8.because .1.attract their attention2.Take note of3.have no idea4.are interested in5.seems

25、 like6.is different from .1.It is said that 2.Otherwise, it will do harm to us or it can even ruin us 3.that we sit around too much 4.which is a traditional Chinese art form 5.they cannot refer to their textbooks in the exam .【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了人工智能(AI)不会取代艺术,但它 会对艺术产生积极作用。 1.C由空格后两句“如今许多艺术家正在把人工智

26、能变成一种有用的工具。人工智 能并没有取代艺术家,反而给艺术家带来了更多的可能性。”可知,为承接下文,C 选项 “但这种担心似乎没有必要,至少目前是这样。”切题;该选项中的“this worry seems to be unnecessary”对应下文中的“人工智能并未代替艺术家”。故选 C 项。 2.A由本段中的“人工智能被用来根据病毒的蛋白质结构将这种新型病毒变成一段 将近两小时长的音乐。”和“他给蛋白质中的每个氨基酸都分配了一个独特的音符。” 可知,人工智能将音符变成了音乐,为承接上文,A 选项“人工智能随后将这些音符翻译 成音乐。”切题。故选 A项。 3.F由下一句“正如 The Ve

27、rge网站所写,人工智能帮助艺术家以不可预测的方式发 挥作用,创造出超出他们以前认为可能的东西。”可知,人工智能将科学和艺术结合起 来,帮助艺术家实现了以前不能实现的东西,为承接下文,F选项“没有人工智能,科学和 艺术之间的这种令人惊讶的结合是不可能实现的。”切题。故选 F项。 4.G由下一句“例如,在漫画和动画行业,现在有了人工智能工具,可以在黑白线条图 中自动着色。”可知,人工智能可以帮艺术家完成上色这种重复性的工作,为承接下 文,G选项“除了共同创作富有想象力的作品,人工智能还可以帮助艺术家避免重复任 务。”切题。故选 G 项。 5.D由上文和上一句“正如彼得沃德在文化之旅中所写,每一种

28、艺术总是受到 技术突破的影响。”可知,人工智能给艺术带来了积极影响,所以人工智能是有用的工 具,为承接上文,D 选项“人工智能可以成为给艺术世界带来变革的有用工具。”切题。 故选 D 项。 .【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了美国一个著名的艺术家聚居地麦克 道威尔文艺营(MacDowell Colony),并介绍了它的特点、起源以及艺术家选择在这里 进行创作的原因。 1.D细节理解题。根据文章第三段“When they arrive, artists find a kind of isolation(隔 绝) hard to find in our world. Theres no pho

29、ne, no fax, no friend and no family. Its just a cabin in the snowy woods.”可知,这个艺术家聚居地能够给人与世隔绝的感觉,这里没 有电话、传真、朋友及家人。故选 D。 2.B推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的“She says its so famous that every pianist in the world has played the tune. A hundred years ago, MacDowell owned the land where the colony now sits. He liked its

30、 isolation and his ability to get work done there. After his death, his wife, Marian, encouraged other artists to come.”可知,麦克道威尔(MacDowell) 喜欢这个地方与世隔绝的状态,认为此地很适合进行创作。他去世后,他的妻子也鼓 励其他艺术家来此地创作。据此推断,作者介绍 Elaine Agnew 是想介绍这个艺术家聚 居地的起源。故选 B。 3.D细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“That, I didnt realize, is part of the magic here, because people are really open to showing their opinions here.”可知,L.M.Kit Carson认为其魅力在于人们很愿意在这里展示他们的观点,因此这里有分享观点的氛 围。故选 D。 4.A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文讲述了美国一个著名的艺术家聚居地麦 克道威尔文艺营(MacDowell Colony),并介绍了它的特点、起源以及艺术家选择在这 里进行创作的原因。全文围绕着这个文艺营展开描述。故选 A。


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