(新教材)北师大版(2019版)高中英语必修三Unit 7 Art单元基础检测(含答案).doc

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1、Unit 7Art 单元基础检测单元基础检测 【单句语法填空】【单句语法填空】 1.I would appreciateif you paid in cash. 2.He is(current) writing a book about his experiences inAfrica. 3.Zhang Daqian was able to master a variety of painting styles,(range) from detailed portraits to(express) landscapes. 4.Graffiti is writings,drawings or m

2、arks(make) on walls in public places. 5.Could you tell me if this kind of film would be(accept)? 6.He also painted the massive circles of white and yellow(race) across the sky. 7.It shows a beautiful house(light) by lights from inside, (surround) by the darkness of night. 8.The stars and the moon ha

3、ng bright in the night sky.Beneath this (amaze) sky,we see a(sleep) village and a dark,lonely tree. 9.They were(挣扎) to get out of the broken car. 10.Cities are connected by new(宽阔的) roads. 11.Hes a(compose) of serious music.I like his music a lot. 12.I invited her to dinner but she made no(respond).

4、 13.He had been a(talent) musician in his(young). 14.Beethoven is regardedone of the greatest composers in the history of music. 15.In his(twenty),he had been very famous for his skills on the piano,but then he began to lose his hearing. 16.Picasso gave Zhang 600 works in total,all ofwere his imitat

5、ions of Chinese paintings. 17.I wonder if you could also give me more information about how (apply) to be part of this festival. 18.For the past few months,we(interview) and filming young players about their interest in basketball. 19.Air pollution in the city had reached four times the(可接受的) levels

6、. 20.If you want to sell your house property,why not put an(广告) in the newspaper? 21.Trust is a vital(组成部分) in any relationship. 22.The painting needs more light and(阴影部分). 23.The(氛围) over dinner was warm and friendly. 24.This was the first time she appeared on the(舞台). 25.Mozart early showed a rema

7、rkable(天赋) for music. 26.The costume had to have bright and colourful(图案). 27.The data is(复杂的),but we understand the structure very well. 28.Look at the(乐谱) and try to play that song. 29.The pictures were all bright,positive and(令人振奋的). 30.Many tourists enjoy feeling the warm sand(在下方) their feet. 3

8、1.Mozart(作曲) his last opera shortly before he died. 32.If you(犹豫) too long,you will miss the opportunity. 33.The ring was a(标识;信号) for everyone to leave the building. 34.After everyone was seated the chairman(继续) to announce his plan. 35.The students(表演) two plays each school year. 36.I could see th

9、e(人形) of a woman against the window. 37.She refused to allow the(展览) of her husbands work. 38.The magician performed his tricks with(专业的) skill. 39.No official(许可) has been given for the event to take place. 40.Peter stood by me when I most needed it.Ill always(感激) that. 41.Walking has a good(affect

10、) on our health. 42.He was lucky to get out of the(burn) car successfully. 43.His boss told him to be present at the(month) meeting. 44.Its going to be a tough competition but Im(mental) prepared for it. 45.The Empire of Light is a series of paintingsBelgian artist Ren Magritte. 46.She won a gold me

11、dal for her fine performance in the(竞赛). 47.He admitted that he had used(带有威胁的) behaviour. 48.In my(青年时期) my ambition had been to be an inventor. 49.She promised(忠实地) not to tell anyone my secret. 50.The purpose of the law is to protect the right of the(个体). 51.He looked at her with obvious(钦佩). 52.

12、Its not easy to(掌握;精通) a foreign language. 53.Seize the chance,(否则) youll regret it. 54.They expressed mixed(情感) at the news. 55.All the attackers were(男性),aged between 25 and 30. 56.He has made progress in every(方面). 【用合适引导词完成句子】【用合适引导词完成句子】 1.A warm thought suddenly came to meI might use my pocket

13、 money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday. 2.I have no ideathe journalist could have got his information from. 3.There still exists some doubtthe little girl is suitable to do such heavy work. 4.Some people are born with the beliefthey are masters of their own while others feelthey are at t

14、he mercy of others. 5.Do you have any ideais actually going on in the classroom? 6.It is saidPeter will have a chance to travel abroad next month. 7.he managed to survive in the forest interested everyone present. 8.impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses. 9.some students are not awar

15、e of isdifficult life can be if they are not devoted to their study. 10.you described in the book made children interested. 11.Before a problem can be solved,it must be obviousthe problem itself is. 12.It is by no means clearthe president can do to end the strike. 13.The Great Wall,the Palace Museum

16、 and the friendly people aremany foreigners like Beijing. 14.I cant imagineexcited she was when she received your letter and presents. 15.Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday? Yeah,but I have no ideahe did it;thats one of his favorite universities. 【选词填空】【选词填空】 A 1.re

17、spond;response There was an enthusiasticto my suggestions. This modest group size allows our teachers toto the needs of each student. 2.advertise;advertisement We decided toour new product. The wall was covered with. 3.accept;acceptable It was pouring with rain so Ihis offer of a lift. We want a pol

18、itical solution that isto all parties. 4.admire;admiration The team felt greatfor the coach. He is a brave and cheerful man.We allhis courage. 5.permit;permission I would like to do it with you,but I am not sure whether my parents. You must ask forif you want to leave early. 6.perform;performer;perf

19、ormance Thewill begin at 8:00 pm. And then,I wanted to be on stage,and I wanted to be a. Although she had never been interviewed on TV before,shewell. 7.exhibit;exhibition She will have anof her pictures. His worksin the best galleries inAmerica,Europe and Asia. 8.punish;punishable Dangerous driving

20、 should be severely. Up to the 1970s,graffiti was considered. 9.threat;threaten;threatening The attackerthem with a gun. These ancient woodlands are underfrom new road developments. New Yorkers used to see the graffiti on the walls of poor neighborhoods and subway trains as somethingand as an exampl

21、e of urban decay. 10.mess;messy The room was in a terrible. She doesnt know how to tidy up theroom. 11.fail;failure Iin my attempt to persuade her. In a word,hisin the final exam did not surprise me. 12.view;viewer The programme attracted millions of. People came from all over the world toher work.

22、13.mystery;mysterious It is one of the great unsolvedof this century. He was being veryabout where he was going. 14.react;reaction They conducted a survey to find out localto the building of a new airport. I honestly dont know how I willthe next time I meet a potentially dangerous situation. 15.scen

23、e;scenery Theafter the accident is terrible. The best part of the trip is the;it is fantastic. B mask;score;tense;minor;clown;female;master; carriage;backstage;joyous;refer to;take charge 1.The dog remained faithful to his. 2.I promised not tothe matter again. 3.Doctors wearto prevent the spread of

24、infection. 4.Thethat he had ordered duly arrived,so we left. 5.All theworkers in this factory got a present on March 8th. 6.We just couldnt help laughing when we saw her dressed as a. 7.She played arole in the movie. 8.It is difficult to be natural when one is. 9.The company needs someone capable to

25、. 10.The finalof the football match was 43. 11.She had made their childhood soand carefree. 12.After the show,we were allowed to goto meet the actor. C messy;artistic;sculptor;expressive; documentary;extensively;punishable;best-selling 1.That flower arrangement looks very. 2.He traveledto escape fro

26、m boredom. 3.She doesnt know how to tidy up theroom. 4.Theturned the block of wood into a statue. 5.We were watching aabout Canadian sports. 6.The letter was written in a simple but verystyle. 7.Giving false information to the police isbehaviour. 8.The News of the World is BritainsSunday newspaper.

27、D band;shade;drama;figure;massive;costume; comedy;classical;calligraphy;masterpiece 1.Hamlet is one of Shakespeares. 2.She has fourchanges during the play. 3.We must makeefforts to improve things. 4.I likebecause they can make people laugh. 5.They are a teenagemade up of four cool boys. 6.The trees

28、providefor the animals in the summer. 7.He settled down at his desk to work out the exact. 8.Beethoven is regarded as one of the masters ofmusic. 9.The Elizabethan period was the golden age of English. 10.is the art of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen. 【补全句子】【补全句子】 1.有时

29、它被视为一种公众抗议。 Sometimes ita public protest. 2.我感激你的帮助并渴望收到你的来信。 Iand look forward to hearing from you. 3.两位艺术家的共同之处不只是相互欣赏。 The two artists had more in common than. 4.人们认为,现代形式的涂鸦在 20 世纪 60 年代首次在美国流行起来。 graffiti in its modern form first became popular in the United States in the 1960s. 5.看到那条蛇,那个女孩发出尖

30、叫声。 The girlat the sight of the snake. 6.她是一位非常引人注目的年轻女子。 She is a very. 7.医生记录的死亡原因是心脏衰竭。 The doctor recordedas. 8.他是画街景的画家。 He is a painter of. 9.电视广告主要依赖视觉效果。 on TV mainly depend on. 10.事情的发生都会有它的前因后果。 Everything that happens has a. 11.产品处于设计阶段。 The product is at. 12.这些变化将会如何影响我们? How will these

31、changes? 13.他还服用了一种药,能让人看到黄点,就像星夜里的星星一样。 He alsothat can make people see yellow spots,just like the stars in The Starry Night. 14.这些叶子的顶部有黄点。 The leaves haveon the top. 参考答案: 【单句语法填空】 1.答案 it 2.答案 currently 3.答案 ranging;expressive 4.答案 made 5.答案 acceptable 6.答案 racing 7.答案 lit;surrounded 8.答案 amazin

32、g;sleeping 9.答案 struggling 10. 答案 broad 11. 答案 composer 12. 答案 response 13. 答案 talented;youth 14. 答案 as 15. 答案 twenties 16. 答案 which 17. 答案 to apply 18. 答案 have been interviewing 19. 答案 acceptable 20. 答案 advertisement 21. 答案 component 22. 答案 shade 23. 答案 atmosphere 24. 答案 stage 25. 答案 talent 26. 答案

33、patterns 27. 答案 complex 28. 答案 score 29. 答案 uplifting 30. 答案 beneath 31. 答案 composed 32. 答案 hesitate 33. 答案 signal 34. 答案 proceeded 35. 答案 perform 36. 答案 figure 37. 答案 exhibition 38. 答案 professional 39. 答案 permission 40. 答案 appreciate 41. 答案 effect 42. 答案 burning 43. 答案 monthly 44. 答案 mentally 45. 答

34、案 by 46. 答案 contest 47. 答案 threatening 48. 答案 youth 49. 答案 faithfully 50. 答案 individual 51. 答案 admiration 52. 答案 master 53. 答案 otherwise 54. 答案 emotions 55. 答案 male 56. 答案 aspect 【用合适引导词完成句子】 (1) 答案 that (2) 答案 where (3) 答案 whether (4) 答案 that;that (5) 答案 what (6) 答案 that (7) 答案 How (8) 答案 What (9)

35、答案 What;how (10)答案 What (11)答案 what (12)答案 what (13)答案 why (14)答案 how (15)答案 why 【选词填空】 A: 1.答案 response;respond 2.答案 advertise;advertisements 3.答案 accepted;acceptable 4.答案 admiration;admire 5.答案 permit;permission 6.答案 performance;performer;performed 7.答案 exhibition;are exhibited 8.答案 punished;punis

36、hable 9.答案 threatened;threat;threatening 10. 答案 mess;messy 11. 答案 failed;failure 12. 答案 viewers;view 13. 答案 mysteries;mysterious 14. 答案 reaction;react 15. 答案 scene;scenery B: (1) 答案 master (2) 答案 refer to (3) 答案 masks (4) 答案 carriage (5) 答案 female (6) 答案 clown (7) 答案 minor (8) 答案 tense (9) 答案 take c

37、harge (10)答案 score (11)答案 joyous (12)答案 backstage C: 1.答案 artistic 2.答案 extensively 3.答案 messy 4.答案 sculptor 5.答案 documentary 6.答案 expressive 7.答案 punishable 8.答案 best-selling D: (1) 答案 masterpieces (2) 答案 costume (3) 答案 massive (4) 答案 comedies (5) 答案 band (6) 答案 shade (7) 答案 figure (8) 答案 classical

38、 (9) 答案 drama (10)答案 Calligraphy 【补全句子】 1.答案 is regarded as 2.答案 appreciate your help 3.答案 mutual admiration 4.答案 It is believed that 5.答案 let out a scream 6.答案 striking young woman 7.答案 the cause of death;heart failure 8.答案 street scenes 9.答案 Advertisements;visual effects 10. 答案 cause and effect 11. 答案 the design stage 12. 答案 affect us 13. 答案 took a drug 14. 答案 yellow spots


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