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1、2020 牛津高中英语必修一牛津高中英语必修一Unit 1 单元检测单元检测 一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子 1. May I take this o_ to thank you for all your hard work? 2. I think its important to keep a b_ between work and relaxation. 3. Tell me more d_ about the job. 4. Edison made a great c_ to the world. 5. Spare no effort to a_ knowledge and ne

2、ver give up. 6. Dont be too t_ on himhe is only a child. 7.Afire broke out in the market yesterday, but f_ no one was hurt. 8. We should teach children to work i_ instead of only depending on others in everything. 9. Many scientists have made a d_in creativity and critical(批判性的) thinking. 10. I dete

3、rmined to be a teacher from my childhood and I make e_ to realize this dream. 11. Perhaps there is a negative side to his _(性格) that you havent seen yet. 12. His _(提议) that the system should be changed was refused. 13. The _(焦点) of attention has changed. 14.After all, _(个人的) strength is limited. 15.

4、 If you want to work out the maths problem, you should have a _(积极的) thinking. 二、 单句语法填空 1. Parents should actively encourage their children to take advantage _ the opportunity to join sports teams. 2. I cant wait _(see) her face when she walks in here tonight. 3. Your problems lie _ not having effe

5、ctive methods. 4. We have full _(confident) that we shall succeed in the end. 5. Her good looks _(attraction) the stares of many men. 6. We need to learn _(advance) technology from foreign countries. 7. What you write should be _ the correct order. 8. Refer _ what you have written down and write an

6、article. 9. There will be many difficult and _(challenge) days ahead. 10. No matter how _(positive) you think, negative people have a great effect on you. 三、 用方框内短语的适当形式填空(有两项为多余选项) make the most of; last but notleast; be responsible for; be based on; stick to; rise to; in exchange for; as a result

7、of; over time; put together; get over;look forward to 1. Opportunity knocks but once, so we must _ it. 2. This toy can be taken apart and _ with ease. 3. _ your principles, and you will win through. 4. He lost his job _ the argument. 5. _, no littering is allowed. 6. The study _ data from 2,100 wome

8、n. 7. Table manners change _. They follow the fashion of the day. 8. Im_the weekend. 9. You should _ all the results. 10. I will teach you Chinese _ your teaching me English. 四、 完成句子 1. 技术使每个人都有更多的选择,以共同改善我们的未来。 _ _ to better our future together. 2. 批判性思维是一种行为,也是一种态度。 _ _ _ _ as much as an activity.

9、 3. 他真的算不上好演员。 He isnt really_ _ _ _ 4. 演讲太沉闷了,以至于我不能把注意力一直集中于此。 The lecture was _ _ _ I couldnt _ _it_ _. 5. 这项活动的目的是提高学生的听说能力。 This activity _ _ _ _ students ability _ _ _ _. 五、 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A William Wordsworth and the Lake District After writing Lyrical Ballads(1798),

10、Britains great poet William Wordsworth returned to his roots in the Lake District and remained there until his death in 1850. This introductory guide takes you through the heart of William Wordsworths Lake District from Grasmere through Rydal Mount via Ambleside to Windermere. Grasmere On 17th Decem

11、ber 1799 William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy moved into Dove Cottage, Grasmere. Here William Wordsworth wrote Ode: Intimations of Immortality, The Prelude(1805), most of Poems in Two Volumes(1807) andPreface to theLyrical Ballads and Dorothy kept her famous Grasmere Journal, now on display in

12、the museum. Rydal Mount William Wordsworth moved from Dove Cottage in Grasmere to Rydal Mount in 1813. He lived here until his death in 1850. The property is still owned by his descendants(后代) The house is situated between Ambleside and Grasmere, close to Rydal Water. Here he landscaped the garden a

13、nd wrote The River Duddon, Ecclesiastical Sonnets, Surprised by Joy, The Longest Day and revised The Prelude, which appeared after his death. Ambleside William Wordsworth worked in Ambleside at The Old Stamp House from 1813 to 1843 when he was Distributor of Stamps for Westmoreland. In 1820 he publi

14、shed his A Guide Through the District of the Lakes in the North of England. Then he succeeded Robert Southey as Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人) in the same year as he resigned from office. Windermere Outside Windermere on the A591 is the view that William Wordsworth described in The Prelude (Book ) The town cam

15、e into existence with the Kendal and Windermere Railway, which was built in 1844. The railway line ends at Windermere Railway Station thanks to the local opposition to its continuation, led by Wordsworth in speeches, letters to the press and two sonnets. () 1. Which of the following was written in D

16、ove Cottage? A. The Longest Day.B. Ecclesiastical Sonnets. C. Grasmere Journal.D. The River Duddon. () 2. Which of the following is TRUE about William Wordsworth? A. He designed a garden in Grasmere. B. He worked in Ambleside for 30 years. C. He and Dorothy wrote Ode: Intimations of Immortality. D.

17、He argued against the railway line in The Prelude(Book ) () 3. When did William Wordsworth become Poet Laureate? A. In 1813.B. In 1820.C. In 1843.D. In 1850. B When Jason Esterhuizen was 23 in 2011, an accident blinded him. Now, eight years later, special glasses and a device(装置) inside his brain ar

18、e allowing him to make_out some details of the world around him. In 2018, Jason moved from South Africa to California to join in a study that offered the possibility of helping him with his sight. Run by University of California and a company called Second Sight, the study aimed to test an unusual m

19、edical product called Orion. There are three important pieces to Orion. One part looks like a pair of glasses holding a camera on the persons head, which also sends wireless signals. The second part is a tiny computer processing(处理) the video from the camerathats where the sight comes from. The thir

20、d part is a tiny device implanted(植入) directly into the patients brain, which is new and different about Orion. For years, Second Sight and other companies have been working on ways to send visual information into the brains of blind people. Most of the efforts have focused on connecting to the reti

21、na(视网膜). By sending electrical signals to the retina, some visual information can be sent to the brain. So far Second Sight has given about 350 people retinal implants. But a retinal implant wasnt possible for Jason. Thats why Orions direct connection to the brain was especially interesting to him.

22、Dr Nader Pouratian, who gave Jason his implant, said, “With the system were testing now, you dont even need to have eyes for the device to work.” Jason is one of the six trying out the Orion in the world. Although Jason still cant see normally, he can tell dark from light. He says he sees little whi

23、te dots on a black background, like looking up at the stars at night. “Now I can do things that I couldnt do before. Its making my life much easier.” () 4. What does the underlined phrase “make out” in the first paragraph mean? A.Ignore.B.Understand.C.Recognize.D.Prove. () 5. What is mainly talked a

24、bout in paragraph 3? A.Where our sight comes from.B.How the product Orion works. C.How people with glasses see.D.What differences Orion has. () 6. Why does Jason Esterhuizen agree to test the Orion? A.He is interested in Orion.B.Orion is equipped for free. C.He wants to move to America.D.Orion helps

25、 him recover some sight. C I stood outside my front door catching my breath. After a lazy Christmas holiday, I had to recover from climbing stairs with carryon bags and a suitcase. I looked upRed tape crossed the door. I didnt understand French, but the one English word said enough: “POLICE”. Google

26、 Translate told me I would be caught if I entered, so I didnt. Finally, I called my rental agent(收租人). He went to the police station for more details. My agent returned with authorization to enter.Not only were my files undisturbed, but so were the TV and printer.The burglarshad taken a few items fr

27、om the top drawer as well as a small amount of money in the bottom drawer.Somehow they hadnt found the jewelry box in the third drawer.My agent also said something about fixing the locks tomorrow and making a list for the police. Then one day, I remembered that I had left another jewelry box in the

28、flat. My heart sank as I thought of a gold locket(项链坠) with a picture of my late honey Grandma inside. When I realized the box was missing, the whole experience seemed to crash down on me. I cried. At the end of January, I received a letter from the police. The burglarshadnt been found, and the case

29、 was closed. I slept with my purse by my bed. I hid my laptop when I showered. And then another challenge cameI was unexpectedly fired by my company. One July night, I reached into my third drawer to pull out my jean shorts. I heard something fall to the ground. I looked down: It was the tiny jewelr

30、y box I thought had been stolen six months earlier. Inside was the locket with honey Grandma smiling at me, being there for me, telling me not to give up. I started to cry. I knew that things were going to be OK. () 7. What did the red tape across the writers door mean? A.The police had arrested the

31、 burglars.B.The house couldnt be entered freely. C.The house was for sale.D.The writer didnt pay the rent on time. () 8. What did the agent promise to do? A.To fix the locks the next day. B.To report the burglary to the police. C.To pay for the missing things for the writer. D.To help the writer ren

32、t another flat. () 9. Why did the writer cry again? A.She cried over her bad luck.B.She recalled the smiling of her grandma. C.She regained her confidence.D.She recovered the stolen jewelry box. 六、 七选五 阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余 选项。 Developing a hobby makes you an interesting person an

33、d gives you something fun and enjoyable to do in your free time. _1_ So how can you find a suitable hobby for yourself? Find what interests you. If you try to force yourself into a hobby that you hate, its not going to last! _2_ For example, if you enjoy watching sports on television, you might have

34、 fun playing one. If you pick out something you like, youre more likely to find a hobby that you still stick with! Determine the availability(有效性) of resources. Make a list of what interests you, and determine what you can afford. While it may be easier to list the possible hobbies that you can deve

35、lop, the real question is whether you will be able to afford it or not. _3_ Remove the unrealistic options. _4_ But you cant choose it for some reason. For example, you may like oil painting a great deal, but you cant paint, as others in the house may find the smell unpleasant. Try out the hobby opt

36、ions. Once you have removed the unrealistic hobbies, it will become easier for you to know your actual possibilities. _5_ In fact, you also have the chance of trying out all the hobbies that remain on the list and know what keeps you the most interesting. Once you have tried out all the hobby option

37、s, pick up the one that you believe you will be able to enjoy for long. A. Figure out what sports fit you. B. However, you should not wait to get started. C. Instead, try turning what you love into a new hobby. D. Make sure only realistic and practical options remain on the list. E. Consider the too

38、ls for your hobby and let go of the hobbies you cant afford. F.You may be interested in a particular hobby and want to pick it up immediately. G. It also opens up new opportunities of meeting people who keep similar interests. 答案与详解答案与详解 Unit 1 一、 1. opportunity2. balance3. details 4. con

39、tribution5. acquire6. tough 7. fortunately8. independently9. difference10. efforts11. character12. proposal 13. focus14. individual15. positive 二、 1. of2. to see3. in4. confidence5. attract 6. advanced7. in8. to9. challenging 10. positively 三、 1. make the most of2. put together3. Stick to 4. as a re

40、sult of5. Last but not least6. was based on7. over time8. looking forward to9. be responsible for10. in exchange for 四、1. Technology enables everyone to have more options2. Critical thinking is an attitude 3. much of an actor4. so boring that; focus my attention on; all the time5. is aimed at improv

41、ing; of listening and speaking 五、 A 【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了对英国著名诗人威廉华兹华斯家乡的湖 区之行。 1. C解析:细节理解题。根据 Grasmere 部分中的“moved into Dove Cottage, Grasmere Dorothy kept her famous Grasmere Journal”可知答案。故选 C。 2. B解析:细节理解题。根据 Ambleside 部分中的“William Wordsworth worked in Ambleside at The Old Stamp House from 1813 to

42、 1843”可知, 威廉华兹华斯在 Ambleside 工作 了 30 年。故选 B。 3. C解析:细节理解题。根据 Ambleside 部分中的“William Wordsworth worked in Ambleside at The Old Stamp House from 1813 to 1843” 以 及 “Then he succeeded Robert Southey as Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人) in the same year as he resigned from office.”可知, 威廉华 兹华斯在 1843 年成为桂冠诗人。故选 C。 B 【文章大

43、意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了 2011 年 23 岁的 Jason Esterhuizen 因 一场事故失明了,八年后,他依靠一副特殊的眼镜和一个植入在大脑里的装置(Orion 装置) 恢复了一些视力,能够分辨出周围世界的一些细节。 4. C解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段“When Jason Esterhuizen was 23 in 2011, an accident blinded him. Now, eight years later, special glasses and a device(装置) inside his brain are allowing him to ma

44、ke_out some details of the world around him.”可知,2011 年,23 岁的 Jason Esterhuizen 在一次事故中失明了。八年后,一种特殊的眼镜和大脑里的一种装置让他 能够 make out 周围世界的一些细节。由此推知,画线词组 make out 意为“分辨”。ignore 忽视;understand 理解;recognize 辨认;prove 证明。故选 C。 5. B解析: 段落大意题。 根据第三段“There are three important pieces to Orion. One part looks like The

45、second part is The third part is is new and different about Orion.”可知, Orion 有三个重要的部分。其中一部分看起来像一副眼镜,在人的头上架着一个摄像头,它 也会发送无线信号。 第二部分是一个微型计算机, 处理来自摄像机的视频这就是视觉的 来源。 第三部分是一个微小的设备直接植入病人的大脑, 这是 Orion 的新奇之处。 由此推知, 第三段介绍了 Orion 产品的工作原理。故选 B。 6. D解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中的“But a retinal implant wasnt possible for Jason.

46、 Thats why Orions direct connection to the brain was especially interesting to him.”可知, 对 Jason 来说,植入视网膜是不可能的,这就是为什么他对 Orion 与大脑的直接联系特别感兴趣。由 此推知,Jason 同意测试 Orion 是因为它可以帮他恢复视力。故选 D。 C 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的东西丢失,包括含有已逝奶奶 照片的金项链。后来无意间失而复得,让作者发现生活并没有那么糟糕,重拾信心。 7. B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I looked upRed tape

47、 crossed the door. I didnt understand French, but the one English word said enough: POLICE (我抬头一看 红色的封条横在门口。我不懂法语,但是一个英语单词警察就足够了。)”及第二段中 的“Google Translate told me I would be caught if I entered, so I didnt.(谷歌翻译告诉我,如果 我进去,就会被抓,所以我没有。)”可知,作者门口的封条提示他,他不能随意进去。故 选 B。 8. A解析: 细节理解题。 根据第三段中的“My agent als

48、o said something about fixing the locks tomorrow and making a list for the police.(我的房东还说明天会修好锁,并列出失窃物品 的清单给警察。)”可知,房东答应第二天把锁修好。故选 A。 9. C解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Inside was the locket with honey Grandma smiling at me, being there for me, telling me not to give up. I started to cry. I knew that things were

49、 going to be OK.(项链里面亲爱的奶奶的照片在对我微笑,在那里守候着我, 告诉我不要 放弃。我开始哭泣。我知道一切都会好起来的。)”可知,奶奶的照片让我重拾信心,因此 喜极而泣。故选 C。 六、 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了培养一个爱好会使你成为一个有趣 的人, 并让你在空闲时有一些有趣和愉快的事情做, 就如何培养一个爱好作者给出了一些建 议。 1. G解析: 根据前文“Developing a hobby makes you an interesting person and gives you something fun and enjoyable to do i

50、n your free time.(培养一个爱好会使你成为一个有趣的人, 并让你在你空闲时有一些有趣和愉快的事情去做。)”可知,G 项“It also opens up new opportunities of meeting people who keep similar interests.(这也为结识志同道合的人提供新的 机会。)”符合文意。故选 G。 2. C解析:根据后文“For example, if you enjoy watching sports on television, you might have fun playing one.(例如,如果你喜欢看电视上的体育节目,


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