外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 3-Unit 2 Are you doing your homework -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a2180).zip

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Module 3 Unit 2 李春春李春春 What are you doing in the song? (你在这首歌里干什么?) Im. A:Is he tidying his room? B:Yes,he is. A:Is he playing with his train? B:Yes,he is. A:Is she watching TV? B:No,she isnt. She isnt watching TV. A:Is he reading a newspaper? B: No,he isnt. He isnt reading a newspaper. A:Is he sleeping? B:No,he isnt. He isnt sleeping. A:Is she drawing a picture? B:Yes,she is. A:Is she doing her homework? B:Yes,she is. A:Is he playing basketball ? B:Yes,he is. B:No,he isnt. A:Is he playing the piano? He isnt playing the piano. little bear Can you guess: Whats the little bear doing ? 小熊正在做什么? 视频1 Listen and reapet. Lets act. Its her Science homework ! Whats Amy doing? (Amy现在现在正在正在干什么?)干什么?) Watch and answer: 视频2 WhatWhats s AmyAmy dodoinging? Im drawing a picture of flowers. Listen and say When you hear”ing”,please say “here”. (当你听到当你听到ing,就说就说here.) Listen and repeat. Lets read it in your groups. Game: Act and guess. One choose a piece of paper and do the action,the others guess what he /she is doing,using“Are you ?” 一个同学上台选择一张单词卡选择一张单词卡并根据卡片做动作,做动作,其 他同学问:Are you ?猜猜他正在干什么,如果猜猜猜他正在干什么,如果猜 对就回答:对就回答:Yes,I am,不对就回答:不对就回答:No,Im not。 A:Are you ? B:Yes,I am. No,Im not. Lets write homeworkhomework 1、Listen and read the text for 3 times 2、完成一起作业。 ModuleModule 3 3 UnitUnit 2 2 AreAre youyou doingdoing youryour homework?homework? 一、一、 教学目标教学目标 (一)知识目标(一)知识目标 1、全体学生能运用 Are you doing your homework?,掌握句型:Are you doing .? 2、掌握单词 flower, science, today 的读音,做到会听、说、读。 3、感知一般疑问句 Are you doing your homework?的语音语调。 (二)能力目标: 1.能正确使用本模块所学习的单词和短语描述正在进行的动作。 2.能对正在进行的动作和正在发生的事情进行询问、回答。 3.能流利地朗读,并初步表演对话。 (三)情感目标: 通过学习本课使学生热爱生活,学习之余,帮父母做力所能及的 家务活。 一、一、 教学重难点教学重难点 1.熟练掌握 card ,flower, today.等单词。 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: Are you doing your homework? Amy? Yes, Mum./ No, Im not 3、能用正确的句式谈论正在发生的事情和正在进行的动作。 三、课前准备三、课前准备 PPT;教案;课文录音;单词卡片 四、教学方案四、教学方案 Step1: Warm-upWarm-up 1、Greetings 2、Sing the song: Walking,Walking 3、T:Now,Can you tell me :What are youyou doingdoing inin thethe song?song? S:Im walking、running、swimming Step2:Lead- in 1、T:Are you walking? S:Yes,I am. T:Are you listenning to the radio? S:No,Im not.(help answer) 2、T: “Now the little bear is talking to his father, lets have a look.” Whats the little bear doing? 3、Watch the whole video. 4、Listen and repeat. 5、Action the dialoge. Step3: Presentation 1、Show a picture of flowers, the teacher asks:Whats this? And introduce “Its Amys Science homework.” 2、Watch the whole video, then try to answer the question “Whats Amy doing?” 3、教师让学生每人准备三张纸片,一张上写一个大大的“?”,一张 上写有“+”,最后一张写有“-” 教师再放一遍录音,学生认真听,根据听到的内容举出相应的符号。 当听到问句时就高举“?”,听到肯定回答时高举“+”,听到否定句时 高举“-”。如: Tape: Are you doing your homework, Amy? S: hold up the “?” Tape: Yes, Mum S: hold up the “+” Tape: Youre not doing your homework. S: hold up the “-” 5. 教师先提问:“Is Amy doing her homework?”引导学生回答:“No, she isnt”。然后提问 Are you doing your homework?引导学生用“Yes, I am”或“No ,I am not.”并把这个问句及其肯定和否定回答写在黑板上写在黑板上。 6. 教师再放录音,让学生跟读录音,教师要提醒学生注意模仿录音 中人物的语音、语调以及语气,同时对于学生在跟读过程中出现的 错误教师要及时给予矫正指导。 a. Learn the word “flower” and practice saying. b. Learn the word “science” and practice saying. c. Learn to say the other subjects, e.g. Chinese, math, English, PE, music, Art and so on. d. Learn the word “today” and practice saying. 7、Lets Chant Flowers, flowers, a picture of flowers; Science, Science, I like Science; Day, day, Sunday, day, day, Saturday, day, day, today. 8、This time,read it in your groups and then act it out. Step4:Step4: practicepractice 1、Describe the photos: Are you doing? Yes/No, (学生提前带来自己的照片) 2、Lets play a game. 教师带领学生采用开火车的形式,来玩接龙游戏。 第一名学生面向第二名学生表演简单的动作,第二名学生用“Are you.?”问第一名学生,待第一名学生回答之后,第二名学生面向第 三名学生表演不同的动作,第三名学生用“Are you.?”问第二名学生, 第二名学生做答,依此类推。 2、Lets write. T:You can read well,you can say well. Can you write well? Now,please take out your exercise book,and write down “flower、science、today” Step5:Lets listen to a songAre you sleeping BlackboardBlackboard designdesign M3U2 Are you doing your homework? Yes,I am. flower、Science、today No,Im not. Step4Step4 课后作业课后作业 1、抄写本课单词。 2、熟读课文,完成一起作业。
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