(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修一Unit 1 Writing同步练习 (含答案).docx

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1、Part 4Writing 应用文写作应用文写作 写作题目 假如你的英国朋友 John 对中国的传统美食很感兴趣,请你写一封电子邮件向 他简单介绍中国传统美食饺子,包括以下内容: 1.历史:大约 1,800 年; 2.文化习俗:家庭团聚,新年食物,对未来的祝愿; 3.做法:蒸、煎、煮等。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear John, Yours, Li Hua 思路点拨 主题介绍饺子体裁应用文 人称以第三人称为主 时态一般现在时 布局 第一段:向 John 介绍中国传统美食饺子; 第二段:介绍饺子的历史; 第三

2、段:介绍饺子的文化习俗和做法; 第四段:答应 John 下次来中国时请他吃饺子。 遣词造句 .用本单元所学单词填空 1.n.(糕点等的)馅 2.n.朝,代;王朝 3.n.气氛,氛围;大气;气体;空气 4.vi.(根据情况)变化,变更;相异,不同vt.变更,改变 5.vt.蒸汽动力;水汽 6.vt.(使)沸腾 7.vt. 2.简要描述; 3.推荐理由。 注意: 1.字数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 读后续写 写作题目 (2020 山东济宁高一期末,) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的 短文。 Once there was a princ

3、ess. Her father was the king. He wanted her to marry someone that would make her laugh. Many princes came from around the world. But no one made her laugh. Three brothers lived near the kings castle. They wanted to marry the princess too. So they began walking to the castle. They each had a loaf of

4、bread. As they walked, they saw a sad old man. “Can you share some food?” the old man asked the first brother. The first brother said “No” and then walked away. Then the first brother fell, and hurt his leg. He couldnt walk to the castle. He went home. The second brother passed the old man. “Can you

5、 share some food?” asked the old man. “No,” said the second brother. He turned and walked away. Like his brother, he fell and hurt his leg. He also went home. Dale, the third brother, also saw the old man. “Can you share some food?” asked the old man. “Yes,” said Dale. He and the old man shared the

6、loaf of bread. “For your kindness, I have a gift for you,” said the old man. “It will make the princess laugh.” The old man gave Dale a goose with golden feathers. Dale did not know how a goose would make the princess laugh. But he thanked the old man and went on his way. 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 Paragraph

7、 1: As Dale walked,a girl touched the golden feathers of the goose, but suddenly,she was stuck (粘 住)! Paragraph 2: When a man passed Dale and the three girls,he tapped a girl on the shoulder,and he was stuck, too. 文本分析 .故事要素 .故事情节 曾经有一位公主,她的父亲是国王。他要将她嫁给一个会让她笑的人。许多 王子想娶公主,但是没有人能逗她笑。 有三兄弟也想娶公主,在他们去城堡的

8、路上他们看到一个老人。老人问他们 是否可以分享一些食物给他。尽管他们每个人都有一条面包,但只有戴尔和老人 分享了面包。老人为了表达谢意,送了一份礼物给戴尔,它是一只金色羽毛的鹅。 戴尔谢过老人后带着鹅继续前进。 戴尔走着时,一个女孩抚摸了鹅的金色羽毛,但突然,她被粘住了!(第一段开 头语) 当一个男人经过戴尔和三个女孩身边时,他轻拍了一个女孩的肩膀,然后他也 被粘住了。(第二段开头语) 续写方向 Para. 1 As Dale walked, a girl touched the golden feathers of the goose, but suddenly, she was stuck

9、 (粘住)! 女孩被粘住后做了什么? 另外两个女孩是怎么跟他们粘到一起的? Para. 2 When a man passed Dale and the three girls, he tapped a girl on the shoulder, and he was stuck, too. 一名男子与他们粘在一起后,他们做了什么? 看到戴尔带着三个女孩、一个男孩和一只鹅来 到城堡,国王、公主作何反应? 戴尔最终娶到公主了吗? 预测情节发展 第一段:戴尔走着时,一个女孩抚摸了鹅的金色羽毛,但突然,她被粘住了!结 合第二段中的 three girls 可以接着写:她别无选择,只能和戴尔一起走。又

10、有两 个女孩看见了那只鹅。她们也抚摸了鹅的金色的羽毛。突然,她们也被粘住了!于 是戴尔、鹅和三个女孩朝城堡走去。 第二段:当一个男人经过戴尔和三个女孩身边时,他轻拍了一个女孩的肩膀, 然后他也被粘住了。根据前文的基调可知,戴尔最后应该成功地娶到了公主,所以 可以按事情发展的顺序接着写:于是戴尔、金色羽毛的鹅和四个被粘住的人走到 了城堡。当公主看到这一幕时,她被戴尔逗笑了。戴尔最后和公主结婚了,从此过 着幸福快乐的生活。 遣词造句 1.完成短语或句子 (1)have no choice别无选择只有做某事 (2)公主看到戴尔,她笑了起来。 The princess saw Dale. (3)国王很

11、高兴。 The king was. (4)他终于找到了一个人,这个人能逗他女儿笑。 He finally found someone and the man could. (5)戴尔和公主结婚了,从此以后过上了幸福的生活。 Dale and the princess were married, andever after. 答案(1)but to do sth.(2)and laughed(3)very happy(4)make his daughter laugh (5)lived happily 2.句式升级 (6)用 when 引导时间状语从句改写句(2) (7)用 who 引导定语从句

12、改写句(4) 答案(6)When the princess saw Dale,she began to laugh.(7)He finally found someone who could make his daughter laugh. 连句成篇 参考范文 Paragraph 1: As Dale walked,a girl touched the golden feathers of the goose, but suddenly,she was stuck (粘住)!She had no choice but to walk with Dale. After they walked f

13、or a while, a second girl and her sister saw the goose. Attracted by the special goose, the girls also touched the feathers curiously. Suddenly, they were stuck too! So Dale, the goose, and the three girls walked toward the castle. They made up a big group. Paragraph 2: When a man passed Dale and th

14、e three girls,he tapped a girl on the shoulder,and he was stuck,too.So Dale, the golden goose, and the four stuck people walked to the castle. The group became bigger. When the princess saw Dale, she began to laugh. The king began to laugh too. Soon, everyone present was laughing. The king was happy

15、. Because he finally found someone who could make his daughter laugh. The princess was happy, too. Dale and the princess were married, and lived happily ever after. 写作积累 读后续写记叙文分类高级词汇 心理描写悲观情绪 ashamed 羞愧的depressed 沮丧的 lonely 孤单的guilty 内疚的 bored 无聊的jealous 妒忌的 remorseful 懊悔的regretful 后悔的 isolated 孤独的

16、desperate 绝望的 pessimistic 悲观的 PartPart 4 4WritingWriting 实战演练 写作指导 第 1 步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):have a preference for (偏爱)、 recommend (推荐)、soybean milk (豆浆)、date back to (追溯到)、give off (发出)等。 第 2 步:根据提示及关键词(组)遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。文章主 要用一般现在时。 第 3 步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一 定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 One pos

17、sible version: Dear Peter, I know you have a preference for Chinese food and drink, so Im writing to recommend a popular Chinese drink for breakfastthe soybean milk. Just like tofu, soybean milk can also date back to the Han Dynasty. Its white color makes it look like milk, but it is actually made from beans. When heated, it gives off a refreshing smell. Additionally, it is not only delicious but also nutritious since its rich in plant protein. If you are interested, why not have a try? Im sure youll fall in love with it. Yours, Li Hua


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