(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修一Unit 2 Let’s talk teensWelcome to the unit and Reading教案.docx

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1、1 英语英语 (必修(必修第一册)第一册) Unit 2 Lets talk teens Welcome to the unit 2. understand the organization of the magazine article; 3. analyze the causes of parent-child tensions; 4. build a positive attitude towards the adolescent stage of ones life. II. Key competence focus 1. Improve studentsabilities to an

2、alyze problems; 2. Connect studentsown experiences to the reading. III. Predicted area of difficulty Explore the significance of healthy parent-child relationships. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Appreciation and comparison 1. T leads Ss to appreciate the quote from Bing Xin and asks them to transla

3、te it in Chinese. 2. T encourages Ss to express their understanding of “home”. 3. T asks Ss to read an English poem about parentslove and describe Mother Birds feelings in the poem. 4. T shows Ss a Chinese poem in English and asks them to compare it with the first poem. 5. T asks Ss to express their

4、 opinions of parentsunconditional love. 【设计意图:引导学生通过翻译、朗读、理解、对比等活动来欣赏名人名言和中外诗歌,体 会其表达的共同情感和主题, 为阅读做铺垫, 同时也培养了学生良好的鉴赏能力以及比较文 化异同的能力。 】 Step 2 Prediction before reading 1. T leads Ss to focus on the title, pictures and the first paragraph of the magazine article and think about the following questions

5、: How do you understand the title? What could be the theme of the article? Why does the writer use a group of questions to introduce the topic? What could be the genre of the article? Who could be the audience? What aspects will be talked about in the following paragraphs? 【设计意图:指导学生关注图片、题目和第一段内容,从而

6、让学生了解杂志类文章的特点, 2 快速获取主题语境、写作技巧、目标读者、下文内容等文字之外的信息。这种创造性阅读的 方式有助提升学生推断力。 】 Step 3 Reading for organization 1. T asks Ss to read the following paragraphs and complete the outline of the article in A1 on page 18. 2. T leads Ss to analyze the structure of an argumentative essay: In paragraph1, the writer

7、 introduces the topic and states the focus of the essay. In paragraphs 2 and 3, the writer analyzes the causes of parent-child tensions. In paragraph 4, the writer comes up with some solutions to this problem. In paragraph 5, the writer states his/her conclusion and shows his/her opinions about the

8、topic. 【设计意图:学习理解阶段。学生根据信息结构图从宏观上梳理语篇信息,把握语篇脉络和 逻辑关系,形成结构化知识。 】 Step 4 In-depth reading 1. T asks Ss to focus on paragraph 2 and answer the following questions: What physical changes might teenagers worry about? Can you use one word or phrase to conclude teenagersworry? Which physical change trouble

9、s you most? How do you deal with it? 【设计意图:第二段内容较为简单,结构清晰,主要让学生联系自身实际谈谈青春期的烦恼 以及措施,深化对语言的灵活运用。 】 2. T asks Ss to focus on paragraph 3 and answer the following questions: What does “middle ground” refer to? (T explains the function of the dash here.) Do you know a special term for that period? (T sho

10、ws the new word “adolescence”.) What inner conflicts may teenagers have? (T leads Ss to find the sentence that best explains the inner conflicts.) Where can we put the phrase “on the one hand”? (T leads Ss to focus on the inner structure of this paragraph.) 【设计意图:第三段内容和结构均较为复杂,主要通过梳理、分析、推断等高阶思维活动, 提

11、升学生思维品质。第一、第二两个设问可达到两个目的:一是让学生理解破折号的作用, 二是通过追问,让学生在语境中学到 adolescence 和 adolescent 这两个单词。第三、第四两 个问题,让学生更好地把握段落结构。 】 3. T asks Ss to focus on paragraph 4. T asks Ss to conclude the 4 steps of communication. Take a minute to _. Try to understand the situation _. _ your actions and feelings. _ carefully

12、 and address their _. 【设计意图:帮助学生梳理“交流四部曲” ,为迁移创新阶段的活动做铺垫。同时在语境中 归纳与呈现“empathy”和“compromise”两个高级词汇。 】 Step 5 Critical reading 3 1. T asks Ss to focus on paragraph 5 and answer the following questions: Whats is the authors attitude to parent-child tensions? Could you find some information in the magaz

13、ine article to support your idea? What is the writing purpose of the magazine article? What do you think of the significance of healthy parent-child relationships in ones life? 【设计意图: 让学生辨别作者的态度和写作目的, 启发学生对 “健康亲子关系” 意义的思考, 鼓励学生创造性地表达自己的观点,帮助了解“人与自我” “人与社会”的关系,从而建立 健康的人生观。 】 2. T asks Ss to think abo

14、ut the following questions: The writer suggests that teenagers want both independence and their parents love and support. Do you feel the same way? Why or why not? Give an example. Cooperate with your praters and create a situation where you successfully solve the conflicts with your partners by fol

15、lowing the writers advice. 【设计意图:这两个问题引导学生联系自身实际,反思并解决自己生活中的实际问题,属于 迁移创新活动,也是学科育人的具体表现。 】 V. Homework 1.Collect words or phrases related to parent-child tensions in the magazine article. 2.Choose one paragraph and analyze its structure. 3.Write a summary of the magazine article (within 60 words). 【设计意图:课后在语境中再次梳理与复习本课词汇,学会自主分析段落结构,最后通过概 要写作内化课堂学习内容。 】


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